Chapter 10

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- Loki's Pov -

"So, I hear you're dating Thalia" Thor cracked his neck. I was laying on the floor, Panting. No, I was dying. We had just done an intense workout at Stark's gym. I am so out of practice. I frowned at my brother. How does he find these things out? Thor reached his hand out and opened it "Need a hand?" I grabbed it but due to me being sweaty, my hand slipped out of his and I ended up falling back down to the ground. Thor cackled. He reached for the towel and wipe his face before turning to face me.
"You hear? Have we travelled back in time to when we were children? Or is it common that people report back to you on me?"
"Hey," Thor said with a chuckle and raised his hands in defence "Word gets around. So, Are you dating Thalia?"
"Dating sounds so tacky" I responded and turned to grab my towel. I wiped my face and attempted to put myself in the right frame of mind for this conversation "Do you want me to see if she has a friend?" I turned with a cocky grin.
"Is she an Avenger?"
"Yeah, she is" I groaned as I stood up. My bones hurt. I grabbed my belongings from the bench and walked towards the showers "Is that going to be a problem?"
"Why would it be?" Thor shrugged. I stopped for a moment.
"Did you know? When we first met her?"
"Look, I'm not trying to check up on you. I was just surprised is all" Thor replied. I felt guilty for a moment. Thor worried, perhaps too much, but I figured if the roles were reversed, I would worry too.
"Come on," I said.
"Soooo, what's she like?" Thor put his arms behind his back.
"For me to know and you to find out," I said as dumped my bag on a bench in the showers. It had been three months since Thalia found out about me. We ain't dating but I am thinking of asking her to be my girlfriend soon. Not that Thor needs to know this.
"Please let me meet her. I promise to behave, I promise and I won't get all judgmental and stuff" Thor pleaded. He gave me his best puppy dog look. I rolled my eyes.
"No" I spoke. I sat on the bench and nearly drank a full bottle of water in one hit.
"Please" Thor begged.
"A God doesn't beg" I narrowed my eyes at the oaf "And the answer is still no"
"No. And that is my final answer" I snapped. I grabbed my wash bag and towel and stormed into the shower.

Thankfully, The shower managed to shut Thor up for a short while. While I was enjoying Thor's company, His mouth was getting on my nerves. Might just have to sew it shut. All the way home, Thor begged and begged me to meet Thalia. I was afraid of her meeting him I didn't understand his intentions. Would he try and seduce her? Steal her away? I didn't want to risk it. But at the same time, I should give him the benefit. If he wanted to steal Thalia away, He would have done it by now. I pretty much marched home, Thor had to jog a little to catch up with me. Wrapping his arm around my neck. I will admit that our bond has been getting stronger over the last few weeks. I don't want to stab him as much and I am quite glad for his company,

After we entered the flat, I finally snapped. Using what strength I have, I pushed Thor against a wall.
"Fine!! But you step one foot out of line. I will kick your arse" I wagged my finger at my brother before walking off.
"Yeah, Like that is ever going to happen"
"I'll talk to Thalia tonight. You can meet her officially IF she wants to. Don't go all Thor and come barging in" I warned.
"I still find it weird that Thalia has got your heart in a frenzy"
"Anything I do you find weird" I could only shrug.
"You're being vague on purpose" Thor leaned back against a wall. I emptied my bag into the washing basket.
"Now why would I do that?" I chuckled. I didn't like Thor knowing all my secrets.
"I don't know. Maybe to pay me back for prying" Thor tilted his head at me.
"I'll do that when you have your own love life, which by the way, is nonexistent" I rolled my eyes. Thor poked his tongue out at me, Pushed himself off the wall and sat on a stool.
"Brother I have to ask. Do you love her?" Thor stared at me. I held Thor's gaze for a minute before looking away. I let out a soft sigh.
"Yeah, I love her. I love her as the flowers love sunshine. I love her as the fish love the seas, as a deer loves nature, as a fox welcomes solitude, as the chicken loves the feed from its master's hands and as the eagle craves being free, unguided wind"
"Are you really Loki? You all loved up" Thor scrunched his nose up. I put my pointer finger over his mouth and looked at him. Thor pulled his head away "Carry on"
"Thank you. I love those big eyes of hers. Every glance never fails to make me weak in the knees. They also make me feel protected, appreciated and loved. They have seen so many different things and it still amazes me how a pair of eyes could control me. Her mouth is amazing. Her words are powerful. Those lips have uttered many different things, some positive, some negative, some loving, and some hateful. Only two of those four adjectives describe the words she uses with me, and I'm glad that's how it is. You NEVER want to be on her bad side" I glance at this mug that Thalia had given me. It was from a holiday that Prudence had taken her on. I wasn't allowed to attend (I might have tried several times) I looked at Thor who had this weird grin on his face and his hands cupping his cheeks "What is with that look?"
"What look?" Thor tried to look innocent.
"You got this weird grin on that ugly mug of yours" I waved my hand around Thor's face. Thor did that pouty smug face as he shrugged.
"What can I say? I like seeing you this way. Happy. Loved up. Content" Thor clapped his hands together "I never thought I would see you in a relationship" Okay, I have to come clean. Time to tell the truth.
"Thor, The thing is. I ain't in a relationship with Thalia" I grabbed a glass of water and sat next to my brother. Thor's mouth hung open.
"You ain't. But you're in love with her" Thor's voice was sort of high from the shock.
"You can still be in love with someone and not be with them" I looked at my water "Thalia doesn't know how I feel. She knows that I care a great deal for her but with the impending letter from the visa company, I can't tell her as I feel it will halt her dreams"
"So you're just going to let this feeling eat you up?" Thor reach over to the fruit bowl and took an orange off it.
"Pretty much. I want Thalia. I would give up everything to be with her. I would give up the next 4 thousand years to be with her" I puffed my cheeks out.
"You would go mortal for her?" Thor choked on a piece of orange. He pounded his chest while I nodded "Sorry. Bro, You need to tell her how you feel and fast"
"I can't just go up to her and tell her that I have been in love with her since day 2 of meeting her. That is just plain creepy"
"But Brother the way you are feeling, Thalia could also be feeling the same. You two could be soul bound!" Thor cheered. I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Soul bound? That hasn't been heard of in thousands of years. Who could my soul be connected... too" I zoned off. There was but one person it could be. Come to think of it. Thalia shares the same power as she. But it couldn't be her, Could it?

I think I was silent for a minute or two as Thor was shouting at me.
"Brother?" I felt a hand on my shoulder. The sound was muffled "Brother?!" Thor shook me back to reality.
"What? Sorry. was just thinking" I licked my lips.
"About her?"
"Define her?" I looked at Thor from the corner of my eye. I know which her he is on about. I just need him to say it so I don't seem so... crazy.
"HER. The one you used to claim was the epic love of your life. Sigyn" Thor grinned. He was like a five-year-old that had got the maths question right in class. I leaned back in my chair "You two were so in love it was oddly sickening. How long has it been since -"
"It's been seven hundred years since that fateful day" I interrupted. I will never forget that day.

Surtur wanted revenge on Thor (For reasons I still don't know to this day. Even Thor doesn't know. I read his mind). Sigyn was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. She tried to stop Surtur from stabbing Thor but she got stabbed instead. Safe to say that I turned into my Frost Giant form and froze the bastard (the only time I have ever enjoyed being a Frost Giant).

I remember cradling Sigyn in my arms as she bled out. Thor had gone to get help. She tried to speak but I had told her to save her strength. I begged her to stay alive. Thor would be back any minute. But she couldn't hold on. She told me to be happy and that she would always love me. Using the little strength she had remaining, She traced a mark on my chest, right above where my heart would be. Before I could ask what she was doing, her hand fell away and her head went limp.

Thor had just arrived with the healers as I started screaming.

"What mark did she do?" I mumbled as I placed my hand over my heart. Thor looked at me funny. I hopped down from the stool and ran over to my desk.
"Mark?" Thor frowned. I rummaged my desk. Why can I never find a pen when I need one "Loki, Do you care to share with the class?"
"Just before Sigyn died, She did this strange mark. It was a straight line with three curves. The middle curve had these like S shapes on the end of the" I finally found a pen and paper and drew the mark for Thor. His eyes widen as he stared at the mark "What is it?"
"It's sigil!" Thor clapped. I tilted my head. Thor sighed at me "You sure this is the mark?"
"I don't forget details like this" I folded my arms "Thor, I may be able to do magic but what is this mark?"
"This mark for reconnecting souls" Thor tapped the paper a bit too enthusiastically "Resurrection, Loki! Resurrection!" I traced the mark, I didn't know what to feel right now "Thalia's soul is Sigyn's"
"How can we be so sure?" I muttered.
"That I have no idea about" Thor sighed "I could head home and see what books I can find"
"I didn't know you could read" I jested. Thor playfully punched my shoulder.
"Whatever. Right. I am going to take a nap" Thor stood up and walked to the spare room.
"Yeah. yeah. Go and rest your one brain cell" I joked. Thor went to hit me again but I teleported away to the sofa. Causing Thor to fall over a stool "Are you ever not going to fall for that?" Thor shot up and dusted himself off.
"Whatever. Catch you later" he grumbled as he walked off. I laughed as I heard the door slam.

How on earth am I going to find out if Thalia is Sigyn? I mean Thalia knows about Norse mythology so she will know who Sigyn is. How can I approach this? The matter isn't exactly something that you bring up in conversation.
"How do I bring this matter up?"

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