Chapter 38

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- Loki's Pov -

"Are you not ready yet?" I groaned as I rolled on the bed. We were getting ready for the party that Chris was holding in the Avenger's tower. Which included all of The Avengers. Somehow, Chris had persuaded Thalia to have a leaving party before she left in two days. Apparently, he hated that he wasn't going to see her on her birthday. He did mutter two words that Thalia nearly passed out from which were no jeans. Thalia's worst nightmare. Thalia had finally picked out a beige checkered skirt that came above her knee. Cream short sleeve blouse and skin-coloured heels. She also put on some tights.
"Nearly darling. What are you wearing?"
"Urm. Black trousers, shoes and a black shirt. If Chris wants to complain about my outfit then he can shut up. Because I will not be listening to him" I folded my arms.
"Did you ever?" Thalia smiled.
"Good point" I laid on my front. One arm crossed under me while the other held my head up.
"What are you staring at?" Thalia looked over her shoulder at me.
"You. You look ravishing"
"Erugh, I need to do something with my hair" Thalia fluffed her hair "Got more kinks in it than a BDSM club" Groaning, I scrambled onto my knees.
"Hairbrush and straighteners" I demanded. I held my hand out as I made light work of Thalia's hair. While I prefer Thalia's natural curls, Thalia likes her straight "I suggest a half-up, half-down ponytail" I leant back a little to admire my work.
"Since when do you know about hair?" I questioned.
"Who do you think keeps giving Thor the worst recommendations for his locks?" I scoffed "I mean someone has to"
"You are a hairdresser?" Thalia leaned her head back and smiled. I returned the smile before pushing Thalia's head back up "I know, We've already had this conversation"
"Deja Vu... Hairspray... I needed to find something to pass the time" I sprayed hairspray onto a hairbrush and ran it through the hair "You must have remembered that I told you that I like to shift from male to female so I had to learn to look after my hair. Quite useful when trying to avoid Thor or Sif" I shrugged.
"And when do I get to see this form?"
"I'll annoy Thor off when we go back to Asgard" I smirked "Does it bother you that I can turn into a female?"
"No" Thalia shook her head "Like I forgot that you were a hairdresser, Did you forget that I swing both ways?"
"I did" I dropped the brush as I wrapped my arms around Thalia's shoulders "What's playing on your mind?"
"Was just thinking, Am I doing the right thing by moving?" Thalia shrugged me off her and stood up and started pacing "What happens if we move out there and Nanna falls ill or worse? Or Chris has an accident. Or you find someone who is more beautiful than me"
"Thalia, I will follow you to the ends of the earth and you do not need not worry about any other person and their attempts to sway my feelings. You have something that none of them will have"
"And that is?" Thalia stopped as I cupped her cheeks.
"My love, You have my heart" We stared at each other for a while. Well, it seemed a while. We both looked at the clock and saw that it was nearly 8.15 pm.
"The party starts at half-past" Thalia sighed.
"Good. As I have just... Little bit more hairspray... Finished" I clicked my fingers. I beamed with pride as Thalia checked out her hair in the mirrors.
"I love it!" Thalia exclaimed.
"I knew you would" I walked up behind my love and hugged her waist. Even in heels, I was still taller than her. Though I only had to bend a little to kiss Thalia on her temple "Come on. Let's go before I throw you on the bed"
"Would that get me out of the party?" Thalia sighed as I picked up my black jacket.
"Absolutely not. I don't want to ruin my work" I poked Thalia's button nose. Thalia pouted as I grabbed her hand and near enough dragged her out of the room.

I wish I knew how much the others had drunk. Chris had somehow convinced Stark and his band of merry men to come across from Amercia and join the merriment. Much to Thalia's joy. Thor couldn't remember how many bottles he held in his hands, All he knew was everything was a little hazy and he couldn't stop grinning. I looked at the others and the only ones who were not drinking were Thalia, myself, Wanda and her robot boyfriend, Vision. Everyone else was all smiling and laughing and very drunk. Maybe Chris was keeping track of how much alcohol was being consumed, maybe The Black Widow, maybe neither. I shrugged the question away and joined the mess of bodies all dancing in their living room. A song that I have never heard came on the speakers. I think Tony had heard it before as he was immediately jamming along, Doing some weird arm swing thing. Barton was going the same thing. After that song was on, The song, Rocking all over over the world came on. Stark and Chris just looked at each other and went full-on rock and roll star. Thor and Sam both joined in.
"You can definitely tell that Chris and Tony are drunk and related" Wanda folded her arms as I held my water. No one questioned it. After the other night with Chris and Thor, I was never drinking again. Not for a long time. Vision stood next to me.
"Most certainly" Vision looked at everyone.
"Right, I am taking bets on who crashes first" Thalia pointed to everyone "My money is on Thor"
"Voting against your brother-in-law? I'll say Mr Stark" Vision lent on the railing "Wanda, Who are you betting on?"
"My brother, Pietro. He was never any good at holding his drink" Wanda gestured over to the window where Pietro was slouched on the sofa. He was still awake but barely "At this rate, He won't make it till midnight"
"Why did he drink so much?" Thalia hid my face in her hands.
"One, Thor challenged the boy. Two, He tried keeping up with him, Steve and Tony and Three, He is drowning his sorrows. He got turned down by some the blonde thing on legs" I held up 3 fingers as I listed each reason.
"Sounds about right" Vision and Thalia spoke. I looked around and saw that Pietro was walking toward us.
"Pietro? You okay?" Wanda raised an eyebrow.
"*HIC* I feel like I am about to pass out *HIC* from the amount of booze that I have had" Pietro wobbled "I got up because I need more brandy *HIC*"
"Good luck with that. I think Sam drank the last bottle" Wanda pinched her lips. Trying not to laugh.
"Bollocks *HIC* Then I will find something else to drink" Pietro hiccuped. He flopped into a chair. He started singing some songs.

"So how did you come up with the name black widow?" I asked as I stood next to Natasha.
"2 reasons. 1, It was the name of my training programme. I'll explain that another day and 2, Small creatures are way more vicious. It's because there is less room to contain their anger"
"That is ridiculous!" Tony spoke loudly as he stumbled past "Give me an example"
"Okay, Wasps" Natasha replied.
"Spiders" Banner added.
"Snakes" Barton bellowed from the other side of the room. He said this while glaring at me.
"Those little dogs that live in handbags" Steve folded his arms.
"That would be Chihuahuas" Tony pointed to Steve, I smiled "Any other choice?"
"Thalia counts as a small creature" Thor stated. Thalia flicked her wrist and shot a small lightning bolt at him "Told you" Everyone laughed as Thor ducked behind Barton.
"I guess I win that vote" Thalia grinned as everyone laughed.

I pulled Thalia to the side. My hands were on her waist.
"So tell me, My love. What do you wish for a birthday gift? Some jewellery? Whatever you wish, It will be yours"
"Hmm. I already know what I want" Thalia tiptoed so her mouth was near Loki's ear "Simply you" I made an o shape with my mouth.
"Any other requests?" I tightened my grip on her waist. Thalia wrapped her arms around my neck.
"Oh, there are many but not ones I can say in public" Thalia licked her lips as she looked up at me. I looked around. Thalia made a little squeal as I pushed her against the glass railings.
"Darling, Carry on with those requests and whether people are here or not; I shall take you into one of the many rooms in this tower and kiss every square inch of your body while people listen, wishing they were us," Thalia bit her lip as she unwrapped her arms around my neck.
"Loki, That sounds excellent. However" She kissed my cheek "You can wait till after the party" Thalia smirked as she walked away. Knowing that I was still standing there.
"This going to be a long night" I growled.

Once again, We were sat around the firepit. Thalia was shattered and curled up into my side. I had a few people glaring at me, namely Barton and his little pet Widow.
"So how much of what we know about you is true?" Nat asked. both Thor and I tilted our heads "I mean the Norse side of history"
"Depends on what you ask?" Thor crossed his arms. I shuffled in his seat. My Norse history was a little more, tarnished than Thor's was. he got all the glory and I got painted as an idiot. Mostly because that's how Thor spread stories.
"Rock of Ages, Did you get fucked by a horse? And have an 8-legged foul?" Tony looked at me. As did everyone. Thalia hid her face in my shoulder.
"I hate that story" I grumbled "No I did not. I was pissing around with some forbidden spells from the Frost Giants. using some of Svaðilfari's mane hair and I messed up and blew up the cave I was working in. Out of the ashes, Sleipnir was born. Also, Can you not actually see how impractical it would have been to give birth to that thing?"
"Is he still around?" Wanda looked at me and Thor.
"He is. He is quite happy, Trotting around in his field" Thor sighed "He was a strange little thing. For some reason, He followed our father where ever he went"
"I told him to annoy him" I smiled "What else do you want to know?" Tong had his phone out as did Nat and Banner.
"My chemical romance, How did you earn your title God Of Mischief?" Clint spoke up.
"The first time Thor and I were on Earth, I put my helmet on a horse. I wanted to see how long it would take the town folk to figure out it was not me" I half-smiled.
"How long did it take them to figure it out?" Tony quizzed.
"I never found out. I got bored after 5 months so I went home. Father was not happy that I messed with people's heads so after telling him it was a joke. He named me God Of Mischief and Lies" I smirked as I shrugged "Anything else?"
"Do you have any kids?" Banner didn't look up from his phone.
"None at all... yet" I looked at Thalia as she blushed.
"What about the giant snake? Yogaburger?" Wanda lifted her head up "Your firstborn"
"What did you call it?" My eyebrows knotted together. Thalia chuckled at the nickname.
"Yogaburger. I can't pronounce it" Wanda showed me her phone.
"Jörmungand is a snake that I carved into stone and using illusion magic, I made him come to life. I kind of freaked my father out with that one"
"You told me and many others, That bloody snake is meant to kill me after I take 9 steps after he bites me" Thor raised his hands.
"How is he meant to kill you? Turn you to stone? Also, He has no teeth. He could gum you to death" I rolled my eyes.
"So he's not your child?" Banner asked.
"No" I shook my head.
"What about the giant wolf?" Tony show me his phone "I don't know how to say his name and frankly don't want to learn it"
"Oh, that's Fenrir. I adopted him when he was a pup and when I was messing with magic, He got in the way and hasn't stopped growing since" I smiled "Also told people that he was going to swallow Odin whole"
"Why?" Banner asked.
"Our father thinks that he is to be killed and eaten by Fenrir. Little did he know that after Fenrir bit Tyr's arm off, Fenrir became a vegetarian" I smiled "And he still doesn't know. Everyone else does though"
"Are you ever going to tell him?" Thalia leaned her head on my lap. She was getting tired now.
"Nope. So what other children does the internet say I have?"
"There's a Hela? A half lady, Half skeely bones type of girl" Tony read from his phone.
"Hela, the Goddess Of Death is our older sister. Not my daughter" I insisted. Maybe in another universe.
"You have a sister?" asked Steve, a brow raised "Is she adopted too?" Everybody else looked just as surprised to learn this new detail.
"Thor, What is it with your siblings turning out to be crackhead nutjobs?" Barton asked Thor bitterly. I flinched at the words. Thalia put her hand on mine.
"I was just as surprised as you are, my friends. But we should forget about my siblings, for my sister is gone" Thor beamed. He patted my shoulder "I got one sibling. And that is enough"
"I blame our father for not telling us" I scoffed.
"He didn't tell you a lot of things" Vision sighed. Both my brother and I nodded.
"Is any of the Norse myths true?" Barton raised his hand.
"Couldn't say. We told that many so in the end, We just let you Midgardians think what you wanted" Thor shrugged. Tony shuffled in his seat and turned to Thor "What does that thing say about me?"
"Do you have any kids with... Sif?" Tony spoke. I burst out laughing as Thor's face turned a deeper shade of red.
"I certainly do not. What does that mobile thing tell you?" Thor was suddenly very defensive.
"You and Sif have two children called Trud and Modi, but also a stepson named Ullr who you adopted" Tony showed Thor his phone.
"Sif has a son?" Thalia spoke up. She was too smirking. She already knew about Norse history and what was said.
"No, Trust me on that" Thor coughed.
"You also have a son named Magni with someone called Jarnsaxa" Nat chuckled.
"I have no children. Surrounded by them but none of my own" Thor exclaimed.
"Hang on, Just a minute, Jarnsaxa? The half-sister of the Jotun Angrboda?" Thalia twisted so she could stare at Thor. I explained that Thor had to go visit Jotunheim a few centuries ago. Father's orders.
"Would explain why you came back very happy" I hid behind my knuckles.
"Which means he got some while out there" Tony teased.
"You dirty dog" Thalia chuckled.
"You said nothing happened" Loki grinned.
"Because nothing did happen" Thor's voice went high. Everyone was laughing at him. He was blushing too.
"And here I thought I was the God of Lies" I shook my head.
"You are. And I don't care if no one believes me. I know the truth!" Thor shouted.
"I believe you that you have no children and that you didn't sleep with Jarnsaxa" Thalia spoke up. Thor stared at her.
"You do?"
"Yes but I also think that you slept with Sif" Thor blushed again "Actions speak louder than words and your face could write a novel" Thor rushed out of the room. Cursing at the lot of us.
"Oh, he mad" Banner flinched.
"He'll get over it" Thalia and I both said.
"Maybe not" Thalia gulped.

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