Chapter 9

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- Thalia's Pov -

"Will she freak when she finds out that I am a frost giant? Or a prince? Or by me being a God? Her favourite one might I add. She might faint from that" I heard in Loki's head. I stumbled up the last flight of stairs. I didn't hear anything else from Loki's thoughts. Even if they were the loudest in the building. I pressed my back against the wall by the loo. If I didn't lean against it, I would have fallen over.
"Why did I read his mind?!" I groaned as I gripped my hair. I've gained the attention of a Prince! The Second Prince of Asgard! A freaking GOD!! My favourite one might I add. How did I not know who he is? I work with The Avengers, There are files upon files for the man, With photos. Blurry photos but still not the point, I should know, Tony made me sort through them. I knew Thor was one but I've never seen his face. I don't even know what Black Widow looks like!

I really should pay more attention to paperwork.

I am going off-subject. I need to concentrate before I lose control again. The sooner I am out of this city the better. I wonder if Loki will come with me? He said he would look after me. I think he meant it. I hope he did. I do want him to come with me. Being a God doesn't mean anything. I wonder if he is like what the stories say. Is he evil? He can't be. Evil people are not good kissers. Well, I don't think they are. I don't make it a habit of kissing random people to determine if they are evil.

I clicked my fingers as an idea came to light.
"I could read his mind, I am in range and his thoughts are so loud" I then slapped my forehead. Mind reading is what got me in trouble in the first place. I might just take a chance with Loki. If he was evil, he would have killed me by now.

But I do believe that no one ever good is truly good and no one bad is ever truly bad. Just depends on your perspective. I mean nothing is ever truly set in stone till it is written and even then, You can sash the stone into itty bitty pieces.

Why do I feel the need to defend this man? Is this what a crush is like? No, it can't be. I only met the man about a day ago. I can't have a crush already. Nope. I am being stupid, This is... is... I don't know but it can't be a crush. It might be lust. Yes, Lust. I just need to get laid. Maybe jumping Loki's bones will work. Might get over him then. In more ways than one.

I took a couple of deep breaths. I shouldn't have read his mind. This is why Chris warns me about doing it. I thought about going back down the stairs but my bladder was bursting. With a heavy sigh, I pushed myself off the wall and went to the bathroom.

After what felt like the longest pee ever, I washed my hands and I stared at the woman in the mirror before me, Why was I freaking out? It was my own fault. I was the one that read his mind. I should have waited for him to tell me. Would he have told me? I mean this isn't exactly something that you bring up in conversation.
"How do you bring something like this up in conversation?" I muttered, My voice was barely louder than a whisper. Would he blurt it out? Leave subtle hints? Make me work for it? "I shouldn't have read his mind" I scolded myself again. I turned the water off and dried my hands. I needed to pull myself together and go back downstairs. All I need is a few deep breaths (Maybe a few shots for liquid courage). No, I can't start drinking at this time. I still need some dignity.

I held my head up high as I walked out of the bathroom, ready to tackle the objectives. The date with The God Of Mischief and Wetherspoons stairs. Weatherspoon stairs are not a drunk's or nervous wreck's best friend. They are a freaking nightmare. They are impossible to navigate. The moving stairs in Harry Potter would be easier.
"I can do this" I kept chanting in my head as I took each step. My legs felt like jelly.

As I got to the bottom of the Mount Everest of all stairs, I walked back to my table. Loki was still sitting there, He looked around and grinned when he saw me. I think I stopped breathing for a minute. He still had a smile on his face as he stood up when I got to the table.
"Sorry about that, There was a queue" I spoke, trying to keep my cool composure. Was it wise to lie to The God Of Lies?
"I thought you had got lost" Loki chuckled as we sat back down.
"Would you blame me? Those stairs are awful. You need a map to navigate them" I smiled as I sipped my drink.
"Is there a map big enough? Or do we need the map from Harry Potter?" Loki leaned his head on his chin.
"Didn't think Harry Potter was your thing?" I leaned back in my chair. Loki shrugged as he sipped his drink.
"The Weasley twins sold it for me. I love their mischievous nature" Loki smirked.
"You like that sort of thing?" I did a half-smile. I tried to remember what training I have. I only learned basic interrogation. I shouldn't treat Loki as if he is a case.
"Something like that. It's sort of my nature too" Loki crossed his arms across his chest.
"In a bad way or a good way?" I tilted my head. Loki clicked his tongue and leaned closer to me.
"Depends on the person. I can be a good boy in certain situations and a bad boy in others" Loki winked.
"So what are you now? Good or bad?" I licked my lips as I moved closer. I feel so drawn to this man. I know I freaked out earlier but now, I don't care.
"A bit of both" Loki smiled. Loki looked at me, His eyes were soft and his smile was warm. His left hand reached out to me and cupped my face. His thumb caressed my cheek. I leaned into his touch "But for you, I will always try to be good" I blushed at this. It was at this moment, that I forgot how to breathe. Damn this man was smooth. My mouth flapped open like a goldfish. I must have looked like an idiot.
"I... I.. urm... don't know how to respond to that" I stuttered. Loki chuckled. Loki's hand fell away. I swear when this man touches me, All common sense leaves me.
"Thalia, I meant what I said earlier. I want to look after you" He suddenly seemed nervous. Loki looked around. Like he was scared someone was going to ruin this golden moment "Thalia, I can't explain what I am feeling for you. It is so strong that it scares even me"
"What could possibly scare the God Of Mischief?" I blurted out in a whisper. My hand flew to my mouth. Loki's head leaned back. His eyes are wide with fear.
"You know who I am?" He whispered. His breath came out all panicky. I nodded "How? Tell me?"
"Loki," I shuffled on my seat. I had to tell him. Everything. Oh boy, this was going to be hard "Loki, There's something about me you should know. I ain't a normal person. I'm different" I bit my lip. Loki is going to hate me.
"In what way?" Loki tilted his head at me.
"I have... Powers"
"Powers?" Loki replied "What type of powers?"
"It's hard to explain them. I am still trying to find the correct name for them" I took a deep breath and let it out "I can control any and everything"
"Omnikinesis" Loki replied.
"Excuse me?" I frowned "How do you know what this unwanted gift is?"
"I had an expensive education" Loki rolled his eyes. Leaning back in his chair, He ran a hand down his face "So I am guessing and from what I remember from a book, you can read minds?"
"Yep. Sometimes I can control who I read and sometimes, I can't" I looked at the table.
"How old were you when you learned of your powers?"
"I was 4. I saw my uncle die from a heart attack. I remember the paramedic trying to take me away from him and I let out this energy burst. Nanna turned up, Realised what was going on and from there on, She helped me contain my powers"
"Did your parents not help you?" Loki tilted his head. I shook mine.
"In my family, Women do not inherit powers. Only the men do" I pinched my lips together.
"Which is why they don't value you very much" Loki nodded slowly.
"I've tried to tell them. But when I speak, Dad tells me that I should never speak in a man's presence and to hold my tongue till I am spoken to"
"The more I hear about your family, The more I want to stab them"
"I wouldn't stop you" I took a sip of my drink. Downing the last bit "Loki, I understand if you want to run out the door and not look back"
"Why would I do that?" Loki frowned at me.
"Because I am a monster" I spoke quickly "And a freak"
"Like I care about that. You are not a monster. Not to me" Loki scooted closer to me "I was shocked that you know me because I made sure that no one knew of me while I was on earth" Loki cupped my face with his hands "To find someone who wanted to get to know me for me is beyond words"
"You talk as if no one wanted to know you" I leaned into Loki's right hand "With your charm, who could resist you?"
"Apparently, I can come across... intimidating" Loki wiggled his head. He smiled a little too as his hands moved to where mine was. He entwined his fingers with mine.
"You do give off that vibe" I grinned "So you really don't want to run out that door" I pointed to Loki. He didn't even look.
"Of course not. It takes a monster to know a monster" Loki smirked "Why did you think I would run?"
"Everyone else does" I shrugged "The last guy I dated... ran" He did more than that but I can't tell Loki that, Noone knows the full story about... him.
"How could he leave you? You are beautiful" Loki's mouth gaped open.
"Only in your eyes" I didn't know how to accept a compliment. The last guy brought me down to rock bottom. It's taken a while to crawl my way up again.
"In my eyes, You are a Goddess" Loki sighed. I blushed again. Is this how men are supposed to be and not massive narcissistic twats "I don't get why he left you though?" Loki smiled.
"He just did. He wasn't a nice guy" I looked at the table.
"Another person to add to the stabbing list I take it?" Loki held my hand and rubbed my knuckles with his thumb "You don't have to tell me. I can see the pain behind your eyes when you say the last guy"
"I'll tell you one day, It's kind of a fifth date sort of thing" I smiled sadly.
"Only when you are ready, I won't force the subject" Loki nodded "So, It's been difficult for you to find someone"
"You would think it would be easier, What with me being Bisexual and all" I sighed. It was the first time I had admitted my sexuality outside my inner circle. Loki tilted his head at me, eyebrow raised "I suspect the same as you"
"Indeed" Loki pouted as he nodded.
"Though I am guessing that any relationship you have had never felt -"
"Real" Loki and I both said. We gripped each other hands. We both knew pain and hate. What it was like to be the black sheep of the family. We were both kindred spirits. Driven by a family that hates us for being us. Maybe that's why we have this instant connection.

We talked a little more. Loki opened up and talked about his family back in Asgard. I told him about me being an Avenger (Not a very good one mind you but I can burn things. Always a silver lining). Loki didn't seem to mind that I had powers. In fact, he was quite fascinated by them. He asked questions and I could only answer what I knew, Which wasn't a lot and the best person to ask was my Nanna.
"When your Nanna finds out that I like you, She will have my kneecaps" Loki chuckled. I rolled my eyes.
"Oh never mind her. She'll be happy that I found someone nice" Well anyone would be better than the last guy I dated. Nanna still wants to hit him with her walking stick "Besides, I'm pretty sure you could outrun her"
"I do like to go running sometimes. Clears the mind" Loki grinned "I doubt anywhere would be safe if I hurt you. I'd have The Avengers, Thor and your Nanna after me"
"Nanna would follow you to the ends of the universe" I chuckled. Loki did the same and then downed his drink.
"Would you like another?" Loki pointed to my empty glass.
"Yes please," I grinned.
"Great. Means we can keep chatting some more" Loki smiled as he walked away.

Once Loki came back with the drink. We chatted for what seemed like hours and as we talked, It dawned on me. I think I have finally worked out what this feeling was. I had binged watched loads of movies and read enough books to realise what had happened.

What I was feeling wasn't a crush, Nor was it lust. God, I wish it was. No, It was something worse.


I was in love with Loki.

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