Chapter 25

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- Thalia's Pov -

I think I was on cloud nine. Loki went to the reception to see if he could book a room for the night as he did not fancy getting an Uber back home this late at night. He may be a God but the streets of London freak him out. I sat back on the sofa and sniffed the flowers. I loved them. I heard the door open and saw that Chris stuck his head through.
"So, I take it that it went well?" He grinned. I couldn't hide the grin on my face. Chris pinched his lips together as he nodded. he entered the room and closed the door behind him.
"What gave it away?" I sighed as hugged the flowers "I really should put these in water"
"Yeah, you should" Chris looked like he had just picked up his nose "Sorry that I went behind your back but if I didn't, You wouldn't even of spoken to him until you were in Egypt" Chris folded his arms.
"I would have. Thor would have made me" I rolled my eyes. I placed the roses gently on the table "And since when were you and Loki best friends? And how on earth did you get his number?"
"When you fell asleep on the sofa, You left your phone unlocked so I might have got it from you" Chris rubbed his head "And we ain't best friends. We just had a similar goal at the time"
"And what goal was that?" I slunk into my seat.
"To get that man back in your good book" Chris flopped in the chair next to me "God, I need some crisps"
"I swear you have an addiction to them" I sighed.
"And what's wrong with that? You have an addiction too" Chris frowned at me. I turned my head to him, Just so slightly.
"I do not"
"Do too"
"I do not"
"Do too"
"I do not"
"Do too"
"I do not"
"Do too"
"I do not"
"Do to times infinity" Chris pointed at me. I sighed.
"What is my addiction?" I pinched my nose.
"Me, I presume" Both Chris and I jumped out of our skins as Loki strolled through the door. I turned my head to Chris, Who was grinning.
"He ain't wrong Tills" Chris stated. I glared at my best friend. Loki had walked over to us and sat on the arm of my chair.
"Yeah okay. I'll give you that" I backed down. And to prove everyone's point, I leaned into Loki's side and hugged him "And now, I just got my fix" This made everyone laugh.
"Did you get a room?" Chris put his arms behind his head.
"Only for one night so I have to go home tomorrow" Loki sighed. I pouted. Loki wrapped his arms around my shoulders "It will do you some good to be here. You can relax"
"Yeah but what about you? I'm not back till Monday"
"I've lasted 4 and half days without you, I can last a couple more" Loki kissed the top of my head. I went to speak but Loki pressed a finger to my lips "Are you really considering arguing this with me, pet? We both know I'll win"
"Not bloody likely" I sulked. Loki chuckled as he gently lifted my head. Loki can win this argument. Be the last one he wins.
"Thalia, Darling. You could argue with me for an eternity and I will always win. Why do you think that I picked the lawyer degree?" Loki poked my nose. I scrunched my face up and pouted. Chris coughed. Making us both look at him.
"I am not setting you two up again if you argue. The things I had to think of so Thalia wouldn't read my mind" Chris shuddered.
"Yeah, wasn't pretty" I pulled a face you make before you throw up "I had no idea that's what your ex-boss looked like without a shirt" I shivered.
"My god. Is he that bad?" Loki asked.
"He is about 6 feet tall but bald and really fat and I mean fat and a lot of body hair that makes him look like he is wearing a sweater" Chris explained. Loki pulled a face of disgust.
"Yeah, he likes the top of his shirt open so you can see his chest hair. Thinks it makes him attractive" I gagged and shuddered "I remember he tried it on with me last year, I told him I would rather sleep with Hulk" I felt Loki tense up. I patted his knee.
"Was that when he tried to deduct my pay?" Chris frowned "I tried to ask him for a raise or the promotion that I was due"
"Oh yeah, He said that you would only get promoted to Bar Manager if I had sex with him. I laughed at him and said that a cocktail sausage would not be enough to please me" I scratched the tip of my nose.
"I remember his ego being very deflated that night. Every girl turned him down" Chris grinned.
"Well, at least you are rid of him now. Is Stark okay with you quitting?" Loki spoke. Chris wiggled his head.
"Sort of. He hated the man for obvious reasons but he still wanted me to make my own way in life. Despite paying me to watch this one" Chris poke his finger into my knee. Making my knee kick out.
"Does he still pay you to watch over me? I mean it's been 8 years" I folded my arms.
"I ain't gonna lie, Yes he does" Chris admitted. I don't know why but this kinda hurt. Stark still didn't trust me after all this.
"So even after 8 years, Only one incident and that was Barton's fault, Your uncle still doesn't trust me" I scoffed.
"He doesn't trust Steve and he is a walking fossil" Chris patted my knee "He only trusts Pepper"
"I can understand Steve, Mr righteous" I mimicked as I saluted "And as for Pepper, That is because he is sleeping with her and she does all his paperwork" I flapped my hands at Chris.
"They are not. She is his PA. My uncle is professional and wouldn't do something like that" Chris frowned.
"Really?" I tilted my head at him and raised one eyebrow "Your uncle is a former playboy. He tried sleeping with anyone that had a skirt"
"Okay, you have a point" Chris finally gave in.

After we all sat talking for what seemed hours, Chris had gone for a Swedish massage while Loki and I went to lounge in the jacuzzi. Loki used his powers to change our clothes into swimwear. I groaned as I sunk into the bubbles.
"Damn, that feels good" I closed my eyes and leaned my head back.
"God, I missed that moan" Loki teased as he sat next to me.
"And you will still miss it till Monday night" I stuck my tongue out.
"Thalia, I have a question" Loki took a deep breath as I looked at him. Fearing the worst "I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me, maybe... dinner. Monday night"
"Sure, It's a date" I grinned.

After the jacuzzi, Loki and I got dried and dressed. That's when we went for a walk around the gardens. The plants were so beautiful at night time and little floating lights were darting around the place. Loki had his arm wrapped around my shoulders. While I was happy to be back with my man, something still bothered me. God, I wish my brain would let me be happy for longer than an hour.
"Thalia, what are you thinking?" Loki twirled my hair around his index finger. I looked up at him with a confused look. How did he know? "I can tell something is on your mind. You have a faraway look. It's like the light is on but no one is home. What is wrong?"
"Wondering why you have decided to resign yourself here on Midgard? I know you wish to be with me. Yet, even I can tell that you long for your Asgard traditions"
"While that is true, I wish to be with you more. I guess that I am just homesick" Loki sighed. His shoulders sagged as he seemed less tensed "Tell me, my dear, would you like to visit my home sometime? In the distance future?" Loki tilted his head at me. My mouth fell open. 
"Asgard?" Loki nodded. I wanted to fangirl. I have always wanted to know what Asgard look like. To breathe its air. Mainly eat the food "Loki, I'll accompany you anywhere you choose" I smiled.

We stopped walking when we hit the garden's massive fountain. 
"I never did ask this but how have you been these past few days?" Loki asked me softly "I heard the fire alarm go off a few times"
"I kept playing with my firepower and set the sofa and the blankets on fire. I felt like it was my only release when really, I should have gone to the local scrap yard with a baseball bat and beat the shit out of a car" My hands started shaking as I cried. Letting everything out "I'm sorry" I went to wipe my eyes with the back of my hand. Loki placed his arms around me, holding me against his chest, kissing my messy hair.
"It's okay my love, I'm here" He whispered. I started to sob, Well, More like I was ugly crying. I thought Loki would push me away at the mere sight of me but he still held onto me. His hand rubbed small circles into my back "Ssshh... it's alright, My dear, I'm here, everything's alright"
"I'm sorry" I kept repeating.
"Don't be" Loki soothed. His arms tightened around me. His arms always make me feel safe "You have nothing to be sorry for. Sometimes the mind can only take so much. You've had a few trying weeks lately. No one will blame you for letting that wall of yours lose a brick or two"
"But I am stronger than this. I need to get a grip and control my powers" I sniffed as I clenched at Loki's tear-drenched shirt "After a few more cuddles of course" 
"Sweetheart, I will give you all the cuddles you want" Loki grinned. Loki placed both hands on my face. Using his thumbs, He wiped away my tears before gently placing his soft lips on mine.
"I'm sorry that I overreacted to this soul thing" 
"Thalia, It doesn't matter how many times we argue. You are mine" 
"But I could be a monster?" 
"And? So am I" Loki scoffed.
"So you still want to be with me?" 
"I have but a thousand reasons as to why I will stay by your side. However, I cannot see your motives as to why you are with me. You've witnessed my failures. As a brother and as a God" Loki's hand dropped down to my waist "You have this ability to overlook all my flaws and still love me. The only flaw you have is when you doubt yourself" 
"But as I overlook yours, You overlook mine" I lent my head on Loki's chest "This is only the beginning of our relationship, we have forever to deal with these" 
"I do hope I ain't interrupting anything" A voice chimed. Loki and I immediately pulled apart to see my mother standing to the left of us. 

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