Chapter 30

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- Loki's Pov -

We walked deep into the gardens. To where the rose bushes where I would often sit. We stayed at each other's sides. Our hands moved closer together for a few seconds before I pulled away. I wasn't sure if it was right to hold hands with Thalia in public. On Midgard, I could be as affectionate as I want but here, It felt odd.

Once we were there, I sat on a bench.
"Are you okay?" Thalia asked me. Sitting next to me "You seem a little... on edge?" I placed my hand over hers and smile at her.
"I'm sorry. I thought I freaked you out with the children thing" I pinched my lips together. I hid my face in my hand.
"I have never seen you so flustered" Thalia placed her hand over mine.
"I guess you have that effect on me" I ran a hand over my hair "Thalia, I want to be with you. I love waking up in the morning and finding you next to me. holding you close, Protecting you from nightmares. Finding you in my arms when the sun rises. Listening to your heartbeat as you snore. Kissing you on the forehead as you sleep on my chest. Our bodies intertwined as we sleep"
"I didn't know you felt like that?"
"Are you kidding?" I looked at Thalia softly "I tell you all the time that I love you"
"I've slept since then" Thalia shrugged "While you tell me you love me, You never tell me what you really feel"
"You really want to know what I feel?"
"Before you came into my life, I thought my future consisted of being stuck in my room or in a dungeon. Not exactly a future" I laced my fingers with Thalia's "Then you bumped into me and you never left my thoughts"
"Not my greatest moment"
"And then when you literally fell into my arms at your Nanna's bookstore. That's when I dreamed of a future. One where we would travel the other realms and the worlds together. We would be in each other's lives whether it was as friends or something more. I dreamed we would be together forever"
"There's but at the end of that sentence isn't there?" Thalia quizzed as I smirked at her.
"Oh, you know me so well" I chuckled softly "But.. after you said yes to being my girlfriend. I dreamed of a different future. I dreamt that we could buy a house just outside the city and make it our own. We could get a little puppy or a kitten. Or both. We would have a little family. Like 5 kids. Mostly boys but the last one could be a little girl. We could sit on the front porch as we watch our children run around. We could grow old together and on the said porch, We could watch our grand-kids grow up"
"How is 5 kids a little family?" Thalia frowned. I smiled as she placed her forehead on mine.
"And I know we have only been together a short while -" I rambled on before Thalia covered my mouth.
"Loki, I want that future too" She smiled. I kissed her as I pulled her hand away "I love you"
"I love you. Oh as for that speech you gave Odin" I licked my lips as I smirked "I wasn't expecting that shy little sheep who wouldn't say boo to a goose and spoke politely to people, to rip off your disguise like that" I growled in her ear.
"Well, He irritated me" Thalia folded her arms.
"He is right though, I can be a monster" my face dropped but then I glanced up at my love "But only for you" Thalia bit her bottom lip.
"Damn you" She mumbled. Blushing as she stood up and walked to another rose bush. They were coming out of season so there wasn't many left.
"Hehe, You love me really" I stood behind Thalia. My hands were on her waist.
"Debatable when you make me blush like that" Thalia turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck.

I could have stayed like this forever but it was getting chilly so we went back inside. I had a little surprise for Thalia back in our room.
"You know, I really thought your old man was going to kill me today," Thalia said as she brushed out her hair with her hands.
"I was never going to let him harm one hair on your head" I pulled Thalia to my side "Plus, I am pretty sure that you would have burned him where he stood if he tried" Thalia looked at her hands.
"Well, That too"
"Come on. I got a surprise for you back in our room"
"Do I have to wear the blindfold again?" Thalia sulked as I pulled out the black fabric from my pocket.
"Come on, what else did you expect?"

"Loki, where are you taking me? This is ridiculous" Thalia grumbled, scratching her forehead a bit.
"Oh shush. Don't worry we're almost there!" I giggled, guiding her quietly through the hall. Thalia sighed. She wasn't big with the whole 'You have to put this on and no peeking thing'. I just want to make her smile. So I had the maids turn the bedroom into a blanket fort.

Back in Midgard, Chris had told me all about these blanket forts that Thalia had made for Tony's daughter and I knew I had to make one. There were candlelights, Grapes, Mixed nuts, Fruit and books. On earth, we watched TV, DVDs or Netflix and had a lot of chocolate and sweets. Obviously, Asgard was useless and didn't have any of these so I had to settle with books. Thankfully, Thalia likes to read just as much as I do.

It was going well until we entered the bedroom, Thalia's knee hit the side of the dresser.
"Ouch!" She cried out.
"Oh sorry! We're here!" I clapped. Thalia reached for the blindfold but was stopped by my hand "Not yet pet!" Thalia sighed deeply and practically fell onto the floor. Rubbing her knee.
"Loki, Can I please take this off? My forehead itches"
"Soon. Now, Stay, and don't you think about lifting that cloth" I ordered as I skipped away. I knew with Thalia blindfolded. She would probably try and guess what I was planning.
"Is that food that I can smell?" I heard her speak. I watched as her hands ran across the pile of blankets that went up to her head. Her hand slowly made their way to her head.
"Hey, you're cheating!" I growled.
"What? No!" I yanked the cloth off her head and she glanced up at me.
"Oh yeah?" I asked, her eyes gleaming knowingly "Want to try that again?"
"Um well.... crap"
"Hmm, that's what I thought..." I reached over to grab some blankets and that's when Thalia saw the pile of books and snacks.
"Nice fort" I dumped all the blankets over Thalia, giggling the whole time "These are soft" Thalia picked up the majority of the blankets and snuggled them. I poked Thalia in the cheek.
"Ready?" I quizzed. Thalia nodded "Here!" I thrust a bowl of fruit and nuts onto her lap and grabbed a couple of books.
"Okay, What are we reading?" Thalia put the bowl down.
"The Merchant Of Venice and Coriolanus" I read.
"Oh, Coriolanus please" Thalia held her hand out "That's the book that made me fall for you"
"I believe it is" I smiled fondly at the memory. We both snuggled down into the pillows. Unconsciously, Thalia wiggled toward me, resting her head on my shoulder.

After a few hours, I caught Thalia smiling at me. I smiled back. Licking my finger, I turned a page.
"What are you smiling at?"
"Didn't think you liked Shakespeare?" Thalia leant her head on mine.
"I do. There's something about him that is so soothing" I yawned "I thought you didn't like Shakespeare?"
"I thought I would see why you love this guy so much and honestly... This book ain't half bad" Thalia shrugged.
"You know I love you right" I whispered, kissing her softly on the forehead and smiling at the way she dosed on my shoulder "Still feels like a dream that you are here with me and you are mine"
"Really?" Thalia rubbed her eyes "I'm starting to feel like this is a life sentence"
"Cheek. I shall get you for that" I smirked as we put our books down. she pulled me closer to him. I started tickling her sides. She tried to escape as I tickled her sides.
"Loki, Stop!" I laughed.

I finally stopped tickling Thalia after a little while. We decided that we would sleep in the fort tonight. Mainly because it was comfy and cosy but also because we were too lazy to move. Thalia used her powers to extinguish the flame of the candles.
"That is a handy gift, My love" I sighed as we curled up together.
"It has its perks" Thalia sighed in contentment. We soon drifted off into a deep sleep.

It was early in the morning when Thalia woke me up. But not by her choice. I use my fire to light the candles around us and I find Thalia sitting upright. I put my hand on her arm but she feels cold all over, she's shivering, wrapping her arms around herself for warmth.
"Thalia? Are you okay?"
"I had a bad dream," Thalia says, shivering.
"What was it about?" I said. I was more awake now. I shuffled around so I am sitting on my knees. Thalia shook her head. I nodded as I put my hand on her head, Stroking her hair "Darling, If you don't want to tell, Then don't. Either way, I am here"
"I lost you" Thalia blurted out. I just nod. Allowing her to get it out of her system "It's all but a faded memory now but what I can remember. I'm in a place I don't know, where I've never been, and I'm running around looking for you. But I can't find you, Just darkness. I call out for you, but you don't answer. And then I get really scared, because how am I ever going to find you again?" Thalia presses her lips together, frowning, a slight crease appearing on her brow.
"That does sound scary"
"It is" Thalia looks down at the blanket. I throw my arms around her.
"But it's just a dream. It's not real. And we're always going to find each other, no matter how lost we get. Right?"
"Right," Thalia says "I got to ask something though" I nodded at Thalia "How are you so cold yet so warm?"
"Frost Giant remember?" I lifted my right arm and it was blue. I frowned at my skin. I never did like my true form. The blue disappears and my pale skin came back.
"Can I see that form?" Thalia blurted out. I must have looked like a fish as my mouth flapped open.
"Why would you want to?" I mumbled as Thalia pulled her knees to her chin.
"Because I love all sides of you. Whether it be a snake, horse, woman or a Frost Giant" Thalia put her hands on either side of my face "Just like you love me and my crazy ass"
"Close your eyes" He whispered as I placed my head against hers.

As soon as my eyes were shut, Thalia shivered. Even I noticed that the air in the room suddenly became colder.
"Are you sure about this darling?" I ask, nervous about what her reaction could be.
"Yes," Thalia insisted.
"Love, You can open your eyes now?" Her eyes were slowly opening. Her eyes met with my red eyes. Thalia leaned back a little to take a better look at me. Her mouth hung open. I moved a little away from her and sat at the foot of the bed. Curled up like a scared child "Please... Do not let my Jotun form frighten you. I am still me. Don't let my appearance deceive you"
"No, Completely the opposite" Thalia crawled over to me and traced my markings "I have no words that describe you. Other than wow"
"Wow? You mean, I don't disgust you?" I raised an eyebrow. I leaned back against the bed, legs spread out in front of me "My true form frightens even myself. Yet, You seem unfazed. Tell me how" I sighed as Thalia straddled me. She shivered as my skin touched hers.
"If you did, Then why am I sitting on your lap?" Thalia smiled. My arms snaked around her waist. I could feel Thalia's hands on my neck "Or have my arms around your neck?"
"My skin doesn't burn you?"
"Nope, tingles but look," Thalia held her hands out "Nothing"
"Thalia," I breathed "How did I get so lucky?"
"I ask myself that question every day" Thalia smiled as she gently kissed my lips.
"You really are incredible" Thalia smiled as I started to fade back to my preferred human form.
"You know, I don't mind you in that form"
"Be that as it is, You wouldn't be able to sleep next to me like this. Even I prefer the warmth of skin" I licked my lips "Come now, Time for sleep" Thalia climbed off my lap and we went back to the fort. Where neither of us had a nightmare that night.

The next morning, I woke to find the bed empty. After 3 attempts to kick the blanket off. I spotted Thalia on the balcony. She was lent of the bar, staring at the view. Feet dangling over the edge.
"Thalia?" I wrapped a blanket around me.
"Hmmm," she sighed. I sat next to her.
"You ok?" I rubbed her arm.
"Yeah, Just thinking"
"About what?" I leaned forward. The sun was beginning to rise and the sky was filled with reds, yellows, and oranges.
"Everything that has happened lately. Mostly last night" Thalia kept her eyes on the horizon.
"When you saw my other form?" I gulped. I knew it. I scared her.
"Yes," Thalia sighed again "And how I want to see it again"
"Why would you want to?" I frowned.
"Because, You silly popsicle, I love you"
"So you really ain't bothered by my original form?" I questioned as Thalia shook her head.
"No matter what form you take, I will love you" I smiled as I shuffled closer to Thalia.
"I really thought you were going to say you never wanted me again" I took Thalia's hand in mine and kissed her knuckles.
"I would never" Thalia pretended to be offended "You love me at my worst and I will love you the same way" We were both shivering (Irony much. Frost Giants don't feel the cold) I took my blanket off me and wrapped it around the pair of us "Thank you" Thalia smiled as I leaned my head on her shoulder.
"You know. I feel so blessed every time I wake up with you next to me. Your presence reminds me that I am the luckiest man in all of the nine realms" I rubbed Thalia's back. Thalia shivered.
"Sorry, I'm cold"
"I could find other ways to warm you up but I ain't staying out here to do it" I smirked as I kissed Thalia's neck. I didn't speak after that. I just picked her up, threw her over my shoulder and took her back inside.

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