Chapter 28

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- Loki's Pov -

It has been about a week since Thalia said she wanted to go away for a few days. We had about a month... ish before she flew out to Egypt. I knew where to take her. I just needed to plan it without thinking of it.

How the hell am I going to do that?

I was sitting in my flat alone. I say alone, Thor was impersonating a train in his room. Thalia had gone to see her Nanna. they need some time together without me there. I was reading a book on the sofa when Thor stumbled out of his room.
"Afternoon Brother" He yawned. Lazy sod that he is. I didn't even bother to look up at him. Why should I? I've seen his face nearly every day for roughly 1000 years. I'll be happy when I move out of this town. Granted he will still visit me but at least he will leave.
"Surprised to see you awake before 5" I responded. I licked my finger to turn the page.
"Why what time is it?" Thor frowned at me. I briefly looked t the clock. And then looked at it again because I wasn't paying attention to it the first time.
"Ooo in time for lunch" Thor slapped his hands together and went into the kitchen.

I soon heard banging next door and looked at the clock. Chris was back from whatever thing he was doing.
"God, Help me" I muttered as I stood up. I was about to get up and close the back door when I heard what sounded like the dying cat brigade.
"Doroitos are in the hizhouse!" Chris cheered.
"Is that Chris?" Thor asked as he went to the back door.
"Every day he sings about food" I put my book down. I then heard another voice.
"Chris put the Doritos down!" Thalia shouted. I shot off the sofa and went to the back door.
"It's either the sound of Thalia or you want Doritos" Thor teased. I would have pushed him away but he is like 10 times my size.
"Chris, Don't start singing! I don't want it to rain!!"
"Well you can tell by the way I use my walk, I'm a Doritos man! No time to talk"
"Is he always like this?" Thor asked. I nodded my head, Shushed Thor and continued to listen.
"Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother, You gotta love Doritos!"
"Chris, Shut up!" Thalia shouted. Even though she was laughing.
"Gotta love Doritos! Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah. Get in ma belly! Doritos get in there! Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah"
"Chris, Shut up!" Thalia once again said.
"STAYING ALIVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" Chris continued to sing.
"Stop singing or I will turn you into a walking popsicle!"
"Go on then bitch" Chris taunted. I then heard a loud bang. I wanted to jump to the balcony but I heard Chris laughing after a whooshing sound.
"Alright, Elsa, I give. I won't sing" Chris huffed "Think you could unfreeze my legs"
"Ice powers? Christ. Thalia is a walking element" Thor puffed his cheeks out. I, for once agreed with him.
"Got you to stop singing" Thalia spoke. I soon heard a whooshing sound and a loud thud. I presume Chris hit the floor.
"You sing a song" Chris begged. Something seemed off with him. I've seen him hyper but this, This mode is something else. It's like the easter bunny meets Santa.
"I can't sing" Thalia sighed.
"Have you ever heard Thalia sing?" Thor whispered, "And why are whispering?"
"And you started whispering first. Now shush. I wanna hear Thalia sing" I sniffed "Nope. I've heard her hum but never sing" I sniffed.
"Then you ain't doing something right in the bedroom" Thor beamed at his awful joke. I pinched my nose. Ignoring the bickering between Chris and Thalia "Come on, What did you expect?"
"I am so glad that I am adopted" I muttered. It's true, I really am glad that I adopted.
"Sing Tills! Sing!" Chris chanted. Thalia grumbled and I then heard clapping.
"But trees dance and waterfalls stop,
When she sings, she sings come home;
But trees dance and waterfalls stop,
When she sings, she sings; come home.
When she sings, she sings, come home.

But trees dance and waterfalls stop,
But trees dance and waterfalls stop,
When she sings, she sings, come home.
But trees dance and waterfalls stop,
When she sings, she sings; come home.
When she sings, she sings; come home
When she sings, she sings, come home.
When she sings, she sings; come home"

"Hey, it's your favourite song" Thor fist-bumped my should. I shushed him again.
"I stormsvarte fjell, jeg vandrer alene,
Over isbreen tar jeg meg frem,
I eplehagen står møyen den vene
Og synger: når kommer du hjem?"
"She sang that perfectly" I whispered. Thor agrees. I caught myself humming the tune as Thalia continued to sing.
"But dance and the waterfalls stop,
When she sings, she sings come home.
But dance and the waterfalls stop,
When she sings, she sings; come home.
When she sings, she sings; come home"

"Woohoo! You can sing!" Chris cheered as I think he started jumping all over the place.
"I wasn't aware Thalia knew Norse" Thor looked impressed.
"She loved Norse growing up. Only fitting that she learned it but no, I didn't know either"
"Chris, Will you sit down?" Thalia sighed.
"Nope. Too hyped up" Chris cheered.
"Okay, Who gave you sugar?"
"Normally, A shop and I haven't had that many sweets. I walked past the uni today and there was this guy selling brownies. Lovely man, Long dark hair. Looked like a hippy. Anyway, I brought a whole tray and now, I can't stop" Chris explained. I quickly turned to Thor but he was already out the door. I hope he took his keys as I locked the door. Grabbed my phone and other Midgardian essentials and jumped on the balcony.

"Thalia?" I stuck my head through the door. Thalia was using her mind powers to help Chris in place. She did wave at me but I knew she need to look at the object that she was controlling. Chris however, Was in a giggle fit, Singing some song about how he can fly. Arms out like an aeroplane.
"Hey Lokes, what's up?" Chris sang "Second star to the right and straight onto morning!"
"You by the looks of it" I leant on the doorway. I turned back to Thalia "Can you knock him out?"
"I wish but he has far too many funny brownies in his system. I could kill him" Thalia sighed.
"You can not kill me for I am built by the power of faith, trust and pixie dust" Chris screamed. Thalia was struggling to keep him afloat. I walked up behind her and placed my hands on her shoulders.
"Sweetheart, are you okay?" I whispered in her ear. Thalia just shook her head "Shall I ring Thor and get him to bring that god-awful hammer and tie Chris to it?"
"I can hold him long enough till the drugs are out of his system" Thalia insisted as I did a quick sidestep so I could look at her face.
"Thalia, You only passed out yesterday from overusing your powers. You will do the same today. He's had a whole tray" I pointed to the kitchen where the silver tray lay empty. I placed a hand on Thalia's back "Darling, you need to recharge your mana. Drop Chris and go lay down"
"I can do this" Thalia muttered. I ran a hand over my face. Thalia was struggling to keep her eyes open. I bit my lip as I tried to think of something.
"Thalia, There has to be something else. Make some vines or something"
"He will still jump around" Thalia spoke. Chris was still singing that song from the first space jam. I believe I can fly. I have no idea. Didn't really understand that film.
"Then make some vines and tie him up and then tie him to the sofa. I'll text Thor to bring his hammer and we can use that to weigh him down" I pulled my phone out and texted Thor the plan while Thalia agreed to said plan. Though she did drop Chris with an almighty thud on the wooden floor.
"I feel like a pancake," he said as Thalia made some green vines. She handed me some and tied his feet up while Thalia bound his hands. Together we threw him on the sofa so Thalia could bind him to the sofa. Once Chris was secure, Thalia dropped to her knees.
"Thalia!" I rushed to her side. She waved me off.
"I'm fine. As you said, Little low on mana"

While I watched Chris, Thalia went and made something to eat. I heard a soft thud from the balcony and craned my neck to see Thor walking in. He didn't say anything but he did tie his hammer to Chris's leg.
"There, Bunny man should not move now" Thor beamed. Thor looked over at Thalia and frowned. Thalia was sitting at the kitchen counter, With her head in her hands. Thor pointed at her with his thumb "Is she okay?"
"Too much power" I sighed. Part of me feels like something else is going on but I couldn't place my finger on it. Thalia's powers are the same as Sigyn's and she never had these mana drops. Not even when she was carrying our child. But she was Asgardian, Is Thalia's powers becoming too much for her Midgardian body? "I plan on taking her away for a few days. For once, Please do not try and think about your task and follow these instructions" I handed Thor an envelope. He frowned at me again but nodded. He knew that Thalia could read minds.
"What are you going to do about him?" Thor used his big chin to point to Chris. Who was now slowing down but still singing and not in key either "He sounds like nails on a chalkboard"
"Just think that you sleep through this. And I say, Leave him there" I shrugged. I looked over at Thalia. She had her head on the counter.
"I think she fell asleep" Thor spoke. I walked over to Thalia, She wasn't sleeping. Just laying her head down.
"You okay love"
"Yeah, Just don't have the energy to keep my head up" Thalia smiled sleepily. I stroked her hair and then scooped her up in my arms.
"Let's get you into bed" I whispered as I carried her to her room "Thor, Watch him like a hawk" I shouted over my shoulder.

3 days later, The drugs that were in Chris's system were out and he was on a major comedown. He swore down he would never eat brownies again and this morning, I caught him making some of his own. Thankfully these were drug-free. Thor had dealt with the hippy dealer and took him to the police station (That or yeeted him off big ben. Either way is fine). I thought this would be the perfect time to sneak Thalia away for our getaway. We stood outside her building.
"So, Where are we going?" Thalia complained. Considering it was August, The wind was cold. I looked down the street and saw that our ride was coming.
"I can't tell you that" I shook his head. So Thalia pouted at me "But you will need to put this on" I held up a blindfold "And no using that see through walls power you have"
"You are kidding me. Right?" Thalia folded her arms. I was now standing behind her, I slowly put the blindfold on my love "Can't you just tell me where we are going?" Thalia tried to protest but I held her hands and kissed her knuckles.
"If I told you, It wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" I smiled. Thalia pouted again. I pulled my love's soft hands so that she knew to follow me. Thalia stayed still "Sweetheart, Do you trust me?"
"With this thing on me?" Thalia pointed to her head "I have no choice but yes, I trust you"
"Good" I kissed her hand again before I lifted her in the air. Laughing as she squealed "Relax, You're only going in a car. You just don't seem stable without your sight"
"I ain't and I hate being lifted in the air" Thalia shivered against me "And why couldn't you put the blindfold on after I got in the car?"
"I didn't think about that" I huffed as the car started moving, "I thought it would have been more... romantic"
"Thank you for trying," Thalia said, moving next to me and leaning into my chest.

We arrived at our destination. It was outside The Avengers compound. Thor had shown me where to go. The only time I have listened to him.
"Okay, where are we?" Thalia started looking around.
"Somewhere" I spoke. Thalia threw her head back and groaned.
"Helpful" She muttered.
"Darling. This is the last bit of our journey. After this, We will be where we need to be" I grabbed the bags and then grabbed Thalia's hand before she walked into a pole. I gently guided her. I looked up at the sky and nodded.
"Where are we going?"
"You will find out in 5 minutes" I tighten my hold on Thalia "Now hold on tight"

It was cold when we arrived. It was cold. But then again, We did arrive just as dawn was breaking. I took a deep breath in. I've missed this place.
"You never said it was going to be cold" Thalia complained. I heard someone whistle and I guided Thalia towards it.
"My defence, I didn't know either" I admitted as I grabbed Thalia's waist.
"I'm sure you didn't. Know can I take this blindfold off?" Thalia placed her hands on the blindfold.
"Soon my sweet" I whispered "Now come on. Walk this way. I will guide you"
"That's what scares me"

"Loki, where on earth are we?" Thalia said impatiently.
"Oh somewhere, I didn't think of that place" Thalia spoke sarcastically "Judging by the cold, Are we up north?"
"I would never dream of taking you up north" I pretended to sound offended but then I laughed "We are here"
"I can take this off?" Thalia pointed to her head.
"You can take it off" I agreed. She ripped the fabric off and her mouth dropped open. I stood still as Thalia stumbled forward, Gripping the railings.
"Oh my days," She said, awestruck "Loki, Are we where I think we are?"
"Welcome to Asgard, My Love"

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