Chapter 20

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- Loki's Pov -

I left Thalia to deal with Chris while I thought I would do, You know, The nice thing (Last year Loki would have left the man to it and let him suffer) and go get him a bottle of water. The poor man looked like he was about to pass out. When Thalia said he had never said no to someone before, I was kind of hesitant to believe her. I mean no one was that much of a drama queen.

But now, Yeah I can see why the man never said no. He looked so broken that he had to let someone down. I was quite proud of the man. I still find it strange that he is related to that Stark man. The walking Tincan. Chris seems so grounded compared to Stark.

I quickly found a stall that sold some water and I also got some sort of sweet thing for Thalia. It was a giant lollipop that sort of looked like a child's dummy. I don't know. Midgardian food is still so strange to me. I am rather fond of the pasties here. I like croissants (The chocolate-filled ones are the best). I do like iced buns but it does depend on where you get them from. Some bakeries add far too much Lemon to their icing for my liking.

I wandered back to where I left Thalia and Chris. I felt as if I had to take a double look as I saw them huddled up on the floor. Chris was still a mess and Thalia was being Thalia. She had her arms wrapped around him. I didn't care that Thalia was hugging this man, I mean Chris wasn't a threat as he was gay but the reason I took a double-take was that Thalia for a split second, Looked like Sigyn. Just for a split second. I think it was the way the wind blew her hair around her face, Ever so gently. I must be seeing things. I shook my head and walked over to the pair.

"Hey, Loki" Thalia smiled as soon as she saw me. She sent my heart into a frenzy.
"Hey" I smiled back as I wiggled the bottle in front of Chris "Here, Drink this" I spoke. Chris lifted his head and narrowed his eyes.
"Did you poison it?" he spoke as he undid the lid, Sniffing its contents.
"Sure I did" I smiled. Chris and Thalia frowned at me "Come on, What did you expect?" I rolled my eyes as I dangled the dummy lolly in front of Thalia "And one for you," Her eyes grew wide as she smiled. She wiggled her fingers.
"Oooo, I love these" Thalia cheered as she clutched the sweet to her chest. She carefully undid the wrapping and stuck the thing in her mouth.
"If she didn't love you before. She does now" Chris wiped his eyes, sniffing "Thanks for the water"
"No worries" I leant against the railings to the right of Chris. He had somewhat calmed down "No to sound rude, But why are you acting like a drama queen?"
"Loki!" Thalia exclaimed but Chris put his hand over her mouth before she could say anything else.
"Tilly, It's fine" Chris kept his hand on Thalia's mouth as he looked back at me "I can't explain why. I just am. Always been like it"
"Wouldn't life be easier if you didn't care what others think or want you to do?" I folded my arms. How was this man related to Stark again? 
"You would think, But I just do. I have this undesirable need to please people" Chris sighed as he leaned his head back.
"So when you're selfish for one time, you get this negative reaction?" I tilted my head. Chris nodded.
"This mini-meltdown is nothing compared to last time. I couldn't feel my legs, My back was sweating. I was shaking. I looked like a right mess" Chris closed his eyes.
"Wasn't your ass sweating that day?" Thalia spoke up.
"Yes, I believe it was" Chris scratched his nose. He then climbed up onto his feet. Taking both Thalia and me by surprise "Right, I better go and let my uncle know that I quit my bar job. See you, kids, later"

Once Chris was out of sight, Thalia came and stood by me with her dummy. She was so happy with it. I smiled as I wrapped my arm around her and we walked further down the river. It was such a beautiful day. I highly doubt that anything could ruin my day.
Rolling my eyes at the sound, I took my phone out of my pocket. I knew it was Thor before I even opened it. I was right, Thor had texted me a picture saying that my VISA letter was at the flat. I heard Thalia squeal and run off. I watched as Thalia walked over to this man that had Golden Retriever puppies and a sign that said free puppy hugs, She climbed into the cage and sat on the grass with them and was hugging and smiling at them.
"We are going to be here all day" I hummed as I quickly text Thor back, I told him to open said letter and to text me the results. Whatever the outcome. I would make a plan afterwards. First, I needed to rescue the puppies from Thalia.

I walked over to Thalia to find her being attacked by puppy licks and her giggling was rather cute. I leaned on a tree and looked down at Thalia. Thalia spotted me and tried to sit up but was flattened by a puppy. I smiled as I walked over to her.
"My Lady, Do you need rescuing?" I knelt down by the pen.
"No, This death is acceptable. Death by puppies is the way to go" Thalia spoke muffled as she put a thumbs up at me "I have left directions on how to feed Chris. He needs to be walked at least once a week and feed him those crisps he likes daily" I rolled my eyes and climbed into the cage and lifted the puppy off Thalia's face "Hey put him back! I was comfy"
"You would have been annoyed when he peed on you" I sat down next to Thalia. She pushed herself up and de-fluffed herself. The puppies came and sniffed me. The one that I had removed from Thalia's face came and climbed on my lap and just flopped. At the same time, My phone pinged twice.
"Think he likes you" Thalia whispered as she hugged another puppy.
"Of course he does. What's not to like?" I smiled as I scratched the pup's ears. He seemed to like it but after a minute or two and the little guy fell asleep "Oh I am in trouble"
"Why?" Thalia asked. I pointed to my lap. Thalia smirked as she saw the puppy "Oh we are going to be here a while"
"I don't find anything wrong with that. I just have a different problem" I sighed as I tried to think how I could remove the pup.
"And that is?" Thalia sighed as she watched the puppies lay down and start their own naps.
"I need to go to the toilet"

Thalia had to carefully move the pup off me. It took some work not to wake the little guy. I got to admit. If it wasn't for my bladder. I wouldn't have moved. I moved swiftly to the bathroom while Thalia stayed with the puppies. It is going to be one hell of a task trying to get her away from them.

After washing my hands and drying them. I checked my phone.
Sparklez: The VISA Company have.....
Sparklez: Accepted your visa!!!!!
I leaned against the sink as I let out a long sigh. I haven't told Thalia that I applied for a job down the road from hers. Now the question is, Do I tell her now and fly out with her? Or, Do I wait till she is out there, Fly out there on the next flight after hers and go, Surprise!

I could do the latter. Make a big surprise out of it. Would be worth getting blasted out the door. I should ask Chris and Prudence. they would be better at handling this matter. Though I know Prudence would tell me to tell Thalia now.

But I would do anything to be with Thalia. Even if my visa didn't get accepted, I would have gone. I can shapeshift into a snake, So I could have been her cat for all the people knew. I could say that I was with The Avengers. They get let in anywhere.

I really just said that, Didn't I? Me? An Avenger? Oh, Stark and Barton would have a field day. Barton hates me. Stark is Stark but he can be rather annoying. The others don't really bother me. Banner did say once that if I ever caused chaos again, He would strangle me himself and wouldn't change a shade.

He wouldn't have to, Thor would just put that stupid hammer on my chest again. Let me tell you that was not fun. Almost as annoying as when I stabbed him. I really should give our mother credit for getting us to adulthood. Thor liked to play with snakes and I liked to stab people.

How mother and father never killed us, I will never know.

Though, before I tell Thalia my plans, I really should tell my parents that I don't plan on coming home. I want to stay in Midgard. I want the boring life of a Midgardian. I never thought I would say that. I've been alive for well over a thousand years and I never thought I would be so content with being on Midgard.

Thalia makes me feel so alive. She is my glorious purpose.

At least I know my father lost a bet.

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