Chapter 43

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- Thalia's Pov - -Time skip 7 months -

Loki grabbed the last box out of the moving truck and carried it into our new home, setting it in the living room with the rest of them. We had decided to move out of London and live on the outskirts. Closer enough to still visit people but far enough to avoid traffic.

Thor and Chris had just carried the new sofa into the front room. I sat down and let out a huff of relief. We had been moving since seven this morning and I don't know about the Gods but I was exhausted.
"Thor? Can you help move the table?"
"Which table?"
"The dining table. Loki won't let Thalia use her mind powers to help move it!" It was true. Since we found out about the baby, Loki won't let me use my powers. Not out of fear for the baby but because he doesn't want me to be exhausted. Baby Ice cube seems to be draining the life out of me.

Still didn't stop me from using my mind to move a box or two in the front room. Or hanging a picture frame... Or 3 on the wall. Loki may have told me off for climbing all over the new sofa.

After 10 minutes of sitting, I stood up, stretching the fatigue out of my limbs and furrowing my brows when I realized just how silent the house was. Where was everyone?
"Loki?" I called out, searching the unnecessarily large house for my lover. When the two had gone house hunting, Loki wanted to get a large house. It has 5 bedrooms and a family bathroom upstairs. A front room, Dinning room, kitchen and office downstairs. I was happy with a smaller house but Loki wanted a forever home, someplace where they could raise our children and I had no problem agreeing to that. Well after many attempts of persuasion, I agreed.
"In here!" Loki called from upstairs. I looked out the landing window to see Thor and Chris were at the lorry, Arguing about something.
"Somethings never change"

"Well, there you are," I chuckled when found Loki kneeling on the floor going through one of their boxes "What are you doing?" Loki mumbled something incoherent as he continued to rummage through the box, exclaiming in victory when he found what he was looking for, holding up a blue and white blanket.
"Found it," Loki exclaimed as I entered the room, plopping myself down next to him and immediately snuggling up to him.
"Whatcha got there, Loki?"
"The other day, I was going to town and I found this blanket. The moment that I saw it, I knew I should buy it for our little one," he murmured, running his fingers over the little duck pattern in the corner "Sometimes it feels like I'm in a dream, Darling"
"What do you mean?" I lifted my head to gaze down at my man as he placed his hand on my bump.
"I never imagined my life would end up this way. And in a few months, we are to be married and I almost have to pinch myself to know that this is what my life has become" Loki sighed and pursed his lips. I smiled at my love, My hand coming up to caress his cheek.
"I love you, so much. No one will ever love anyone as much as I love you. From the time we were in the Asgard and you when you ran into me with tea, I knew I'd marry you one day"
"Really?" I croaked, tears of joy filling my eyes.
"Really, really," Loki smiled, leaning in and capturing my lips "You're my forever" My fingers ran through Loki's hair, pulling him deeper into the kiss.
"You are my other half; my soul mate. Every day I thank God for you because no one has ever made me feel the way you do. You're the only one who makes my heart beat fast and slow at the same time. You're the only one I want to wake up next to every morning. Every day that I'm not with you creates this heartache that won't go away until you're back in my arms. I love you, Loki and I'm going to love you until my heart stops beating... and maybe not even then" It was words like these that always brought Loki into tears. He didn't need the constant assurance that I wouldn't leave him. Little things like this were enough proof.
"Forever, Thalia?"
"Forever, Loki," I murmured, bringing his lips to his once more.

It took a full 3 days to move and get everything in its proper place. I might have had a meltdown or 6 when the curtains were too short or the fruit bowl looked wrong. Bloody pregnancy hormones. I scurried around our home preparing for the night, It was our first anniversary as a married couple and despite being two weeks away from giving birth, I wanted everything to be perfect. I had been slaving in the kitchen for the past two hours while I sent Loki out to go do some shopping.

He knew better than to question my demands and left without hesitation.

I was ready to pass out after making their dinner. I was nauseous and exhausted and if Loki was here, He would rush me to bed and wait on me until I was better. I checked the clock on my watch and realised that Loki would be home any minute now and quickly rushed upstairs to freshen up.

I was back in the kitchen when I heard Loki stick his key into the lock and entered our house, the whiff of a dinner wafting in the air. It was enough to make his mouth water.
"Thalia? Darling? where are you?" he asked as he toed off his shoes by the front door and set his keys on the hook.

I came rushing from the kitchen, a large smile on my face. He clutched the wrapped rectangular box in his hand and the roses in the other.
"Hey, love, you're right on time," I beamed, pecking his lips "Did you enjoy your day?"
"I did, but it would have been better if you were with me," he pouted before his smile returned. I giggled and took his free hand and led him into the dining room where their romantic dinner was set. I took the flowers off him and placed them in a vase "Thalia, this is amazing!" he exclaimed as he admired the jade-coloured tablecloth layered with gold plates, cups and forks. And a mouth-watering meal "You did all this for us?"
"It's our anniversary, of course, I did," I beamed "By the way, Happy Anniversary!"
"The same to you, my little dove" Loki chuckled and pecked my lips again.
"Now, sit, so I can tell you what we're eating tonight!" I said anxiously. Loki smiled as pulled out the chair for me. He quickly took his seat and set his gift on the table next to mine.
"Whatever you made, babe, it smells delicious," Loki admired, staring at the three dishes covered by metal lids.
"Well, love, tonight we're having baby corn, baby carrots, and baby back ribs," I explained as I removed the rest of the lids.
"This is great! Really, It all looks delicious." Loki chuckled. We soon tucked in.

After dinner, Loki insisted that he clean up while I rested. Apparently, I had done enough for the day. Once he was done, He pushed his gift toward me.
"Open it"
"Okay" I licked my lips. I opened the long box to find that is was several gifts in one. Loki had brought me a massive Yankee candle (cherry on snow. Rare as hell), A necklace that had a rose quartz heart. A large comfy hoodie, A fluffy Stitch blanket and a box of my favourite chocolate. Salted caramel Lindt "I love all of it"
"Really?" Loki gripped my hand. I nodded. he then stood up and took the necklace, Clasping it around my neck. It went hand in hand with my snowflake necklace "Looks perfect on you" He bent down and kissed me on the lips. The little ice cube was kicking away.
"Feels like someone is having a party in there" I put my hand on my massive bump. As did Loki "Can't wait for you to arrive little one"
"I can't either. I hear Thor is placing bets that you are having a girl" Loki sat back down.
"Interesting. Chris is hoping for a boy" I took a sip of water. No one knew the sex of the little ice cube as the midget had its flaming legs crossed and was not cooperating at all. Every time we had to get the baby to move for the sonogram, they turned their backs on us. Little ice cube was already taking after Loki "Open your gift now"
"Okay," Loki smiled ah he complied and neatly unwrapped the gift. As he lifted the lid of the box, His mouth went into an o shape. Thanks to my powers, I crafted a pair of horns for Loki since he lost his set a few hundred years ago. I smiled as he ran his fingers over the gold "I have horns again"
"You have horns again" I nodded, Biting my lip as I explored his features. Loki's expression was a mixture of surprise and admiration. Loki quickly got out of his chair, kneeling next to me and pulling me into a hug.
"I love them"
"You also should know there's a smaller gift in that box" I pointed to the bo. Loki frowned but looked inside. He went from frowning to happy in a split second as he picked up the smaller present.
"You didn't?"
"I did" I smiled. Loki beamed proudly as he held a small pair of horns. Only they were made out of fake metal and not proper gold since the baby would outgrow the horns in a short time. Much more cost-effective in the long run. I'll make them a set of gold horns when they get older.
"I love them" Loki rest his head on my bump. Right before I felt the biggest kick ever. I doubled over. Loki backed away in panic "What did I do?"
"Nothing" I panted. I then yelled out in pain.
"What? What is it? Is it the baby?" Loki flapped at me.
"It's fine, It's Braxton Hicks. Practise labour" I panted. I bent over, holding my overly large stomach and trying to remember to breathe.
"Are you sure?" Loki was starting to panic. I grabbed his face and held him still.
"Do you see any water dripping down my legs?" I asked. Loki then looked down and my trousers were dry.
"Then the baby isn't coming just this second" I relaxed as the pain went away "Now what do you say to Netflix on the sofa and we both snuggle up under my new blankie?"
"I am down for that" Loki stood up, Held out his hand for me to take "What are watching?"

A week later, Chris and Thor had come to visit, They were joined at the hip most days now. Since we had moved into this house, They had become roommates as Thor hated being himself in the flat. I was so tired from the night before so I went to the front room to relax. Thor and Chris were already in there.
"Thor, Quick word outside please" Loki spoke as I waddled to a sofa. I was in an instant state of regret when I sat on the sofa. I need a drink and I didn't want to keep asking people to help me up. And Chris was reading on his phone (I didn't want to disturb him) I put my hand on the bump and got kicked away.
"Someone woke up with an attitude" I muttered as I rubbed my belly. I got a few more violent boots "Just like your father. Violence over peace. Come on, Let's get a drink" I wiggled off the end of the sofa. Hearing a tut, Chris offered his hand and helped me up.
"You should have called one of us over" Chris smiled. I rolled my eyes and walked to the drinks table.
"You were on your phone and the boys are outside. Didn't want to bother you" Chris tutted at me this time "I feel like a whale" I huffed. This pregnancy was taking its toll on me.
"You look great though"
"Like 50 quid" Chris grinned at me.
"So, it's true. You made a bet with Thor?" I narrowed my eyes. Everyone seems to be betting. Maybe I should do that, If I am going to be miserable may as well make some money off it.
"Yeah, Thor thinks the baby will turn up any day and I think you will go over your due date"
"I've still got two weeks left so it might be possible" I smiled. Chris went back to his spot with his book. I went to walk back to the sofa when I felt an odd pain. I put my hands on my belly. I felt it again. It was sharp and quick but it only lasted for a second or two. I know I had Braxton Hicks last night but this was different. As another pain shot through me. I knew what this was "Urm Chris?" I made the oo sound. I heard the sofa creak and Chris was by my side in a flash.
"I think the baby is coming" I panted. Chris was trying to keep me upright as I doubled over in pain.
"Are you sure?" Chris asked, "Any chance that it could be fake labour? Those Haxtron Bickies or something like that" I took a few deep breaths and tried to walk forward. I had to stop as I felt water trickle down my leg.
"You mean Braxton Hicks. And it can't be that, I just wet myself!" I yelled. I held my belly as I winced in pain "Yep, The baby is coming. Time to call the boys"
"Loki! Thor! Get your arses in here!" Chris shouted. I quickly heard loud footsteps. I ended up collapsing on the sofa. Again.

"What?" Thor bellowed as Loki came straight to me.
"Thalia, are you okay?" He put his hand on my stomach, only to be violently kicked away,
"It hurts" I cried. I didn't know what to do "I think the baby is coming" Loki was even stumped on what to do.
"I don't know what to do" He muttered. He was in that pre-parental freak-out stage. Not what I needed right now. I felt a large thud on the other side of me. Looking to my left, I see Thor next to me. Looking all serious.
"Chris, Run to the car and get it started. Take the car seat with you" Thor ordered.
"On it" Chris looked at me and then ran out the door.
"Brother! Snap out of it" Thor clicked his fingers a few times. Loki finally came to his senses after Thor smack the back of his head "You good?"
"I think so" He stuttered.
"Go grab the hospital bag. Chris, Start the car" Thor ordered. Chris flew out the door. Loki mumbled that is already by the back door. Thor nodded and then knelt next to me.
"Thalia, Wrap each arm around our necks" He instructed as I did as I was told. Thor placed one hand on my back "Ready? On Three. One... Two... Three!" And just like that, he lifted me off the floor and onto my feet.
"Remind me to never do this again!" I whimpered.
"Thalia, Here, Hold my hand. Just squeeze it. I can take it. I'm here" Loki grabbed my hand. I smiled. My face scrunched in pain so did squeeze his hand. I thought it was about to break "Right okay. Let's get you out of here" Loki replied in his most calming voice. Even if deep down, I knew he was panicking like mad. And if I was being honest, So was I.

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