Chapter 15

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- Thalia's Pov -

"Of course" Loki kissed my hand once more. My mouth dropped open. Not going to lie, I thought Loki would change his mind about being here with me. Loki put his hands on my face. I pinched my lips together, Tying not to smile.
"What's so funny?"
"It's just you're cute when you scrunch your nose up" I bit my lip "You do realise with you staying over, Chris will be fangirling in the morning"
"What else is new? He fangirls over everything" Loki rolled his eyes.

At some point, Loki and I ended up going to bed. Though I ain't really sure on how I got to bed. I could hear the sound of rain hitting the glass. A faint light shone through the windows and judging by the clouds, it was going to be a rainy day. I suffer from really bad headaches when there is a change in air pressure.
"Good morning sleepy head" Loki's voice rumbled softly. Loki sighed sleepily as he wrapped his arms around me. I smiled as I felt his fingers in my hair. Soft puffs of Loki's breath blew down the back of my neck. He sniffed "God, I love your scent" I stared at his calming features as I rolled over and stretched. My arm fell gently down onto Loki's chest.
"Good morning" I smiled as Loki rolled over and met my gaze. Loki intertwine our fingers as we both slowly woke up.
"Yeah, this is definitely good in the morning" Loki kissed my temple "Especially if it's you I see when I open my eyes"
"And I can't close my eyes because of your beauty. I will stay awake just to make sure that I have you by my side" Loki's sweet words made me smile.
"Are you reading Shakespeare again?" I asked with a grin.
"Of course" Loki answered with a toothy smile "Did you sleep well?"
"As well as can be expected, Given that a certain God kept hogging the quilt" I poked Loki's chest.
"Sorry about that. I still have to get used to sharing a bed with someone"
"It's fine. Don't forget, I have to learn to share too" I smiled as I rubbed my head.
"What's the weather supposed to be like today?" My God asked, seeing as the rain had picked up.
"Overcast all day with scattered storms" I sighed as I leaned my head on Loki's chest.
"Well that sounds joyful" Loki sighed sarcastically. He placed his cool fingers on my temple "Your head must be banging"
"A little" I rubbed my temple "It is not so bad today. I've had worse"
"Is that the day that you crashed at like half 6 at night and didn't wake up till 10 the next day"
"I believe it was" I smiled as Loki pulled me closer "What time do you want to go see your Nanna?"
"After breakfast" I wasn't as worried about my Nanna with Loki by my side. Plus, I knew Paul was with her. He would have rung if there was any news.
"You know, Prudence is going to be pretty drugged up and out of it, We could just stay in bed all morning and do whatever" Loki yawned.
"But she needs to know I am there," I spoke quietly.
"You are the most amazing granddaughter, She already knows you are there for her. Plus, I'm not in the mood to get out of bed this morning" Loki winked. I chuckled and gently kissed Loki. I could feel Loki smiling through the embrace "What shall we do for breakfast?" He asked when he pulled away.
"Whatever you want" I chuckled. Loki rolled over and pulled me closer and he rested his head on mine. His long fingers playing with mine.
"Well, I do know this delightful coffee shop in town that makes the most delightful croissants" Loki purred.
"Is it the one we met in? Oh, could you get me tea instead of coffee?" I asked. Loki pulled his head up and looked at me "What?"
"Nothing. It's just... Could you be any more suited for me?" Loki kissed me gently before I could answer "Though I still can't believe a few things" Loki ran his fingers down my arms.
"And that is?" I asked as Loki placed his pointer finger under my chin.
"How much I let my guard down around you and how vulnerable I am with you" I was a little taken aback by his words.
"I make you vulnerable?" I stuttered.
"Yes. Did you not know that?" Loki's eyes soften. I shook my head "I wouldn't hesitate to jump in front of a blade for you or climb the highest peaks. I would swim in lava, Walk across glass. There is no army I will not face. I would even fight my father if it meant keeping you safe. I have been around for over a thousand years and nothing frightened me. That was until I met you"
"Me?" I pointed to myself. Loki nodded softly.
"Now the only thing that scares me is losing you. Scares the life out of me" Loki spoke. I put both my hands on his face, Placing my forehead on his "For my entire life, There has always been a lingering fear that I am undeserving of love. Yet here you lay next to me and I can't help but believe that you are here to prove me wrong. One day, When we are ready, I will make it known that you are my mine and mine only. I only want to be your equal"
"I ain't going anywhere. I will be your side" I whispered "My heart is yours. As is my soul. I will love you forever"
"I will hold you to that" Loki chuckled as he pulled away "I love you more by the way. Now, why don't I go and get those croissants and tea?" Loki kissed my lips as he rushed out of bed.
"I would say I would come with you but..." I sighed as I rolled onto my front.
"Also no point in both of us getting soaked" Loki sighed "And I really don't fancy dealing with Chris this early"
"Yeah that is just torture"
"I can't disagree there" Loki took my hand in his and kissed my knuckles. We heard a rumble in the distance.
"Either Thor is annoyed at something or a storm is coming" I looked out the window. My head pounding.
"Or god forbid, both" Loki cupped my chin "I better go. I'll be back shortly"
"I'll be waiting" I sighed softly. Loki lingered for a moment before leaving.

Once Loki was gone, I listened at my door for a moment. I was trying to see if Chris was awake. I really didn't want to deal with Chris this morning. Though since Chris's door was open, Either he didn't come home or he had to leave again.

I went for a quick wee before heading back to my bed. I checked my phone and there was no new news about Nanna. I told Paul that I would be there shortly and I asked if he needed anything. He, Of course, Said no and that he had spare clothes in his car (He is such a boy scout) and he always told me off for worrying too much. I smiled at my phone. Paul is such a lovely man.

I left my room around 5 minutes after I heard the door close. The soft sound of Loki's humming filled my ears. I followed the sound. I entered the kitchen and smiled at what I saw in front of me. The radio was on. Loki was standing in front of the counter, facing away from me. I smiled and walked up behind him in what he thought was a quiet manner, My arm wrapping around Loki's waist. Loki didn't even hesitate before he was melting back against my chest.
"Hello again?" Loki said without looking back, the smile evident in his voice.
"Hello" I responded as I leaned down and started pressing soft kisses to the curve of his neck. I rested my chin on Loki's shoulder "And ice buns?"
"I never said they were for you" He chuckled lightly "But I can share, I suppose"
"Oh really?" I planted his hands on Loki's hips and turned him around, a smirk on both our lips. I giggled as Loki grabbed my hips. I reached around him and snatched an iced bun from the plate.
"I swear you like a 5-year-old sometimes" Loki rolled his eyes, not quite able to hold back the smile that peeked through. I didn't respond, BUt I did eat the bun as fast as I could.
"And I forget that you are old" I smiled, though I did back up a little as Loki tilted his head at me "Not that I find anything wrong with that" Loki shrugged as he too ate a bun.
"I love these" Loki said as he licked his fingers.
"Same" I commented, staring at Loki's finger which he pulled out of his mouth with a tiny pop. Loki smiled, He had icing around his lips "You have icing on your lips"
"I know of a way to clean them" He teased leaning in to kiss me softly. The kiss deepened as my hands wrapped around Loki's back again, My fingers splaying on his skin. Loki made a tiny noise in the back of his throat. Loki moved us over to the other counter, lifting me with very little effort. My legs wrapped around his waist, his fingers twisting in my hair, probably covering it in batter and flour. Loki's lips trailed down to my neck, kissing here and there "Damn these lungs" Loki said breathily as he pulled away. His lips still lingering.
"We should really eat these before Chris gets back"

We finished eating, I cleared the table. As I put the last plate in the sink, Loki stood up and walked over to me.
"Are you full now, darling?" I laughed, tilting my head up to kiss his lips "I love you" he murmured.
"I know," I said, pulling back with a smirk. Loki raised an eyebrow. I still can not believe that I could have ever gotten this lucky "I love you too and about what happened earlier"
"The nicking of the bun or the kiss?" I stared at my food.
"The kiss" Loki's fingers traced my jawline then.
"What about it?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Was very naughty what you tried to do" Loki's hand travelled downwards from my neck. Pausing just before my cleavage. Trying to be calm as possible. I let out a little sigh and closed my eyes. Raising my chest slightly to encourage him. I hear him chuckle "If you wish for me to continue, Darling, You had better open those lovely eyes"
"I am nervous" I open one eye. This made Loki laugh.
"Why?" Loki pressed his body against mine.
"That kiss was the most... Urmm.. anything we have done" I bite my lip. I was nervous. Like, Really nervous and I think it showed.
"Ah, I see" Loki's hands wandered to my hips "Is that a problem?"
"Well no. it just... It's been a while since..." I said shyly "I don't want you to think that it was awful and stuff"
"It will be fine," Loki whispered "As long as I am with you, Nothing will be awful"
"I'm just really nervous"
"Thalia, You have nothing to be nervous about"
"I know"
"Thalia, I will never make you do anything that you weren't comfortable with. I am not that type of monster"
"I know, I never thought of you as a monster. It's just, I am new to this, Being this close to someone" I whispered.
"Then tell me what you feel right now" Loki lifted my head with his finger.
"I... I... a strange feeling. Like goosebumps running up and down my spine," I licked my lips as Loki placed his hand on my back. Pulling me closer to him.
"Now what?"
"Is it normal for my heart to be beating like a hummingbird's wings?" Loki nodded to my question.
"Do you know what I want to do to you?" Loki whispered.
"No" I bit my lip.
"I want to kiss you like it was the last thing I would do" Loki spoke.
"Then kiss me" I whispered as Loki kissed me while lifting me up onto the counter, moving a few miscellaneous items out of the way. My legs wrapped around his waist, his fingers twisting in my hair. He put his hands on my face and kissed me. His fingers gently caressed my jawline. He pulled away from the kiss, making his way up my neck. He nipped at some spots. I was rather enjoying this when Loki suddenly stopped "Why did you stop?" I blushed.
"Because I don't know if I will be able to stop myself if we go any further"
"Maybe I don't want you to stop"
"Are you sure? I mean I am a God after all and a Frost Giant. I might hurt you" Loki kissed me softly. I put my hands on Loki's face.
"I don't believe that" I whispered as Loki kissed me again. Only with more passion. But after a few moments, he pulled away. Again "Why did you pull away?"
"This is hardly a good place to do this. Someone might walk in. AKA Chris" Loki let my feet fall to the ground. I hadn't thought of that. Loki ran his hands down his face before he entwined his fingers with mine "Thalia, Listen to me, Are you sure about this?"
"Yes. I've wanted you for so long" I was now panting.
"My sweet dove, Are you positive you want someone so broken to tarnish you? This is your one last chance to back out"
"You are no more broken than I am" I whispered into Loki's ear.
"Come with me" Loki gripped my hand and lead me out of the kitchen.

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