Chapter 27

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- Thalia's Pov -

Since I was out cold (Sort of, my body was sore but my mind was awake) Loki was carrying me somewhere. I knew it wasn't Chris as Chris is somewhat of a limp noodle compared to a God and let's face it; if Chris was carrying me, He would have dropped me by now.

I soon felt the soft fabric of the bed as I was tucked. Someone grabbed my hand and placed it against their skin.
"If you disappear from my life, I'll have no reason to live... So please, Live for me" Loki whispered in my ear. I wasn't dying, it felt like it. Loki once said that he would use those words to let me know that he was here for me. He got the idea from an anime or something that Thor made him watch.
"And you think I am dramatic? Pot, Kettle, Black much" Chris exclaimed.
"You weren't meant to hear that" Loki exhaled. I wanted to laugh "That was between me and Thalia"
"Look, I'm pretty sure she isn't dying, mate. But even I will admit that I have never seen her like this before" Chris spoke from the other room "And I've seen her take on the Hulk"
"Did she win?" Loki replied.
"Hell yeah. She used her mind thing and flung him up and down in the air like a yoyo" Chris cheered "I won't lie, I watched that on the news and was howling. Think I had a lovely bowl of popcorn at the time"
"Yes, You did. You were still trying to pick popcorn out of the sofa cushion 4 days later!" I shouted in my head.
"I've seen Thor crash out in bed after a battle or when the oaf eats too much but this, this was something different" Loki sighed as I felt him sit next to me on the bed "I wish you would open your eyes"
"So do I" I spoke in my mind.
"I was so proud of you today. And I was a little turned on when you were in your armour" I heard Loki chuckle.
"Oh, my days," I said in my head. I would have rolled my eyes if I could. I heard Chris groan somewhere in the room.
"I just know you're rolling your eyes at me. I do anything to see your eyes right now"
"And I yours"
"Right, So I have texted Prudence about what is going on. I didn't tell her that you two had a mini-row. I only told half the story. I said that I stole Tills for the weekend and her mother turned up, stressing her out and she used some powers to scare her and overloaded"
"Is it normal for her to pass out when using her powers?"
"Not that I have seen. Normally, She just eats a ton of crappy food and chills out" Chris shrugged.
"Is this the first time you have seen her pass out?" I asked. Chris shook his head.
"I have never seen her pass out but I know who has. A few years ago. We were pissing around in an abandoned block of flats and I fell like 5 flights of stairs and landed in a window. I was screaming at the amount of blood. Tills were being Tills. Screaming and crying. Was not a pretty picture. I was losing consciousness and it's true what they say in movies when they are dying, that they are cold and see this bright light. Only this bright light wasn't the path to heaven's pearly white gates. It was Tills. She had placed her hands on my leg and healed me. Prudence said she passed out for a day or so at that point. Got in a lot of trouble with the uni as my uncle told her to take some time off but Prudence told her professor to bog off"
"Sounds like Prudence" Loki chuckled. I smiled (Well not physically. But I like to think I did) as Loki ran a thumb over my knuckles.
"I had to call the wanker to come to the hospital and he was pissed. He was at a football match with his friends. He went to hit me but Thalia woke up briefly and blocked the punch. Her eyes were white. Like pure white. She shoved wanker to the other side of the room and then collapsed to the floor"
"Did he break anything? like a bone or his neck?"
"I wish but no. He was flabbergasted that Thalia stood up to him but he didn't make a move toward her. He couldn't as Prudence was in the room"
"She would have killed him"
"Agreed. It was always when they got home, He started. He never went for the face. Always below the shirt. Thalia changed after that moment. She did her damn hardest to hide her powers" Chris spoke as his phone pinged "Prudence said to keep her updated and does she need to deal with the wankers. I replied no. Thalia dealt with them"
"That woman is lethal with her cane. So why did Thalia hide her powers?"
"One night, Walker went out with some guys from work. He was drunk. He slapped Tills about and she finally snapped. She got angry and her wings appeared"
"She has wings?"
"Only when she uses certain powers. She used a glowing power ball thing and smacked him in the face. It was like a switch flipped in his head. He took the shield and battered Tills. Tried to rip her wings out" I heard Chris explain. I wasn't fussed that he was telling Loki this. I was never going to tell Loki, Not because I didn't want to. But because I can't. The memory is not worth the pain.
"I hate the man even more" Loki growled.
"So does most people," I thought.
"Most people. I heard from my uncle your brother found out about him and tried to smash his face in" Chris sighed.
"How did Thor find out?" I wanted to ask.
"Did he?"
"Rogers stopped him. Thor then told the entire Avengers team what he did, Leaving Tills name out of it of course and he had been kicked out of the tower. Wanda did offer to throw him out a window"
"I would have paid to watch that" Loki grinned "I did wonder why my brother text me saying that Walker was dealt with"
"My uncle's been trying to nail him for years. Though I did get it in the neck for not telling him. I tried to make out I never knew. He didn't believe me"
"Well, Stark is like that. Unless he has the facts in front of him. He won't believe anything"
"He will when I tell him, Chris knew nothing" I wanted to frown. I never heard much else as my brain decided now was a good time to fall asleep. Just when it was getting to the good gossip.

After what I thought was only after an hour of sleep, I was soon woken up and rather rudely might I add. I forced one eye to open and noticed that Chris was by the window, Opening the curtains.
"Tills, Get up, The sun has been in the sky for three-quarters of the day" He seemed too happy. What has he been up to?
"And what do want me to do? Photosynthesis" I threw a pillow at Chris.
"Do you have a power that can do that?" Chris sighed as he jumped into bed next to me.
"Most likely. I got a lot of powers" I groaned. I wiped my hair from my face. It was even more of a bird's nest since I went in the shower last night.
"I still think your sparkler power is my favourite. The one you did for Halloween that year you pretended to be Doctor Strange" Chris grinned as he did the spinning hand thing. I half expected orange sparklers to come out of his hands.
"I know kids love that one" I smiled as I stretched my arms out, Cracking my shoulders as I did so.
"So since you are awake, Meet me and Loki in the cafe bit for food" Chris ruffled my bird's nest. I may have threatened to summon a tornado. He quickly ran out of the room. Screaming for Loki. I rolled my eyes and proceeded to get dressed.

It didn't take long to get ready but I did run into a wild Chris at the vending machines. I pinched my lips together as I watched Chris attempt to get some sweets. He started shaking the vending machine before huffing and dropping to his knees and sticking his hand in the dropbox.
"I am probably one of the smartest, most skilled people, in this building" He mumbled and grumbled to himself. He soon shut up when he saw me.
"What are you doing?" I said as I leaned on the wall.
"What does it look like I am doing?" Chris panted.
"Something you do on a Friday night?" I looked at my nails. I could just phase through the glass to get the skittles but this was much more entertaining. Chris stopped his actions and glared at me. He pouted and went back to what he was doing. He then let out a long groan "Your hand is stuck isn't it?"
"Not quite" Chris moved his arm "I paid for these skittles. I am getting my skittles!" Chris grunted as he wiggled his fingers "I need my sweet fix"
"Let me help" I finally said as I stood behind Chris. Telling him to move. He took his arm out of the machine and stood next to me. Using very little power, I got the skittles out. Chris cheered. Snatching the sweets from the air.

Swear that man is like 5 years old. I smiled as he walked away. As I walked after him, I wobbled a little and had to use the wall to balance myself.
"Okay? Never wobbled before. Better keep an eye on that" I muttered as I looked at my hands. They were shaking. I clenched them. Taking a few deep breaths in, I composed myself and walked to the cafe area.

After the debarkle with the sweets (And my little power problem), Me, Loki and Chris were sitting in the gardens, Eating whatever the Spa served us. It was something to do with Fish. I didn't care for its name but it was yummy. We chatted and laughed. I was having a nice time.

That was until my mother and future sister-in-law came and sat 2 tables away from us. They (Mainly my mother) were glaring at me. Loki noticed and made me switch seats with him and glared right back. My mother then looked down and whispered something in I don't even know her name ear. Sis-in-law then looked at Loki and eyed him up and down. Smiling all the while, she kept waving at him. Being all flirty. I then rolled my eyes and a fake bird in the air (I love my powers) and made it poop all over sis in law and my mother (The bird basically had diarrhoea).

They lept up screaming, covering their hair. My mother shouted that she was going to make a formal complaint to the spa.
"What is the spa going to do about a bird? Cover the place in a giant bubble?" Chris spoke with a mouthful.
"There is shit all they can do" I grinned as I made the 'bird' fly away. I then rubbed my arms. I still wasn't ok from yesterday.
"Are you okay my love?" Loki whispered as he placed his hand over mine. I wanted to pull away. Something felt wrong with my powers.
"Not really" I whispered. I think Loki sensed I wasn't right as he wrapped me in his arms.
"I'm here. I got you" Loki stroked my hair.
"Can I home with you?" I whispered. Loki nodded and held his hand out. He had already ordered the Uber and it was due in an hour. I asked Chris his plans and he was staying as he wanted to get his money's worth. I doubted this "Really? sure it's not to wind my mother up?"
"That too. My presence will annoy her and if she starts, I'll threaten her with God Loki" Chris did that grin that makes your eyes look squished. Loki did that evil smirk that he does so well.
"I'll see you tomorrow" I hugged Chris, Grabbed my bag and walked (wobbly) out the door.

We were back home within the hour, I felt rather grungy I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.
"Man, I look rough!" I said to myself as I began to run the shower. While it was heating up, I walked back to my wardrobe and picked up an outfit. It was only my black sports leggings and a light blue t-shirt. I took my outfit and went back to the shower. I stripped my dirty clothes and hopped into the shower. The hot water felt good against my skin. I wasn't in the shower long. I turned the water off and dried off. Quickly got dressed and went back into the room. Only to find Loki sprawled out on the bed.
"Paint me like one of your french girls" Loki teased. I burst out laughing "Sorry, I couldn't help it"
"It's alright. I don't have a pencil and paper so I can't" I did a side smile. I laid down on the bed and placed my head on Loki's lap. He started stroking my head.
"I've spent the last few days without you, I don't want this to end" Loki rubbed my arm with his fingers "I don't want this to end but I'm hungry, Let's go make food," Loki said as we both got out of the bed.

I was sitting on the kitchen counter, swinging my short legs and watching as Loki rushes around in his usual fashion. He wanted to make dinner for me. I have no idea what he was cooking (Or any idea that he could cook) I just knew it was something that had pasta in it. He reaches me, eventually, but he pauses when he does. Placing his hands on either side of my knees, he looks up at me.
"You're in the way."
"Move me, then." I giggle and lean forward. And he does. A wide smile lights up his face and he lifts me up and off the counter. I think he enjoys the sound of my joyful laughter as he does so. He spins me around a couple of times and then gently places me back down.
"If you want to be taken for a spin, All you had to do was ask" Loki held me in place "What's with the playful mood?"
"No reason" I smiled. I did have a reason but I wasn't going to give it up so easily.
"Darling, Is it wise to lie to me" Loki's face is blank. I lick my lips.
"I ain't lying" I lied. Oh, how ironic.
"Hmmm" Was all he said. Using only his index finger, He placed it under my chin and tilted my head so I had to look at him. He leaned in and as lips touched he pulled away "No kisses till you tell me why the playful mood"

Damn this man!

"Fine, Let's go somewhere" I blurt out as Loki turns back around to chop some bacon. He looks up at me and smiles.
"What now?" He smiles at me "I just started cooking" I smile as I shake my head.
"No, You silly sausage. I mean like a little getaway. Just for a few days. Leave all this behind and just be us" I twirled some of Loki's hair as he looks up at me and grinned.
"Okay!" he repeats rather excitedly "After dinner I can look into a little vacation. God knows we need it"
"You know," I begin, eyeing him carefully, "The way you got all upbeat, I'm getting the feeling you've got somewhere in mind."
"Maybe." Loki twitches an eyebrow, "So, where do you wanna go?" I tried to read his mind but he had already put up a mental block. Damn it.
"Stop reading my mind"
"I will when you tell me where you want to take me. After all the getaway was my idea" I folded my arms.
"It's a surprise." Loki bopped my nose and went back to cooking. I hate surprises.

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