Chapter 1-10

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CHAPTER 1: If there is an afterlife, you must pay for it.

"Che'er, remember, after a while, sister will lead the zombies over, and you will run as soon as the zombies have passed, you know, keep running, and you can live there."

"No, sister, I want to stay, it's a big deal Die together, I don't want to leave you."

Cheer covered her face and looked at her sister. Her sister had never beaten him, why.

Ziyue looked at Che'er's silent accusation, her eyes were red, and she was reluctant to fight, but if Che'er didn't leave, the two of them would have to die here.

Ziyue looked at Che'er with a cold face, "Zhen Ziche, I tell you, you have to go if you go for a while, and you have to go if you don't. If you are not obedient, from then on, I will be without your brother."

Che'er knew My sister was really angry, so she agreed, "Okay, I'm going, I can't go, sister, don't you deny me" and I started crying in my arms.

"Sister Che'er loves you the most, Che'er remember, you have to live well in the future, you know?" After saying that, Ziyue put the only box of chocolates left into Che'er's bag.

Ziyue kissed Che'er's face and said, "Run forward for a while, don't look back, just run to the opposite mercenary group car to survive. My sister loves you."

After speaking, she turned around and left.

Ziyue As soon as I went out, I saw a dense number of zombies guarding the door, bang bang bang... shot a few shots at the zombies, the zombies heard the sound, they all rushed towards Ziyue, Ziyue watched that most of the zombies were attracted, yes She yelled "Run" at the sky and

saw Che'er run over. Ziyue was relieved and put on the water polo technique

desperately . Even if he died, I will drag you to hell together. As long as Che'er escapes the danger, kill one. Earn one.

Ziyue stretched out as she thought about it now. Looking at the scratches on her body, she was not so scared anymore. As long as she could get Che'er a chance to live, it would be worth it.

Ziyue took out the pistol, there was the last bullet in it, which she kept for herself.

Even if he died, he would die in his own hands, raising his pistol to his temple.

"No... Sister, don't" Zi Yue was startled, why Che'er's voice appeared here, Zi Yue looked at the source of the sound in horror, and saw Che'er running towards this side with fireball skills.

When Che'er came over, Zi Yue's little fluke was gone. The wounds on Che'er's body were all caught by zombies, and they were no longer saved. As long as they cut a little bit, they can only wait for the zombie to be transformed.

"Che'er, why do you want to come back, why, this is so easy to find an opportunity, why do you want to come back?" Ziyue burst into tears after she said it.

"Sister, I can't leave you alone. In such a world, what's the point of surviving for me? My dearest and beloved people are gone. Rather than that, I might as well die with you. It's better to live in this world.

I'm afraid every day, I'm afraid of zombies coming, I'm afraid that there's no food." "Sorry Che'er, but my sister is incapable, and my sister is not strong enough to protect you. I'm sorry."

"Sister is fine, sister I'm not sorry for Che'er, but Che'er's abilities are not enough,

and I'm tired of my sister." "Sister, I don't want to be a zombie, let alone die at the hands of a zombie. Sister, can you give Che'er a ride?"

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