Chapter 131-140

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CHAPTER 131: The giant python is demonized, and the evil Zi Yue.

    Just when everyone was about to despair, a panicked and slightly surprised voice came over. "Look, look, where she is still alive."

    Everyone looked in the direction of his fingers. Sure enough, a touch of red appeared in the dust. Everyone was excited. Yu Qu then thought that Ziyue just now wore a black windbreaker. How could there be a touch of red? Everyone looked at the dust, whether it was Ziyue or not, as long as the person who appeared could defeat the giant in front of him. Python, then they will not let go of this hope.

    "Huh, little human, the vitality is quite tenacious." The giant python looked at the woman who appeared in front of the dust away, although it now felt that there was a smell of attributes on the woman in front of him, and what is going on with this woman now, black Her hair is gone, now she has a bloody red hair without wind, her cold face with a touch of evil spirit, Rumo's eyes have also been replaced by bloodthirsty red eyes, and those eyes are now so cold and unsentimental. Looking at the python is like looking at a dead person, without fluctuations.

    The python couldn't stand the look in Ziyue's eyes, and even ignored the familiar feeling from Ziyue's body. He lifted his tail and threw the tail towards Ziyue. Everyone had just seen a blow from the python, for fear that he hadn't died just now. Ziyue was slapped back to her hometown by the tail, but was it possible? Ziyue lifted her delicate hand against the python's tail with a single stroke, gently defying the python's blow.

    The python watched Zi Yue easily resolved his blow, and there was an incredible flash in his eyes, how could it suddenly become so powerful, and this power is so familiar, it just can't remember it for a while.

    "Interesting, interesting, then this king will accompany you to have fun, women, you have to catch this king's blow" The python said with a touch of excitement, the woman in front of him will really surprise it, but When the woman got down, the giant python threw up the bright red thread in her mouth when she thought of this.

    Ziyue only felt that the giant python's eyes made her feel nauseous now, and there was a wicked smile on the corner of her mouth, and she slashed towards the giant python's seven inches with a blow of the samurai sword.

    The python did not dodge, but a white light flashed on her body waiting for Zi Yue’s blow. Ziyue looked at the python, a smile flashed in her eyes, and the python also noticed the blow in Zi Yue’s eyes. With a flash of smile, the giant python only felt that this human being was really frustrated and courageous. He just tried to chop him without hurting himself, but now he is attacking again stupidly, and the sword in Ziyue is about to slash the giant python. At the time, the giant python's eyes changed, and the white light on his body strengthened again, but he was still forced to retreat again and again by the blow of Zi Yue.

    Ziyue giant python's eyes were incredibly unbelievable, and her mouth gently spit out a few words, "A beast is a beast, and it will not change the fact that you are a beast." The

    giant python is really angry this time, this human being repeatedly Provoking one's own bottom line is simply reckless.

    Ziyue looked at the anger in the python's eyes, and a successful smile hung on her seductive face. What she wanted was this effect to anger the python, otherwise she didn't know how long she could maintain it.

    The giant python looked at Ziyue who was smiling evilly, and she opened her mouth, and an energy ball flew towards Ziyue. Ziyue did not panic. When the energy ball was about to arrive, she dodged her body. Seeing that the python missed a hit, he opened his mouth and countless energy balls flew towards Ziyue. Ziyue smiled and dodged the python's energy ball calmly. Very good, very good, more. Well, run out of energy earlier, I see how you can attack, Ziyue thought in her heart.

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