Chapter 71-80

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CHAPTER 71: The temptation of Canzhu, the harbinger of Ziyue's enchantment.

    Ziyue walked in front of Dink, waved her hand and threw something towards Dink.

    Dink reflexively took a closer look, this is not the crystal nucleus of the monster just now. "What does

    Ziyue mean?" Ziyue glanced at the two corpses on the ground. "You deserve it."

    Ziyue has a lot in her hands. Third-level crystal nucleus, where would you care about such a one, plus that Zi Yue had just got what she wanted, so why not take this crystal nucleus as a personal affection.

    Dink looked at the corpse of the brother on the ground, and then at the crystal nucleus in his hand. Dink suddenly felt that the crystal nucleus in his hand was very precious. This is the "Thank you Ziyue" for the brothers’ lives. Thank you Ziyue for the perfection. , There are still very few third-level crystal nuclei, and they are precious in the base, but Ziyue throws it directly to herself, and Ziyue's heart is not as cold as it seems.

    Ziyue looked at the few people who came by, "Why, don't you leave here as soon as possible, now I'm here to die."

    These people are the rest of Brother Leopard, and the few people bowed towards Ziyue, "I'm sorry." , In the future, we will be good people, and we won't be like this anymore."

    "Don't leave, give you three seconds to disappear before my eyes."

    Several people bowed to Ziyue and the others again, and then left the orchard with their arms.

    Zi Yuezai turned her eyes back to Qin Xu, "How are Zhou Lie and the others?"

    "A lot better, now

    I am resting" "Well, Qin Ge, take Dink and the others to clean up here, I'll take Zimo and the others. Take a look at the gate. The gate must have been destroyed when the monster came in just now. Let’s repair it and take a look at the surroundings. The roar of the monster should have attracted a lot of zombies."

    "Well, I got it, Zi Go to the moon"

    "Mo'er, Mo Sheng, let's go." The

    two nodded towards Qin Xu and they followed Ziyue towards the gate.

    "Tsk tusk tusk... this gate is really completely destroyed, my sister, how can it be repaired?" The

    three stood at the gate and looked at the gate that was almost torn apart by monsters. It really couldn't be repaired.

    Ziyue thought for a while, "Zimo, you and Mo Sheng go and get under the door of the warehouse next to the house. Let's use that as the door for now."

    "Well, let's go now." The two picked up the tools and walked inside. .

    When the two of them went back to the door, Ziyue returned to the tree where she made a slide last time. Ziyue took out her binoculars and looked into the distance. There were more and more black spots in sight, and the target of the black spots seemed to be here. , It seems that the monster's roar really caused some trouble for herself. Ziyue frowned and looked at the front. If these zombies came to the orchard, then it would be useless to press the door of the warehouse. After all, the surroundings The fence is not very strong.

    However, in this snowy day, the moving speed of the zombies is slower than before. At least they can be moved here tomorrow, and the chance of being frozen in the snow is not ruled out.

    However, I decided early. It is not safe anymore. Even though the zombies cannot come in, these fences can still last for several days, but as long as there are zombies, they will always attract more zombies. .

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