Chapter 151-160

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CHAPTER 151: Ziyue said, taking a sigh of relief at your request.

    "Zi Yue, for my sake, let her breathe." When

    Zi Yue was about to take a shot, Su Rui's familiar voice reached Zi Yue's ears.

    Zi Yue frowned in dissatisfaction. Su Rui asked her to leave her a sigh of relief to anyone who dared to kill them. As a result, Zi Yue looked at Su Rui's eyes with dissatisfaction.

    Su Rui looked at Ziyue’s eyes and panicked, "Zixue, she is my good friend’s wife, don’t worry, she will dare to kill in the future, I will solve her personally, really."

    "Zixue, look at Rui Rui For the sake of your face, please give my wife a sigh of relief." Lu Anran also saw Ziyue's dissatisfaction with Su Rui, and said quickly.

    The people around them all grew their mouths. What's the situation now? The two big tycoons of Thunder let this woman give Wang Ling a sigh of relief. Couldn't Wang Ling beat her? This world is illusory.

    And the next to Wang Ling also heard the two people's plea, and his face turned dark. This was an insult to her strength. When did her Wang Ling need someone to intercede with her, but the two people's simultaneous plea made Wang Ling think of something. , That is, both of them knew her strength, and even interceded with her. That can only show one problem, this woman is really strong.

    At this time, Wang Ling had already begun to face Zi Yue, although his arrogance was not diminished, he was also more cautious.

    "I don't need you to intercede, come on" Wang Ling made an offensive posture after speaking.

    On the other hand, Zi Yue looked laid-back and didn't panic at all, as if Wang Ling's attack was ineffective for her. I have to say that it was true. Wang Ling's attack could not get close to Zi Yue's body at all.

    Ziyue was thinking about another question at this time. Su Rui was the man she had identified. Since he had interceded, he promised that this woman would solve them personally if he had thoughts against them.

    Ziyue had no idea about this, because this woman was not their opponent at all.

    So Ziyue feels that she should give Su Rui a face, but suffering is to suffer. The price of wanting to kill them is not so light, but should you leave a sigh of relief, then I will leave her a sigh of relief.

    Zi Yue turned towards Su Rui, with a wicked smile on her face, "Don't worry, I will leave her a sigh of relief."

    Su Rui breathed a sigh of relief when Zi Yue said this. Fortunately, Zi Yue was not very angry. , But Wang Ling might have to suffer a bit.

    Lu Anran, who was next to him, looked at Ziyue's smile, suddenly a cold behind him.

    Seeing that Ziyue's sight left, Wang Ling tickled the corner of his mouth. This was a good opportunity. With a wave of Wang Ling's hand, a fireball flew towards Ziyue.

    Ziyue felt the heat wave rushing towards her face, and she didn't move at all, but leisurely raised the samurai sword in her hand.

    The people on the side sweated for Zi Yue watching this scene. The energy of the fireball was not low at first sight, and even those who were far away felt the heat wave of the fireball.

    Wang Ling looked at Zi Yue, who was not moving at all, thinking that Zi Yue was scared by her own fireball and would not move, and a touch of ridicule evoked at the corner of her mouth, and then the next scene directly made Wang Ling stunned. Living.

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