02. The Boy

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Yeseul had a bad day. The blistering heat of summer didn't help either. She was forced to run to the lab to get her own glasses, but she had to walk back empty handed.

Her head was already aching when she was put in an uncomfortable situation of trying to figure out what was written on the board.

Her math teacher emphasized the point by slapping a ruler on the table, causing Yeseul to wince. "Yeseul, why do you seem distracted today?"

"I can't see the board, sir. My glasses got misplaced in the lab."

"Isn't that a bad excuse now? Your glasses are right in your shirt's pocket."

Yeseul sighed, not bothering to clear the misunderstanding. The students snickered silently, and the class was resumed soon after.

"Did you report the issue in the office? Maybe file a missing object report?" Jisu, one of her classmates, suggested. Yeseul shook her head, planning on doing the same in their lunch break.

The run towards the office wasn't an easy one either. Covering a flight of stairs, Yeseul turned on a sharp corner, but her shoulder was pushed by an approaching figure which she missed by being deep in one of her thoughts.

"Shit." The stranger cursed beneath his breath.

Hyunjin glanced at his shoe which had once again been stepped upon by another girl. Sighing, he looked up out of frustration.

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you coming in my way." Yeseul couldn't make out the face of the boy due to the radiant sunshine that fell over her eyes.

"It's fine. I'm not seeing much clearly today either," he replied before walking away, leaving Yeseul perplexed.

Yeseul stepped back, under the shade of the building. She watched the tall figure of the boy walk away. "What...?"

In the office, the teacher silently nodded while going through her notebook. "We got two similar reports earlier. You can ask them about it."

Yeseul scrunched her face in hesitancy. "I'm sorry. I'm new here, so I'm not very familiar with the students."

"Alright. We'll inform you about it soon."

Yeseul walked towards her classroom. The weather got slightly tolerable when a thin film of clouds filled the path of the sun.

She felt her phone buzz in the pocket of her skirt. Pulling it out, she saw a message from her online friend. Smiling, she opened it.


bro I'm having the worst day

what's up? who hurt chu?

nvm. It's not that bad. I'll manage it *dies*

I'm not having the best one either

bruhh why are we so similar??come, let me take you in a hug

thanks. here's a cookie for you

cute,but dogs are superior

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cute,but dogs are superior

when's your birthday again? I'll bake you an eggplant cake <3

trauma. and cyberbullying. that's what this is.

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