21. Under The Stars

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Everything else seemed to melt down when Hyunjin and Yeseul walked down the staircase, Hyunjin's mother suddenly stopping her steps, taking the whole of the moment to watch what was happening. She couldn't make much sense out of it, because as Hyunjin had said, Yeseul was truly just a friend. But the look on his face did seem to say otherwise.

They were unaware of the happenings of the world outside. When they stepped out, the stars laid like diamonds sprawled over black silk. Yeseul couldn't feel more contradicted than at that moment. Absolute calm, and a havoc stirred in her chest. She stayed quiet, her hand still in the boy's.

Hyunjin led her over the gravel down to the gate that had roses twirled all over it. Pulling it open they walked in the streetlights. Yeseul couldn't look at anything other than how perfectly cupped their hands looked. It would be childish, but she couldn't stop her smile from almost dripping out in that grimness of her state. As if their hands, the touch they formed was something that was meant for only them.

Hyunjin had this buzz swarming in his chest. He couldn't do more than walking quietly under the late hour. He prayed the breeze that brushed against them would make the girl in his hold find some safe haven. The sea was glittering under the moonshine. Tides crashed in an euphonious rhythm. They had reached the end of the uniform houses. There were no crooked picket fence in that corner. Just a small yard open to any passerby. It stayed hidden behind a huge bush rose. The grass stayed soft, like a welcoming hug from the ground. Hyunjin walked over to the turf, sitting down. Yeseul too sat down, trusting the guy beside her with his actions.

Hyunjin watched the glimmering ring of the town circling the other side of the sea. "How are you feeling now?"

Yeseul pulled at the grass, repeating the question to herself again. "The sea is nice."

"Helps ease the nerves, right?"

"It does. I wonder if the bottom of it gives one the same sense of calm." Yeseul chuckled, Hyunjin let out a smile too.

"Is this where you confess of you actually being a mermaid?"

"Hey. I thought we decided on me being a more vicious creature." Yeseul joked along. Hyunjin glanced at her, his eyes glossy with an assuring contentment.

"Yeah, of course. You running away from me earlier really proved your viciousness." He pressed his lips together, trying to stifle his laughter, but Yeseul beat him to that. Both of them had a merry let out of their feelings.

Moments passed with no words being shared. The background playing the sound of the rustling branches and the water filled the air around.

"Jeongin must be snoring in your room." Yeseul smiled at the sky. She watched a dark arising cloud cover one of the corners of it.

"I hope he doesn't drool on my pillowcase." Hyunjin sighed, pushing himself back on the grass.

Yeseul smirked at him."Oh how I pray he does."

Hyunjin stared at her, surprised. He raised an eyebrow, but soon looked away, sighing. "You're evil."

"Hey... Why did you bring me out here?" Yeseul slowly let go of her smile. Hyunjin paused, staring at the stars.

"You seemed sad. What happened?"

Yeseul laid back on the ground too, her arms opened out. "I don't know how to talk about it."

"I'm listening. I can wait."

"Hyunjin. Who... who is that girl?" Yeseul bit at her lips. She wished she could take back her words, but it was too late, and the silence that followed was too heavy to ignore.


"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to look at it."

Hyunjin sat up. "Were you sad because of that?"

Yeseul mirrored him. "I was more worried than sad."

"Will you give me some time? I don't know how to explain my part without feeling guilty." Hyunjin hung his head low. His hair hid his eyes. Yeseul felt a prick in her heart.

"I'll wait. But, can you just promise that you'll take care of yourself?" Yeseul watched the guy.

He slowly nodded. Looking up he gave her an assuring smile. "I will."

The clouds had gathered all over the sky. Yeseul stood up. "You should get some rest now."

Hyunjin looked at her, scoffing. "You can't leave me. There is Jeongin on my bed right now."

Yeseul dusted off the grass blades from her pants. "Your point is?"

Hyunjin let out an exasperated sigh. "I can't carry him corpse style all by myself."

"Oh sweetie, that's called bridal style. Let me correct you there." Yeseul grinned at the boy, while his expression just seemed to bloom into further despair.

"Shit. You're right."

"You seem traumatized." Yeseul coughed out her chuckle. "You can always just drag one by the feet. More energy efficient, and it's rewarding because he won't repeat invading your space."

Hyunjin slapped his hands together. "Thank you. Five minute craft needs to recruit you."

"Eh. I'll pass. Well then, Goodnight." Yeseul saluted, and quickly turned around to leave. "See your face on Monday!"

"Goodnight." Hyunjin watched the girl leave, only realising it too late how fast his heart kept beating in her presence. "Undiagnosed cardiac problems. Yeah, that's what it is." He sighed, walking away towards his own house.

@sulisnotasimp typing...

crap crap crap
I think
I think I've a crush
this is not okayY

tell me why we are
falling at the same time


she's so beautiful. I might undergo a stroke. She's too beautiful. she can't be real-

dude but he??????
he's so charming
it's not even legal

how to not think of her?

Idk but I'm manifesting good memories for both of us

Idk but I'm manifesting good memories for both of us

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you didn't just send that picture

I did
What about it?

... ;_; bye

say amen

you scare me sometimes. . .

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