11. Saturated Memories

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Yeseul had arrived at school earlier than usual. The sun dazzled against the corridor walls, and walking through the serenity made a smile to spread over her face. Her footsteps echoed in the empty crevice as she made her way towards the gym where the rest of the students had gathered. Pushing the door open, she met the sight of students practicing their dance in front of the tall mirrors, eyes aware of each calculated movement. There were some children huddled together, working on their portfolios. Gazing around, she met the sight of Jeongin. He sat in a corner, the headphones cutting his presence into the music he listened to, eyes closed, a hesitant grin secretly working it's way out.

"Hey." Yeseul sat beside him, touching his knee to bring him back to the present. He looked up, a happiness flourishing on his face.


Yeseul cringed. "Don't call me that." She took off her glasses, cleaning the lens by her shirt.

"Yeseul, what are you doing here this early?" The boy tried the name on his tongue, but his ears turned red, and he chuckled off the odd feeling. "It makes me feel bad to call you Yeseul."

"It's alright. I guess I can say that we are friends now." Yeseul hugged her knees towards her chest, softly smiling at the surprise of the boy's face.

"You really called me your friend." He playfully grabbed his chest, bending down dramatically. "My heart is melting. It's an honour."

"Hey, cut it off." Yeseul jokingly held her hand out, as if she was about to hit him. They both laughed merrily. "Oh, by the way, what were you listening to?" She pulled the recorder from his hold, but Jeongin held it back, covering the marked name over it.

"Let me show you." He put his headphones on Yeseul's head, turning on the volume as the girl waited for the music to play. And once it did, she stayed silent, her eyes closed, the melody giving her a brief burst of colors in her mind. It was truly beautiful. The voice of the singer was raw with such emotions, that Yeseul couldn't help the goosebumps that covered her arms. The warmness of the voice reminded her of the sunset she witnessed with Hyunjin and Jeongin. She smiled as the song slowly came to an end.

"That's such a beautiful song! I have never heard it before." Yeseul grinned, taking off the headphones.

Jeongin chuckled in his fist, as if a secret was about to unfurl from his throat. "It's not out yet."

Yeseul's eyes grew wide. "You made this?"

"Me and Hyunjin. He sang it. Don't tell him that I showed it to you. He'll kill me."

Yeseul felt like a dream had swirled her in a knitted up tale. She suddenly missed the voice, as if wanting to hear it again and again until her bones absorbed it. Jeongin couldn't stop laughing at how the surprise made her mouth to stay agape.

"Earth to, Yeseul!" The boy grinned, the bell making him stand up. He threw the recorder in her lap, combing down his hair with his fingers shyly. "Hyunjin wanted to show his music to the world, but he's scared of the idea. I'm sure he'll appreciate it if a stranger started to listen to his work."


"You don't have to tell him. Just listen to what he makes, and pray that he breaks out of the room he trapped his dreams inside."

It was a foreign thing to witness when Jeongin spoke these words. He usually would put up a shy demeanor, hiding away the care he sew in his bonds with those who were close to him. But when Yeseul sat with him that morning, her eyes on the recorder holding Hyunjin and Jeongin's work, she couldn't help but desire a best friend who could be physically present with her too, to help her push against what scared her away in safer places with no hope of growth. She nodded. "Thank you, Jeongin."



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were you waiting for this pic?


you two look like you were having a shoot for a romance genre

you two look like you were having a shoot for a romance genre

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you are in denial, hyung
you should stop tutoring for chem. you already have it with yeseul

I'm blocking you

before you do that

you dumpster rat
you cheeky bastard
what else do you have!?

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the beach pic

[ seen ]

The picture was saturated with moments that Hyunjin could barely get his mind off from. He held his breath in, the beating in his ribcage prominent in his ears. Double tapping at the picture, he watched the delicate smile of him and Yeseul against the sunset, and the wavering waters. It confused him to look at the picture. Was it the warmness of the rich memory that had left a stain in his heart, or was it the person that stood with him in that hour?

"Shit." Hyunjin cursed softly, rubbing at his neck. He pushed the phone in his pocket, eyes moving away towards the end of the corridor. He had a free period, and barely having any options to kill time, he sat on the stairs that led to the closed off hall. "I hope she enjoyed the day."

A sudden shadow shifted over the walls. He blinked his eyes when he saw Yeseul walk out of the staff room with a box in her hands. A smile hooked up Hyunjin's lips as he stood up, heart hesitant to meet her. Yeseul walked in the library, unaware of his presence. And just when he walked ahead to greet the girl, another person joined the deserted corridor.


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