58. New Beginnings

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"Watch your step." Hyunjin held Yeseul steady, arms circling her waist. He had a smile that tired his cheeks. He couldn't hold it in. Yeseul met his gaze through tousled hair, her intoxicated grin infectious.

"You're taking me to your bedroom without permission?" She teased him. Blood rushed to Hyunjin's cheeks. He fumbled with the keys, and she poked him in the ribs, prompting him to respond. "You need to sober up."

Hyunjin pushed the door open, orange of bulb lighting their way. It spilled forth with a soft, luminous radiance, casting a warm and tranquil glow throughout the room. He took his shoes off, leaving Yeseul against the wall, eyes closed and lips muttering intelligible phrases. He chuckled, sitting on his knees to help the drunk girl out of her heels. She winced, holding on his hair for support. "Don't tug. I don't want to be bald by the end of this."

"You'll make a cute bald man." Yeseul sat down, cupping his face. "I can't feel my legs." A shy look took over her eyes.

Hyunjin sighed, his heart racing as he beheld the delightful sight before him. Gently, he slipped his arms under her, hoisting her up into his embrace. Their eyes locked for a moment too long, and Hyunjin blinked away the tension. Clearing his throat, he decided to break the silence, "I'll put you down now." With Yeseul in his arms, he made his way towards the couch.

Yeseul, with evident reluctance, released her grasp from around his neck, sinking into the seat with her legs folded beneath her. As she settled, Hyunjin scratched the nape of his neck, his gaze darting elsewhere, desperately attempting to appear nonchalant, though it was a futile endeavor.

"I'll go freshen up and prepare dinner," he mumbled, and with that, he hastened towards the refuge of his room. Yeseul was caught off guard, a mixture of surprise and bewilderment washing over her as the effects of alcohol began to wane. Her cheeks ignited as the realization dawned upon her: she was in his apartment.

This was going to be interesting.

Hyunjin slid into the comfort of a loose-fitting black T-shirt and pants, the soft fabric embracing him. As he splashed his face with icy water, he hoped the coldness would banish the telltale signs of his blush. The hushed stillness of the living room felt suffocating, filling him with a nervous anticipation. He was acutely aware of Yeseul's presence, envisioning her there, a vision to behold.

In the reflection of the mirror, Hyunjin paused, his eyes catching sight of the cologne nearby. He sprayed a dash of it onto his skin. His reflection became a canvas for steadying his breath and practicing the art of nonchalance, moments stretching out as he readied himself for what lay beyond the door. "Okay." With a determined sigh, he walked out.

"He's here." Yeseul was smiling at her phone. She turned around to catch Hyunjin in the frame. He walked closer when he saw Jeongin and Soji were on a video call with Yeseul. He raised an awkward hand at them. "Hey guys."

The couple waved back enthusiastically. "Hyunjin, you sly bast-" Soji was quick to muffle loud mouthed Jeongin. She came closer to the camera. "You guys have fun. Talk to you later."

Yeseul tried holding them back but the screen blanked mid protest. "Rude." She muttered.

Hyunjin made his way to the kitchen. He couldn't escape the heightened awareness of her presence, a sensation akin to that of a teenage boy. With a gentle tug, he swung the fridge door open, his hands sifting through the array of groceries. Eventually, he retrieved plump tomatoes, fresh eggs, a container of cream, and fragrant cloves of garlic. He arranged these ingredients on the kitchen counter, all the while feeling Yeseul's gaze upon him.

As he stole a glance in her direction, he found endearment adorning her features. "What's on your mind?"

Yeseul, her smile still lingering, simply replied, "Nothing."

"Are you feel sober?" He started dicing the tomatoes before setting the pan on the fire.

"I'm feeling safer."

This phrase held a weight to it. The magnitude of happiness it evoked within Hyunjin was ridiculous. He smiled softly. "I'll make you tomato egg. Sounds good?"

"The best," Yeseul whispered as she gracefully glided toward him, her head still feeling as light as a floating cloud. She settled her palms on the kitchen counter, and her arm brushed against Hyunjin's. "Need any assistance?" she inquired, her voice a gentle melody in the cozy atmosphere.

Hyunjin couldn't help but emit a soft chuckle. "You don't seem quite awake enough for cooking," he remarked playfully, causing a blush to sweep across Yeseul's cheeks. She turned away from him, perching herself on the countertop, her legs dangling with a rhythmic sway. From this vantage point, she surrendered herself to the enchanting sight of Hyunjin rolling up his sleeves, expertly dicing the ingredients into substantial chunks, and sautéing them in the sizzling oil. The simple beauty of this culinary dance sparked a quiet fascination within her.

Lost in her reverie, Yeseul was oblivious to the fact that her gaze had been fixed upon Hyunjin, who, with a hint of mischief in his expression, locked eyes with her. "Enjoying the show?" he inquired, his eyebrow rising in playful curiosity.

Yeseul could only manage a contented hum in response, her heart fluttering in delight. "You would make a good husband."

Hyunjin's hands froze in midair, his expression unreadable as he fixed his gaze on Yeseul in profound silence. A sense of hesitating guilt washed over Yeseul, and her voice wavered as she stammered, "I'm sorry. That was too sudden. I guess I'm not out of it yet." She anxiously nibbled on the insides of her cheeks, waiting for his reaction.

Then, as though the dawn was breaking after a long night, a soft, melodious laughter spilled from Hyunjin's lips. He brought the back of his hand to his mouth, attempting to muffle his amusement. Yeseul couldn't help but be perplexed by his reaction. "What's so funny?" she inquired, a curious smile playing at the corners of her lips.

"You think I'll make a good husband?" He carefully placed the knife aside, closing the distance between them with two measured steps. Yeseul blinked, feeling her heart rate quicken. The innocent smile that had graced Hyunjin's face earlier now gave way to a sly, small smirk. Was he always this good looking?

"The tomatoes are burning." Yeseul tried distracting him, but Hyunjin didn't spare a glance to the pan. He slithered his hands around her waist, pulling her towards him. She could witness a moment too short where his eyes turned darker, or was it just the lights? "I turned the stove off."

Yeseul stood in such close proximity to him that her hands instinctively found their place on his chest, serving as the sole barrier between their bodies. The moment threatened to send her into a delightful daze. Hyunjin's voice dropped to a low, sultry register as he suggested, "Maybe you should consider proving if you could be a good wife too."

Yeseul responded with a playful quip, "You sound like a podcast bro." Her heart hammered inside her ribs.

Hyunjin continued, undeterred, "So, should I be thinking about putting a ring on it?"

Her teasing smile remained, "Easy there, lover boy."

He persisted, a hint of mischief in his eyes, "Come on, Sul, don't leave me hanging."

Yeseul countered with a twinkle in her eye, "I'll answer based on my opinion of your cooking tonight. Does that sound like a fair deal?"

Hyunjin grinned and declared, "I'll resume cooking then."

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