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I was at home, working on my Kingsman test. I had a camera recording me to make sure I didn't cheat, as I answered the last question the timer went off and I turned off the camera. 

Then the front door opened, "Dad?" I yelled going to the front door. "Hey, Dad. How was work?" I asked him as he came home, he had messed up his hair and went over to the dining room and poured himself a drink. "Dad?" He didn't answer me. "Where's mum?" I asked sitting down next to my test. 

He stopped drinking for a minute and looked at me, "Your mother's not coming home." He mumbled loud enough for me to hear. "What do you mean? Did she have something she had to do?" I asked confused. He just held the glass tighter until his knuckles turned white, "Dad...are you okay-" "No!" The glass broke in his hand with his drink spilling everywhere as I flinched. 

I stopped talking after that until he finally said something, "Your mother's dead." He said looking at the wall emotionlessly. I looked up in shock, "What?" "I said-" "I know what you said." Then tears started brimming in my eyes. "She was shot in the heart 3 times." He said not looking at me and going up the stairs. I sat at the table, with no comfort, no hugs, no reassurance that everything was going to be fine from my father. 

I just sat there and sobbed endlessly, with no help from my father. "Why did he have to tell me that?" I whispered getting angrier. "Why did he have to tell me that!" I got up and smashed a picture frame behind me. 

And that's from about 17 years ago. I was 11 almost 12. 

Ever since then, my father has been distant. He doesn't talk to me much as he did, but when he does it's at Kingsman or about a mission, sometimes he talks to me about personal matters but when he does he doesn't take much interest in what I do. 

I started training for becoming a Kingsman agent when I was 14, my father had hired multiple people to train me, not only Merlin but people from outside of Kingsman. Ex-assassins, ex-spies sometimes even active spies. But he was almost never there for my training, mainly Merlin was. Merlin was more close to me than my father was. 

When my mother first died, I was a bit angry at him but I could understand why he was distant. I guess I reminded him of my mum. But now, it's been almost 17 years, and he's still distant. He never really took a part in my life, he was never there when I went on missions. 

But yet, he wouldn't let me go on an actual mission until I was 18, and even now he sometimes restrains me. And even now, I still try to make sure he doesn't do anything reckless and try to ensure his safety. 

Anyway, before this mission, I had completed 33 missions - solo and with other agents. 

And this one would have been perfectly fine if I hadn't had a bloody distraction. 

That distraction is, Eggsy Unwin. The one and fucking only. 

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