Our plan

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We had boarded the plane and now it was time to actually go to Valentine's base, where Eggsy had typed in the coordinates for. "Y/N, you're going to have to keep Eggsy in check. He's not a Kingsman agent, and he did pretty well in training but you're the only long-lasting agent we have here besides me, so," He said to me. "Yeah, alright, got it," I said and he nodded as we made our way out of the front of the plane. "What the fuck is this?" Eggsy asked picking up part of the lift that Roxy was going to use. "I have no idea," Roxy says looking at it completely lost. I got out of 

"What your playing with is a prototype personal trans-atmospheric vehicle," I said going to sit down next to Eggsy and Merlin sitting down in his chair near the computers. Eggsy just smirked at me, "What?" I snapped at him. "Nothing, just love it when you talk facts," He charmed. I rolled my eyes and smiled a bit as I gave my attention back to Merlin. "It was developed as part of Reagan's Star Wars project. It's pretty basic, but it'll do," He informed them. 

"We're gonna take out one of Valentine's satellites," Merlin smiled and raised his eyebrows at Roxy. "We're gonna break the chain. And stop the signal, it'll take him a couple of hours to reroute it. Which will give us enough time for me to get into Valentine's mainframe so I can shut it down," Merlin instructs. "Understood," I said nodding along. "Lancelot, you're gonna be using it. Get into your Halo suit," Merlin instructs as Roxy hesitantly nods and gets up. 

As Roxy got ready Merlin took out the chip, "Lamerok, can you come and analyze this? Your hands are more steady than mine," He said getting up so I could look at it. "I doubt it, but okay," I sat down and looked through the magnifying glass looking at it. "It seems the chip can emit some kind of counter signal to ensure the wearer, that would be Arthur in this case, remains unaffected by the waves from the SIM cards," I said looking at it intensely. 

"The waves that turn everyone into a psycho killer?" Eggsy asks trying to look. "Exactly," I said still looking at it through furrowed eyebrows. "But what he didn't tell anyone, I'm assuming, is it can super-heat their soft tissue at his fingertips. Valentine selected his chosen few to get the countdown warning, but he had to make sure no one would blab to the wrong people before the countdown started, I'm guessing," I squinted at it switching the chip between tweezers. 

"Wouldn't want the whole world to know his plan. But how does this help us right now, exactly?" Eggsy asks as I put the chip down and look up, "It doesn't," I breathe as I turned around in my chair. "Roxy, let's go!" Merlin yells to Roxy. "Ready?" Merlin asks comfortingly as she comes out and we land in an icy area, not exactly sure where. 

The vehicle to hold Roxy in is all set up and so are her balloons, she gets strapped in and we all go out there with her. "You cold?" Eggsy asks. "Of course I am," I roll my eyes at him jokingly. "Right. The higher you go the more the balloons will expand. When you reach the edge. of the atmosphere, they'll pop. You'll need to deploy your missile before that, alright?" Merlin instructs. Roxy nods, "Edge of the atmosphere. Got it," "Once you've deployed, you'll need to release for descent fast. Good luck," Merlin says as he makes his way back to the plane. 

I stay behind for a bit and so does Eggsy, "You've got this, Roxy," I said trying to comfort her. She nods down to me as I start to make my way inside the plane, "Y/N, Eggsy, come on! Time is not our friend!" "I'm coming!" I yell to Merlin. Soon enough, Eggsy comes back inside and now it's our turn to be instructed. The plane took off again as Merlin instructed us, "You'll be getting in on Arthur's invitation. You're gonna need to blend in," Merlin's hands Eggsy his phone. 

"I'm supposed to be Arthur?" Eggsy says uneasily. Merlin nods, "Give them his real name, Chester King," He nods to the phone. "You, Y/N, will be Chester's lovely wife, Michelle King. You'll go into the field with him," Merlin says sarcastically. "Lovely," I replied back sarcastically. "Yes, you will be quite lovely," Eggsy charms as I just hide my smile and bite my lip. "And I will be your guy's lovely pilot, and I will stay safely back in the plane," He gestures to himself as I just slightly laugh. 

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