Scare tactics

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I got dressed and did my hair up as I walked quickly to the room with the recruits. I come to the door as Merlin is at the entryway, "That was quick." He comments looking at his watch. "5 minutes." He comments again as I shrug. I stand beside him as we wait for my father and his recruit to come, "Did you text you or call you...?" Merlin asks. "No, he didn't do a fucking thing," I mumble annoyed at him. "Did he let you know? That he was going to be late?" I ask annoyed. 

"No, as far as I know, he didn't alert anybody." I just close my eyes annoyed and sighing. "Shit," I say opening my eyes. Before Merlin can say anything, my father comes around the corner with his recruit. A young man wearing a hat, a zip-up jacket, and dark jeans. I give him an appointed tight-lipped annoyed smile, "Galahad." Merlin greets sighing. "My code name." Harry lets his recruit know. 

"Late again," I say annoyed with my hand behind my back. "Yes, well, I got held up." He nodded looking at me annoyed. "Eggsy, this is Merlin. And this is Lamerok, another Kingsman agent who will help you with your training," He points to me as Eggsy stuck his hand out for me to shake. I give him a look as he awkwardly brings it back, "In you go." Merlin said basically throwing him in there. "Good luck." My father says. 

Once Merlin is inside I spoke to my father, "What the fuck? You said you wouldn't do that again." I said in a low voice. He doesn't say anything, "I got held up." Is all he says before walking away. "'Got held up' to the point where you didn't think to alert anybody that you would be late?" I said walking after him. "Lamerok!" Merlin yells from the room. I look back and then at Harry, "We'll continue this later." I said running back over to the room. 

As soon as I enter the room, all the recruits eyes are on me. Merlin looks back at the recruits, "This is Agent Lamerok, another agent here at Kingsman. She will be helping me with your training. While she is here, you give as much respect to her as you give to me. Is that understood?" They all nod as I don't give an expression, although inside I'm smiling at the fact that they all have to respect me now.

"You are all about to embark on what is probably the most dangerous job interview in the world. One of you, and only one of you, will become the next Lancelot." Merlin informs them. I walk over to the bags on the beds, "Can one of you tell me what this is?" I said picking up the body bag. They all raise their hands as I pick one, "Bodybag, ma'am." "Correct," I say as I drop it and join Merlin again. "Charlie, is it?" Merlin asks again as the boy nods.

"Good. In a moment, you will each choose and bed and a body bag, you will write your name on that bag. You will write the details of your next of kin on that bag." Merlin starts. My father's recruit looks a bit scared by it, he didn't seem that bright. "This represents your acknowledgement of the risks you are about to face, as well as your agreement to strict confidentiality. Which, incidentally, if you break, will result in you and your next of kin being in that bag." Merlin says calmly. 

Again, my father's recruit looks even more scared. "Is that understood?" They all nod. "Excellent. Fall out." Merlin instructs as we both leave, Merlin leaving first and me leaving second. I let go of my emotionless face as I close the door, "You alright? You seem to be acting weird again." Merlin asks as we walk. "Yeah, no yeah. I'm just having another rough time with Harry." I say like it's a normal thing. "Oh, well I'm sorry to hear that." He puts his hand on my shoulder. 

"It's okay," I say not letting any tears or anything show. "I trust you'll be able to handle it?" "Yes. Yeah, yeah. I'll be fine." I sigh a little annoyed. "Good. How about you get some sleep, I'll wake you up when their first task has started." I nodded at his kind words. 

I went over to my room at Kingsman, I didn't really bother changing since I was going to be up in a few hours anyway. I crawled under sheets and drifted off to sleep. 

A/N: I know this is kind of shit and short but yk what technically I'm supposed to be doing schoolwork since I'm in online school. Anyway, I'm gonna continue avoiding schoolwork and upload another chapter I think. 

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