We're fucked

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"Guy's find a laptop and get me online, the clock is ticking," Merlin said in our earpieces. "Enjoy," The lady says before walking away. "Try and blend in," Melin adds quickly. "Would sir care for a drink?" A bartender asks Eggsy. "Martini. Gin, not vodka. Obviously. Stirred for ten seconds, while staring at an unopened bottle of vermouth," The bartender nods and looks at me. 

"Would ma'am care for a drink?" "Vodka tonic, stirred for five seconds, please," The bartender nodded and walked off. I give Eggsy a look, "What?" He smiles. "Enjoying a James Bond moment, are we?" I roll my eyes as we walk around. He didn't respond, "Merlin, are you clocking this?" I asked looking around. "Yes, I am. Stay focused," Merlin orders us. 

The man came back with our drinks, "Get me online now," Merlin says as Eggsy looks around. "On it," I follow him but then I follow his eyes. "Eggsy, I can't go up there," I said looking at the man with the laptop. "Why?" "It'll blow my cover. That's the Swedish Prime Minister, Morton Lindstrom," I said quietly. "How do you know the Swedish Prime Minister?" He asked confused. "Not now," I whispered moving my head away as he starts to look my way. 

"I'll go up the other way, distract him for now," I said as I started to walk away and up the stairs from behind Morton Lindstrom. Eggsy and he were talking and he saw me come up behind him, he raised his eyebrows as a sign lifted his watch up and shot an amnesia dart at him sending him down. Eggsy got the inside of the booth as I got on the outside. 

Eggsy puts the key in to hack into the computer. I grab the computer and start typing away, "Y/N, I'm in. Get your arses back on the plane now!" Merlin yells in our earpieces. "On our way," We both said as I took the key out and put it in my suit pocket. I downed my drink as I started to get up but a cold piece of metal at my throat stopped me, "The fuck..." "Nice and slow," I heard from behind me. "Charlie?" Eggsy asks next to me. "The fuck are you doing here?" I spat at him. 

"Well, my family was invited, obviously. Now, get the fuck up," Charlie says trying to pick me up. "You always were a snotty little prick. Hard to train because of it," I spat at him as he brought me up more. "You had power over me, and now I have power over you. It's only fair," Charlie spat in my ear as I just rolled my tongue on the inside of my cheek, clearly pissed. 

"Charlie, get the fuck off of her." "Don't fight me, and I won't kill her right now." Charlie threatens as I wave Eggsy off. I'll be fine. "Valentine! I've caught two fucking spies!" Charlie yells. "Fuck you, Charlie." I push my signet ring on his head as Eggsy punches him in the face. We look around and then back at Valentine, "Come on." I grab Eggsy's hand as we jump down from the terrace but let go on the way down.

We run out to the room and into the hallways. We run in and out of hallways trying to avoid the guards, "Eggsy, Y/N, take a left. Two guards up ahead." They try and shoot at us but we block them. I go up to one of the guards and use both of my feet to kick him in the head and flip over, I grab his gun as he falls over and shoot him and the other guy.

Two other guards come out of nowhere, Eggsy grabs one of the guy's and uses him as a shield. I use the other guy's gun to shoot but he's out of ammo. I get behind Eggsy, grab my gun and shoot two guy's, one running after me. He picks me up and tries to throw me over his shoulder, I flip him with my legs pushing him over onto the ground with me right-side-up, I punch him in the face. I turn around and Eggsy took out the other 3, we nod at each other and run out. "Straight ahead, then right. Two more up ahead." I run after one and slide under him making him trip.

I grab my pistol shoot three more dead and get up. I flip one guy over and shoot one more coming at me, I get up and see Eggsy is fine. "Come on, come on," I say getting Eggsy up as we run. We run after all of the guy's shooting "Next left, Y/N, Eggsy. Down the narrow tunnel." He says as three guards come rushing after us and shooting. I shoot most of them down and Eggsy deals with the rest. One guy comes rushing after me, I flip onto his head, shoot three guys while I try to flip him over and then I shoot the original guy in the head.

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