Final stage

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It was later in the day, the trainees were relaxing and watching the telly in one of the rooms. "Hey, Y/N." I heard Merlin behind me as I was walking to the recruits room, partially waiting for him. "Merlin?" "I came to go and give you the envelopes for the recruits." He handed me an orange envelop with everything they needed for their, so-called mission.

"And to ask you, how are you doing? I know we don't do check-ins often but you've been acting different lately." Merlin asks truthfully and caring. "I'm fine. How have I been acting differently?" I ask. "No reason. You're just snapping at everyone, like your angry all the time." He said concerned. He's right, I have been feeling really angry at everyone and I don't know why. Because I don't think anything in my life has changed, so nothing should affect my mood. 

But I didn't want to worry him, especially since we only had a limited amount of time to give them these envelopes. "I'm fine. We should discuss this later?" I nodded to the door. He nodded as we made our way over to the door. I walked in first, moving the door aside and not closing it, Merlin gave me a look and closed it. 

"At ease," Merlin ordered them as they sat back down. "So, you thought you were done for the day? Well, your not." I said smiling and giving them the envelopes. They took out the pictures of their targets, "A party?" Roxy asked looking at both of us. "Tonight, in London," I answered. Charlie held up a picture of the target, "Whose this?" "You're target. Your mission is to use your NLP training to win over the person in the photo." I reply. 

"And when I say 'win over,' I do mean in the biblical sense," I added quickly smiling. Eggsy smirked and flipped over his photo, "Easy. Posh girls love a bit of rough." He winks at me as I just ignore it. "We'll see about that, yeah?" Charlie flips over his photo. "We certainly will," Roxy says cockily flipping over her photo. 

They all had the same target. "You all have the same target. You will have 1 1/2 hours to get ready. Good luck," I smirked walking out of there. Merlin followed me close behind, "Y/N." He yelled. I rolled my eyes, frankly wanting to avoid the conversation. "Yes?" I said to him annoyed. "Are you going to talk to me normally or are you going to give me attitude?" He said giving me a look. Merlin had kind of been like a father figure to me when Harry wasn't, so when he acted like this it did make me a little worried. 

"What do you want to talk about?" I rolled my eyes. "This. You never act like this." He said waving his hands up and down my body as an example. "Like what? I'm always bossy." I asked confused, although I did know exactly what he was talking about. "Don't give me that bullshit. What's wrong?" He asked me seriously. 

"Nothings wrong, Merlin. I'm okay." I said seriously smiling, even though I wanted to punch everyone and yell at everyone around me. "You know I can tell when you fake smile, right? You can't fool me." He tilted his head annoyed. I sighed, "Just tell me what's wrong," I thought for a moment. "I don't know. I can't tell you because I don't know. All I know is there is something that I'm feeling, and on top of that feeling I just want to punch and scream at everyone around me." I said whispering. 

He didn't say anything, "Of course, there's nothing you can do. So, what's the point in me telling you?" "No, it's not that. I just think I know what you're going through." He said as he walked me to his office. "What's that?" I crossed my arms and shrugged. He sighed loudly, "A long time ago," "Oh, god." I said at his introduction. He laughed, "A long time ago, I met someone. And she was the sweetest, most beautiful person I had ever seen. But, I denied and denied what I felt for her. And that made me angry, bitter, mean to everyone around me." He started. 

"What? And you think I like someone?" I scoffed. "I do." I blew a raspberry, "You're delusional." I crossed my arms and sat down. "When they touch you, do you feel a warm feeling? Like your stomach is exploding and you can't control it or calm it down in any way?" He described looking at me intensely. I nodded slowly, "That's what affection and love feel like, Y/N. It's okay to feel that." He reassured me putting a hand on my shoulder. 

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