Time to myself

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I walked away into a dressing room and got a new suit for myself. I must say, I did look kind of good in a suit. Before I started doing missions, I hated wearing suits but when you get one to actually fit your size (i.e tailored) it's quite comfortable. Even better that it's a Kingsman suit. 

I did my button up as I walked out and heard the phone ring. There was no tailor guy there so I went up to it thinking it was an agent, but I started with the normal saying in case it was a wrong number. "Customer complaints, how may I help you?" I said into the phone. 

"Hi, my name is Eggsy Unwin. Sorry, Gary Unwin." The boy said into the phone. Unwin? That name sounded familiar. But, I had to let them finish as per Kingsman rules - in case it might be someone who needs help. "I'm up shit creek. I'm at Holburn Police Station. My mum said to call this number if I ever needed help..." So he was a person with a meddle. 

Wait, Unwin? The name of the guy that saved my father's life? Regardless of whether his dad did or not, I needed to respond with the normal words unless he says the code words. "Sorry, sir, wrong number," I said staying on the line a bit longer to see if he says them. "Wait, wait." I sigh as I bring the phone up to my ear again. "'Oxford's not brogue's...?" The words come out as more of a question than a statement. But, they are the right words technically. 

I smirk a bit but try to hide it, "Your complaint has been duly noted, and we hope we have not lost you as a loyal customer." I say and hang up before he has a response. I immediately get out my phone and call my father personally, "Hey, just a random question. Do you know know the last name of the man who saved your life about 17 years ago?" I ask. Wow, that's a stupid question. "Of course, I know. His last name was Unwin, Lee Unwin." He said as if I was stupid.

"Okay, well, his son just called the tailor shop saying he needs help," I said as he stayed silent. "Did he say the code words?" "Yes," I replied quickly. "Where is he?" I texted him the coordinates and location and he thanked me. "Please do not be late tonight," I say sternly. "I won't. Love you." He said, "Love you too." And he hung up as I just rolled my eyes. 


Merlin had called me in to talk to me about the recruits and what will happen. "This is where they'll sleep." He showed me to the room. There were beds lined up on the sides of the wall, and a bathroom in the middle. Not a very private bathroom, I mean, I would be annoyed at that. 

"So, what tasks do they have?" I asked curiously sitting on one of the beds. "I'll tell you that tonight. Their first task is tonight, at midnight." I nod, "Is it a surprise task?" "Yep." I smile at that, I always did love the reactions of surprises from people. 

"Now, we want to rule out the weak ones early, to give the other ones a chance. Tonight - when the task happens - they'll be asleep, at their most vulnerable time. That should determine the weaklings." He said swiping on his tablet. "Mhm. And when do I get to meet them? Who's coming?" I say excitedly. 

Merlin gives me a stern look, "You know you can't befriend them, right?" I nod but he gives me another look and sighs. "I need your help in choosing and I can't trust you to pick the right one if you're favouring one over the other." I sigh tiredly, "Yes, Merlin, I get it." I say disappointingly. 

"If he or she becomes the next Lancelot then you can get to know them, maybe even befriend them," Merlin says sitting next to me. I just smile, "So... there's girls coming?" He gets up, "Are you listening? I'm being serious!" "So am I!" I say getting up. "Don't make me take you off this, Y/N." He says seriously. I just sigh and nod, like I always do. "Good." He swipes on his tablet as he starts walking away. 

"Why don't you go shoot? I know that always makes you feel better." He suggests bumping my arm a little. I just nod and smile as I go out of the room and to the shooting area. "Oh, and Lamerok!" I go back in at my code name. "Come back here in four hours? That's when they should be arriving." I nod and continue walking. "Maybe you'll meet a new friend there or something," I say trying to convince myself. "Probably not," I say out loud. But at least I'll have fun ordering people around. I smile to myself as I enter the shooting room. 

Although, I am excited to work with a more younger person. Not a middle-aged man for once, or my father, who is also a middle-aged man, whatever.

It was just down the hall so I didn't have to walk that far. I put on my earmuffs, get on my gloves, grab a gun and start shooting at the target. I hit the bullseye every time and have my arms locked but my elbows bent a little to keep my aim steady. I shoot and shoot and shoot, every time it feels like I'm relieving myself of one emotion.

I have this bad habit of not expressing my emotions, I keep it all bottled up and then let it all out on one thing. Sometimes I do it by accident and in front of people and it makes me feel worse. Especially, in front of Harry. I keep shooting and letting out my emotions on the targets. 

Once I'm done, I go over to the training area. I was better with shooting, kicking people, and just using my body to knock people out. I don't know why but it seemed easier for me, although Merlin didn't like it so he insisted on training me to use guns and knives more. I don't really care because I'm good with that too, honestly. 

I go over to the punching bag, grab my grips and start kicking it and punching it. I kicked and punched really hard so anytime I kicked someone or punched someone they would go right down. I don't hear anything except my breathing and the sound of the bag getting moved around.

I start to think, about my father. I let my emotions out on the bag. Why was he always late? Was he doing something? Was it bad? Is he avoiding me? Does he actually love me or is he just saying it out of pity? Why do I always have these thoughts? They're so annoying. Why can't I just have a normal mind? Or a normal spy life? 

I then feel a hand on my shoulder as I turn around ready to punch them in the face. "Woah! It's me, it's me." Merlin says reassuring me as I calm down. I sigh tiredly, "Merlin. What is it?" I say panting. "The recruits have started arriving. You might want to get dressed. Take your time though." "You said they'd be coming in four hours?" I questioned. "Yeah, it's been about 2 hours since I told you that. They arrived 2 hours early. Everyone except your father's, do you know where he is?" Merlin asked. 

"No, I haven't heard from him in about 6 hours," I said taking my grips off. "You feel better?" I smiled and sighed, "Loads." I said walking out of the room. "Meet me back at the bedroom for the recruits." I gave him a thumbs-up as I walked away, going to get changed. 

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