Time to OURselves

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I then got up fixing my sleeves. I turn around ready to go back to the plane, Eggsy grabs my face and kisses me for a long moment. I smile as we pull away and I look at Valentine's body, "I hate him," I muttered angrily. "I know," He turned my head to him with his thumb and pointer finger. "I know," He smiled as he grabbed my hips and kissed me again. After about a minute or so, he breaks away and my eye widen. "Oh, my god. Tilde!" I remind myself as I ran away and back over to Tilde's cell. 

"Merlin, can you get the code to cell number 4, please?" I asked and waited for a moment. "2625," He said as I put the code in and opened the door. "Y/N!" Tilde came forward and hugged me tightly. "Tilde, oh, my god. Are you okay?" I asked her while she was still hugging me passionately. "Yes, I'm fine." She said breaking away from the hug. "Did you save the world?" She asked smiling giddily. "Yeah, I did." I smiled. "Are you gonna tell me what the fuck is going on then?" "On one condition," I said as she nodded and rolled her eyes. "Please don't tell your mum and dad. This is sort of a secret thing," I said to her and rubbed her shoulders. 

"Yeah, yeah, sure. Are you gonna tell me now?" She breathed. "Yeah," I smiled and laughed at her. "Actually, she's not." Eggsy said grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him. "Sorry, you Highness," "Your Royal Highness," I corrected Eggsy. He rolled his eyes, "Your Royal Highness, I'm afraid I'm going to have to steal her away for now. But you'll have her back soon," He smiled and pushed me into a cell. "What the fuck are you doing?" I asked frantically. He placed champagne down "Eggsy, Y/N? No need for champagne, we got loads on the plane." Merlin said. "I'm just taking you up on my promise," Eggsy shrugged and kissed me. I didn't have to ask because I already knew what he meant.

"You are lovely." He says pushing me down on the bed and kissing me again. I smile into the kiss as he grabs my hips and pins them down. He kisses me again going down to my neck as he starts unbuttoning my dress shirt and I slip off my shoes. "Eggsy," "What? What is it?" He asks immediately stepping back. "Nothing...just," I grabbed my glasses and took them off. Eggsy laughed as he did the same and resumed what he was doing, "You're wearing too much," I moan and start unbuttoning his shirt before he grabs my hands. "I'm in control here, my love." He says as he starts again unbuttoning my shirt.

He starts kissing my neck again and unbuttons his shirt until he stops, "Wait, wait. Are you sure you want this?" He asks again concerned. As much as I find it hot when he does this, I'm really impatient. "Yes, Eggsy. Yes." I said quickly as he just smirked. "Are you sure?" He goes right up to my lips but doesn't kiss them, I begin to grow more impatient and start to fiddle with his belt trying to undo it. He just chuckles and grabs my hands, "Uh no, no, no. What did I tell you?" He says smiling. 

And, well, you can imagine the rest ;)


We were both panting and laying at each other's sides, my eyes were closed from pleasure. He looks at me, "I love you," He says to me as I just look at him and smile as I get in close to him and try to cuddle him but he stops me. "Y/N," "What?" I say concerned I said something wrong. "You got shot." He says pointing to it. "What?" I put on a dress shirt and walked over to a mirror, thankfully, I wasn't actually shot. "I'm not shot, Eggsy. It's just a graze." I say waving it off as I go and cuddle him again. "Okay, then. And it doesn't feel like anything?" He asks weirdly.

"No, I'm fine. I've had worse," I simply say and go back to cuddling him, with him as the big spoon right now. "We should probably get back. Merlin probably wants to see us." I said with my face buried in his neck.

"He probably does." Eggsy said as I started to get up before he pulled me back down, "But he can wait a little while longer." Eggsy said as I just laughed again. "Are you okay with that, my love?" Eggsy asked as I buried my head in his neck. "Yeah, I'm okay with that," I said and he laughed as I brought my head out again. "You're so adorable." He kissed my temple. "I love you." He said again. I hesitantly say, "I love you," I said as we became quiet again, enjoying each other's company. I think I finally found my person, if only Harry were here to see me now. 

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