Their first task

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I woke up to the sound of Merlin's voice and him shaking me, "Lamerok, time to get up. Their first task is now." He left stopped shaking me as I turned over. "Hmm. Yeah, I'm up." I said getting up and splashing water on my face. "Come on, it's almost midnight." He said nodding to the door as I followed him. 

He led me to a room where we could see in the room with the recruits. "What's their task?" I asked excitedly assuming they couldn't hear me. He pointed to the ground of the room, "This floor is filled with tiny holes that, in a moment, will have water coming through them. The water will fill the room, and their task is to get out alive. Although, if any of them do drown we'll heal them and do our normal routine." Merlin informed me. 

Merlin points to the buttons on the wall, "This button," He points to the red one. "Is going to make the water come through the holes when we're ready." I nod as he points to the green one. "Let me guess, that one is to drain the water?" I say as he just nods. We look back at the room, it was dark and I could see almost all the recruits sleeping peacefully. 

One of them gets up and goes to the bathroom, "Oh, for fuck sake!" I said annoyed covered my eyes and turned my head away. "What? Didn't expect that?" Merlin teases and laughs at my annoyance. "Just not what I wanted to see." He just laughs. "Bloody hell, are you serious? No privacy?" He laughs again. "They're all asleep, I don't think they care." Merlin dismisses it. "Alright, if you're not gonna put privacy for them then maybe put it for me," I say annoyed. 

"Alright, he's done." He says as I uncover my eyes but he's still going. "Merlin!" He laughs again as I cover my eyes. "Okay, he's really done this time." I slowly uncover my eyes and see him not on the toilet anymore. "Thank fucking Christ," I whisper rolling my eyes. 

"Oh, that was good!" Merlin whispers as he goes over to the red button once the boy is asleep. "You ready?" He says composing his glee, I nod. "Make notes of anything of importance." He says and presses the button. Water starts to fill the room quickly, and they all take notice once the water reaches their bedsheets. 

They all get up and start freaking out. "This will be fun to watch," I said crossing my arms. They all start screaming at each other as they stand on their beds quickly, I can't exactly hear their voices but I can see their lips moving. I stare at them seeing what they'll do, the girl seems to know what to do. Most of them start swimming to the showerheads, except Eggsy. The room then fills with water, everybody goes over to the showerheads unscrewing them and making breathing tubes. 

Eggsy seemed to have separated and so did Amelia, Eggsy was trying to open the door. "Bloody idiot," I whisper wide-eyed at everyone's reactions. Eggsy finally sees that the door is locked and swims over to the rest of them, only to realize all of the toilets and showerheads were all taken up. I look over to the corner and see Amelia, she seems to be floating and not moving. "Damn it," I said disappointed in all of them. 

Eggsy seems to have noticed something because he goes over to the mirror, grabs onto the side of the wall and starts punching the wall. He starts punching it right in my face incredibly slow, "Well, well. Looks like he's figured it out." Merlin 

"You might want to step away, Lamerok. Just in case." Merlin says as we both walk over to the corner of the room. Eggsy takes one last punch and the glass breaks as water come crashing through, pulling everyone in the room along with it, they all crash onto the floor coughing and panting. I look at my watch for the time, "3 minutes and 43 seconds." I say to Merlin as he writes down the time it took for them to get out. 

"Congratulations on completing your first task, it was quite entertaining to watch," I say smirking with my hands behind my back. "Charlie, Roxy, well done. For anyone of you who are still confused, if you can get a breathing tube out of a U-bend toilet you have an unlimited air supply. Simple physics, worth remembering." Merlin informs all of them. 

"Eggsy, good eye for spotting that was a two-way mirror." Merlin compliments Eggsy for his work. "He's probably seen enough of them," Charlie says smirking stupidly. That's when I got mad, "You can all wipe those stupid smirks off your faces because, as far as I'm concerned, every single one of you has failed." I said pointing to each of them and stepping forward. 

"You all forgot the most important thing that is worth remembering more than a breathing tube. Teamwork." I pointed to Amelia in the room looking dead. Of course, she's not. But they don't know that, they think she's dead. "So much for classic army technique." Eggsy mumbles looking at me, half-naked, and his face unreadable. 

That sight sure did wipe all their smug expressions off their faces. "Clean yourselves up, all of you. We'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning." I say with an angry expression as I leave with Merlin behind me and the eyes of the recruits on us. 


As soon as we let the recruits go I went straight to bed, only to be woken up by Merlin a couple of hours later. "Y/N. Y/N. Lamerok." He shook me awake. "Hmm, what?" I answer to my code name yawning. "It's your father." I immediately jolt up at that. "What? What is it?" I said getting my glasses and putting on shoes. "Come with me." He says nodding out the door. 

I instantly follow him as he brings me to the hospital ward where my father is laying there with an IV in him and heart monitors everywhere. "What happened to him?" I ask pulling up a chair and sitting by his side. "He was investigating Professor Arnold, when something blew up and a whole bunch of substance splatter all over his face, sending him into a coma." He repeated the information he had. 

"Here." He replayed a video from my father's glasses. "My colleague died trying to rescue you, and I'm sure you saw how well trained he was. So I suggest you tell me who kidnapped you and why they let you go." My father said grabbing Professor Arnold by his ear. 

"I have no idea what you're talking..." Harry slapped him as I jumped at that. "I'm not supposed to say...but it was.." He trailed off screaming in pain. "Oh, for god sake's, I've barely touched you." He kept screaming in agony. "Oh, man up." He said and then something blew up and got all over Harry's glasses. 

"Do you know what blew up?" I asked with a scrunched up face. "No, all I know is that was a very dangerous thing and we need more research on it." I nodded and looked back at my father. "I'll give you a moment. I'm gonna go do some more research." He said and left closing the door. 

"How could you be so fucking stupid?" I said as soon as the door closes. "You know, there are safer ways to go other than taking everything on by yourself," I said acting like he could hear me as I grabbed his hand. "You need to be more considerate. Maybe take into consideration that you still have a daughter that needs you, and can't have you being reckless all the bloody time." I said with a small tear coming down my face. Even though he couldn't hear me I still hated showing weakness in front of him so I wiped the tear away quickly. 

"You fucking idiot," I whisper to him as I look at our hands. His hands look so old like if you touched them he would break when we all know he is quite the opposite of that. 

 I just sit down away from him and let my body shake, and cry, and punch my leg if I have to just to let everything out. Again not a very good habit. 

I hear a beep from my glasses and put them on, a transmission from Merlin. 


I look at it and force myself to stop crying before looking at my father, wiping my tears and leaving the room to go meet Merlin. 

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