Dogs in training

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I walked up to the balcony to see Merlin already there and swiping on his tablet. "Merlin." I greeted him standing next to him. "Ah, Lamerok. How's your father?" "Still not awake," I say and look down seeing puppies in each kennel. Merlin says making notes on his tablet. "Do you want one?" I looked at him excitedly but not too excitedly, "No, I don't want to risk it," I said smiling a bit. 

"Risk what?" He asked as the recruits started piling in. "Matilda just died last year, I don't think I'm ready to get another pet yet," I said as he just nodded and looked at the recruits. Matilda was my old dog that I had in training, she died around six months ago from intestinal cancer. 

"As some of you might have well learned from last night, teamwork is paramount here at Kingsman." Merlin started. "We're here to enhance your skills, test you to the limits. And that is why you're gonna pick a puppy." Merlin says. "Wherever you go, your dog goes. You will care for it, you will teach it, and by the time it's fully trained, so you will be." Merlin instructs, "Wait..." I say out loud as I start to realize something. 

"Do you understand?" They all nod, quite excitedly I might add. "Good. Choose your puppy." Merlin says waving them off. "Merlin," He looks at me. "You're not gonna..." I trailed off assuming he knew what I meant, and by the look, he gave me I'm sure he did. "It's gonna break them," I said looking at them. "Well, either way, they'll get to keep the dog, so it's fine," Merlin says. 

I look over and see Eggsy chose a pug, "Why a pug?" I ask rhetorically. There were so much better dogs and he chose a pug? "Well, it's not a terrible choice." Merlin complimented him. "Well, I know that. It's just there are so many better dogs, and he chooses a pug of all dogs." I say expressing with my hands. Merlin just shrugs, that's when Eggsy has a regretful face on as he just leans his head back in regret. 

I snicker a bit at that but hide it once he starts looking at me. Once they were all gone I noticed one puppy was still there. I looked at it and smiled, "You can have him if you want," Merlin says to me. "Are you sure?" I asked confused. "Yeah, no one else is gonna want him," Merlin says as I smile and jump down to grab the puppy. 

I grab him and walk up the stairs since I don't want to startle him

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I grab him and walk up the stairs since I don't want to startle him. "Showing off?" Merlin starts once I'm at the top. "A Dalmatian? You know they get huge, right?" "Yes, yes, I know. I'm not stupid." I say petting him as he barks and sticks out his tongue. "What should I name him?" I asked not really knowing a name. "Hmm," He thinks about it and then looks up dog names on his tablet. I rolled my eyes, "I asked you, not the internet." I said still petting the Dalmatian. 

"Well, I'm not creative. I..." He cut himself looking up names. "I don't need a creative name, just a name," I said hugging the puppy. "Alright, how about...Oscar...Or Buttons.." "Hmm, I don't think so," I said still wondering. "What about...Comet?" He says looking at me. "Hmm, I like it." "I do too." Merlin agrees as he goes back inside. 

"Do you like that name, Comet?" He licks my face as I laugh. "Oh, I love him." I walk inside with Merlin. 


I was walking around outside with my dog, I was walking him while the trainees were relaxing inside, watching the telly or whatever it is they do. "So, Y/N." I turn around quickly to see Eggsy, my father's recruit. "You sure are a teddy bear aren't you?" He smiles trying to get me to smile. 

"Eggsy, is it?" I walked up to him and see him smile and nod. "Right, Eggsy, you don't call me by my name, I don't even know how you know it but you don't call me by that. You call me Lamerok." I said stepping closer to him. "Alright, Lamerok." Is all he says glaring at me and I walk away with Comet. 

Eggsy is about to say something else when Merlin and the rest of the trainees come out, "Eggsy! Time to go train your dog!" Merlin yells as he gives me a confused look. I just shrug my shoulders and continue walking Comet. "Eggsy!" "Coming!" He yells as I just want to scream at the top of my lungs, how does he even know my name anyway?


I was now in the training room, shooting my gun and letting my emotions out, once again. I stop shooting and take my earmuffs off, "Good aim." I jumped and looked behind me to see...Eggsy fucking Unwin. "What do you want, Eggsy?" I said taking my earmuffs off fully. "To tell you how good your aim is." He got up from off the wall. "Okay, well, great. Thanks," I said reloading my gun. 

He was following me around, "And you're still not leaving..." "I want to continue our conversation from earlier." He said backing away a bit to give me some space. "Our conversation ended, there's nothing more to talk about." I was shaking my hand out from the gun vibrating on my hand. "Could you just have a positive attitude for once?" Eggsy said watching me. I sighed and just looked at him, "Look, if you have a problem with my attitude or my tone or anything about me then leave, because nothing is going to change me. I'm not here to be friends with you, and your not here to be friends with me." I said backing him up against a wall. 

"I'm here to train you, possibly select you for the new Lancelot, and you're here to train." He just has a blank and unreadable face on. "If you do become the new Lancelot, which, honestly, I doubt, but if you do, you'll have me as a co-worker and a fellow agent." I get up in his face. "So you might want to get on my good side." "You might want to get on mine." He said with an angry expression. "All I want is for you to be a bit nicer." He said with his expression softening. 

I sighed, "Why would you want me nicer? If I'm nicer then you're not gonna get your proper training and-" I started and backed away. "I'm not gonna not get my proper training because you lightened up a bit." Eggsy started. "Where did that come from?" He asked as I just looked away. "Fine, I'll lighten up a bit. As long as you stop following me," "I'm not following you. And you didn't answer my question." I looked at him, "God, you would make a proper gentleman." I said to him. He smiled, "Thank you," "It wasn't exactly a compliment." I said crossing my arms. He looks down as I sigh loudly, "Fine, as long as you stop nagging at me." I compromised. 

He smiled and stuck out his hand, "This doesn't mean we're friends though." I shook his hand as he nodded. "Now, go on. Get lost." I said wanting to get on with my training. "Why did I just do that?" I shook it off and continued shooting and training. 

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