To Galahad

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"Heh. Well, this ain't that kind of movie,"  Valentine laughed and then brought a gun up, my eyes widened as he turned his head away and shot Harry point-blank in the head.


Eggsy cried with his voice cracking. I stared at the computer in shock and horror. I put my hand over my mouth as tears started coming to my eyes, "No, no, no, no," My voice cracked as I got up and slammed the laptop shut, and put my hands on the desk, trying to keep myself balanced. Eggsy cried and went up behind me and hugged my shoulders as I grabbed his arm and he sat us back down in the chair. 

My eyes were wide and I was clinging onto his arm as more tears started to go down my cheeks. I wasn't exactly crying because he was dead, or because he was my dad and he was dead. I was crying because we haven't had a good relationship in years, and I'll never get a chance to fix it again. I cried because I always yelled at him and tried to micromanage him and now I will never be able to apologise. I can't remember the last time he said I love you and actually meant it, or the last time I said it to him and remembered it. And now I will probably never be able to say it again to anyone without thinking of Harry or crying. 

 We stayed like that for a minute before I sniffed, stood up and walked downstairs without saying a word. "Y/N?" Eggsy followed me downstairs waiting for me to say something. My chin quivered as I poured myself another drink about halfway full and gulped most of it down, "Y/N. Say something," Eggsy said waiting for me to say something. I was trying to keep my composure as my hand was clutching the glasses until my knuckles turned white. 

"Y/N-" "God damn it!" I said throwing the glass at the far wall and tears coming down my face. "I'll clean this mess up when I get back" "I love you, I'll be back soon,"  My father's words played through my head. I'm an orphan. Both of my parents are dead. I panted angrily as my glasses beeped. I wiped my tears and composed myself putting on my glasses, "Lamerok. Are you...there?" Merlin said in my glasses. "Mhm. I'm here," I confirmed. 

"Arthur has asked the Kingsman to be assembled but I need you here," He said. "If you're alright with that," "Yeah, yeah. I'll be there shortly," I tapped my glasses ending the call. "Are you leaving?" Eggsy asked softly. "Yes. Stay here if you want," I said going over to the mirror in front of the doorway. Eggsy is never like this, he never cares for anyone like this, so the fact that he is doing it now makes me feel even worse, it makes me feel like I'm a charity case and I hate it. 

"Are you okay?" He asks touching my shoulder. "I'm fine," I said trying to adjust myself in the mirror and wiping away my tears, as soon as I feel his hand on my shoulder I shove it away from him. "There are bigger things to worry about," I clenched my jaw trying to prevent any tears from coming out. "I could come with you if you want," Eggsy offers. I huff and turn around, "No. A Kingsman agent just died, so they'll be having a toast. But, Merlin said he needs me," I said raising my eyebrows and walking over to the coat rack and grabbing my coat. 

I tapped my glasses and summoned my cab to come and pick me up, I start to open the door to go when Eggsy grabs my arm. "Hey, wait. Just a minute." He says, "Your father just..." He trailed off not being able to finish the sentence. "I'm sure Merlin would not mind if you took a day off," "There is a global threat going around. My father dying, a Kingsman agent dying, is no excuse to take the day off," I said trying to leave. "Y/N. You don't need to tough it out, it's okay to cry and scream and do anything you want. You just watched your father be-" "Eggsy, stop it!" I yelled and ripped my hand out of his grasp. 

"Valentine is a global threat. I can't take a day off. And even if I could, I'm perfectly fine. I don't need a day off," I said trying to convince him and me. "Y/N" "Eggsy, would you stop? I'm the agent, I know what I'm doing," I snapped not caring about what I said. He looked hurt at my words, "Y/N..." "Stop it!" I yelled at him as I saw my glasses and the car parked outside. "I need to go," I said walking out the door. 

I walked out the door and hurried over to the cab, Eggsy came running out the door over to the cab but I closed the door before he could get in. "The shop, please. I'll take the train to HQ," My driver nodded and started driving. 


I went over to the room at the shop to go and have a toast to Harry. "To Galahad," Arthur raised his glass. "To Galahad," We all said and took a drink to him. I downed my drink and immediately got up to go meet Merlin. I couldn't stomach having to talk about replacing my dead father.

 I took the train there and cried a bit on the way over, but regained my composure as I stepped out and made my way to Merlin and Lancelot. "Lancelot, Merlin," I greeted them as we were in Merlin's office. Merlin swivelled his chair around and looked at me, "Y/N, you don't have to..." "I'm quite alright, Merlin," I waved him off with a blank expression. "What do we know, then?" I asked crossing my arms.

Merlin and Roxy aka Lancelot looked at me uneasily and worriedly. "Well, anyone who has a SIM card or is close to someone with a SIM card is in danger. We suspect Valentine can activate them all at will. So we need to be careful. We don't have any more information other than that," Merlin says dropping his tablet at his side. "So, basically, to put it in a more blunt way, we're fucked." I said looking at both of them. They didn't answer, just sighed, "Wonderful," I smiled sarcastically. 

"This day is going great so far," 


I walked away from them to go take care of something when I hear the tube doors open. "What the hell?" I asked myself going towards the tube doors. I walked at a brisk pace, keeping my gun in my hands at all times. Whoever was here clearly didn't know we tell each other when we come here. So, the person was most likely trying to fool us. 

"Merlin? Lancelot?" I yelled, no reply. I walked over to the entrance and pointed my gun, "It's confirmed, Lancelot," I heard Merlin say as I pointed my gun straight on. "Woah, Woah. What the hell?" Eggsy said putting his hands up and looking at me. I sighed and put my gun down, "What's going on here?" I asked putting my gun down and in back in my suit pocket. "Arthur was conspiring with Valentine. He had a chip behind his ear and a SIM card," Eggsy explains. 

"Arthur's phone is receiving texts about getting to safety. We don't have a lot of time," Merlin says examining the phone. "So, what are you gonna do?" Eggsy asked. "Question is, what are we gonna do?" I said. "God knows who's in Valentine's pocket and who's not," "We're gonna have to do this ourselves," Merlin says looking at all of us. 

Eggsy looks a little worried as we all start heading to the plane. "Lancelot and I need to get some things for the plane. Lamerok you stay here with Eggsy," I nod at Merlin's words as he goes with Roxy. I actually have a moment alone with Eggsy so I tap him on the shoulder and he spins around, "What were you doing talking to Arthur in the first place?" I asked him somewhat angrily. 

"I wanted to make sure he knew that you were a bit sensitive and he knew about Harry," Eggsy shrugged. "Of course, he knew about Arthur. He was watching the same thing we were. And don't try and act like I'm a charity case," I snapped at him. "Also, if he was conspiring with Valentine shouldn't we have questioned him first?" I asked giving him an expectant look. He looked away for a second, "He's dead," I looked at him with wide eyes. "And you didn't think to tell anyone? Why did you kill him?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. 

"He poisoned my drink. What did you want me to do? Let myself die?" He exclaimed annoyed. "Besides, you should be thanking me. If Arthur was alive then he wouldn't have given this to me and you guy would be fucked," He gestured to the phone. As much as I wanted to yell at him, he was right. Without this information, we'd be fucked. "Thank you," I said reluctantly. "That doesn't mean we're on good terms though," I pointed a finger at him. "Yeah, alright. Whatever," He smirked at me. 

I blushed a bit as Merlin and Lancelot came back, "Alright. Let's go," He gestured for us to go to the plane. 

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