Solo mission

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I go home to my father and tell him what happened with Eggsy, he is utterly disappointed. 

"The fucking dog? Really?" He yells pacing his office. "I thought he was his father's son. I thought he was better than that. I thought-"

"Calm down, Harry," I say going over to him and sitting by his desk. "Not completing this task doesn't mean he would be a bad agent, it just means he's not heartless," I tell him. 

"It doesn't matter if he'd be a good agent or not, Y/N." He says calming down. "Can't you see everything I've done with Eggsy has been me trying to repay his father? And now I failed." He sits down in his chair with his fingers on the bridge of his nose. 

"You didn't fail." I sit there and rub his back lightly like a soothing gesture. "Eggsy brought that upon himself, you handed him everything on a silver platter." I soothed him as he nodded at my words. Suddenly, his glasses beeped and he put them on, "What is it?" He looked ahead. 

They talked for a minute, "What?" He snapped and talked for a minute. He then sighed, "I'll handle this." He took off his glasses and started typing on his tablet. "What happened? What's wrong?" I asked frantically. He sighed loudly, "Eggsy...stole Arthur's car." He said with a glare. 

"He what?" I asked with widened eyes as he nodded angrily. "Is he trying to get himself killed?" "I have no fucking idea." He snapped, not at me but just in general. I started pacing the room, "Come here, come look at this shit." My father waved me over. 

I walked over and watched over his shoulder, "Tell your mumpets to go inside, then I'll get out." Eggsy says over the screen. "He's trying to start a goddamn fight," I muttered. "Jesus Christ." My father mutters. He starts hitting the controls on the screen and Eggsy starts screaming, "Come on, bruv, he hit my fucking mum!" He yells at the steering wheel. 

"Are you..." "Arthur's car has a self-driving setting on it. I'm driving him here." He says angrily and I nod. "Go to the balcony," He says as I already understand what he wants me to do. 

I kick open the doors angrily and wait for the car to arrive, which it does seconds later. I watch with a disappointed look on my face as Eggsy slams the car door shut, "What the fuck?!" He yells at me. "Come inside, now." I snap at him and walk back quickly. 

My father is already down the stairs as I follow him close behind, "You throw away your biggest opportunity...over a fucking dog? And then you humiliate me and Y/N by stealing our boss's car." Harry said glaring. He points a finger at both of us, "You shot your fucking dog just to get a job?" He says angrily. 

"Yes, I did. And so did she." He points to me as he walks over to the restroom and kicks open the door. "And now Mr Pickle reminds me of that every time I take a shit!" He points at Mr Pickle in the bathroom. I get sad looking at Mr Pickle, he died when I was about nine. My father told me the story about him, but my sadness gets taken over by anger and disappointment. 

Eggsy looked at him with disgust, "You shot your dog and then had it stuffed? You fucking freak." "Eggsy!" I scold him angrily. "No, I shot my dog and then brought him home and continued to care for him for the next eleven years until he died of pancreatitis!" My father yelled. 

I brought my fingers to my nose bridge, "What?" "It was a blank, Eggsy!" I snap at him and he looks in realization. "It was a fucking blank," I repeated and looked at him with disappointment. "Remember Amelia?" He nodded his head, "Well, she didn't drown." He looks at me confused. 

I continued, "She works in our tech department in Berlin; She's fine." I said gesturing with my hands. "The point is, Eggsy; Limits must be tested. But Kingsman only condones the risking of one's life in order to save another." My father points out strictly. 

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