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So, now that Eggsy saved the world with us, he kind of had to be a Kingsman agent now. Eggsy was now agent Galahad, in my father's place. Which I, surprisingly, didn't have any quarrel with.

"Welcome to Kingsman, Agent Galahad." Merlin said to Eggsy giving him his glasses. "Thank you."  I walked over to him and shook his hand, "Welcome to Kingsman, finally." I smirk at him. "Thank you," He shakes my hand and then kisses my knuckles but doesn't say anything.

So, yes, we all saved the world. But there was one more thing to take care of, and I think you can guess what that is.


"Michelle turn that shit off. It's doing my nuts in." Dean said to Eggsy's mum. "I rather like that song. Why don't you leave it on, mum?" Eggsy announced himself. Eggsy was standing with his umbrella and I was standing next to him with my arms crossed, I had an umbrella with me, a new suit, and a smug smile.

Dean scooted forward, "Well, Mugsy's back. And he's brought a girl, rather ungentlemanly like." He said pointing to me. "You finally come to have that word with me, have you, son?" Dean asked again. "Or are you gonna run away and pretend you're going to court dressed like that?" "Oh, you mean this?" Eggsy pointed to his suit.

"No. I know this bloke who's just taken over a tailor's shop on Salvie Row. He's given me a job, mum." Eggsy bragged as his mum smiled. "Comes with a lot of perks. Including a house, with this lovely lady who I can call my girlfriend." Eggsy said pointing to me as his mum looked at me and smiled. "Come live with both of us there, mum. Come on." Eggsy invited his mum as she started to stand up.

"Sit down, you." Dean pointed at his mum, which made me angry and I looked at him with a bitter look. "The only place she'll be visiting is you and your girl in the hospital. Do you hear?" Dean threatened. "Just leave them alone, Dean! Eggsy, go. Just go, babe, please. It was lovely to meet you," His mum tried to convince him as she looked at me and I smiled kindly. He just rolled his eyes, "All right." "Yes, do as mummy says." Dean antagonises.

"Why don't you ask that tailor friend of yours to knock you up a chicken costume it'd suit you." He said again. "And while you at it, why don't you loan that girl to us. I'm sure she'll enjoy it a bit more," He yelled again. I smirked at Eggsy as I went to lock the doors, "As my father once said once said..." I started locking the doors as Eggsy spoke,


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"Hey, dead..." "Shut the fuck up." Eggsy put his umbrella on a glass on the table, "Eggsy, I'm gonna shove your manners up you're fucking-" He threw the glass straight at his head, using the mirror in front of him to aim. His mum looked shocked while I smiled looking at the reflection. That's when I turned around and gave them a somewhat innocent look and tilted my head,

"So, are we gonna stand around here all day, or are we gonna fight?"

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