To Lancelot

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I walk into the dining room and sit at my assigned seat, across from where Galahad - my father sits. I put on my glasses and see the other agents there as I arrive on time, "Do you know where Galahad is, Lamerok?" Arthur asks looking at me. "No, I haven't heard from him today," I say as I start to stress out. I got stressed out when my father was late, although he didn't seem to care because "you're my daughter you shouldn't be telling me what to do!" is what he always said.

Arthur poured me a drink of brandy and poured my father one as well. God, where is he? I put my fingers on the bridge of my nose and close my eyes trying to not stress myself out. I was about to call him when he strides into the dining room getting his glasses out. 

"Arthur," He greets. "Galahad." Arthur greets. "Lamerok." He greeted me as I just rolled my eyes at him and greeted him back as he sat down. "The others were wondering if we were going to have to do a double toast," Arthur commented. I put my glasses back on seeing the holograms of the other agents, "Gentleman, I'm thankful to say it's been 17 years since we last had an occasion to use this decanter." Arthur starts. 

A picture of the former Lancelot arrives up on the screen, "Lancelot, was an outstanding agent and a true Kingsman. He will be solely missed." Arthur concluded. "To Lancelot," We all raised our drinks, "To Lancelot." We all drank in his honour. We shared a moment of silence when Arthur started again, "I intend to start the selection process for Lencelot's replacement tomorrow. I want each one of you to come forward with a candidate and report to UKHQ no later than 9:00 p.m. GMT. Thank you." Arthur started and then turned to me, "This does not apply to you, Lamerok." He whispered to me as I got a little offended. 

"Why does this not apply to me?" "Y/N," Harry warned rolling his eyes. "No, tell me," I said leaning forward. Arthur sighed, "Because you will be working with Merlin on testing the new candidates." I lightened up a bit at that. I always enjoyed working with Merlin, he was very fun to work with. 

As if on cue, Merlin appears at the entrance of the room as I take my glasses off. I smile lightly, "Merlin. Come in." Arthur invites him in. "Lancelot was investigating a group of mercenaries who were experimenting with biological weaponry," Arthur informed both of us. 

Merlin walks up to the screen, "Glasses, gentleman, please." Merlin says as we all put our glasses on, except mine were already on. I did object to the name Gentleman at first, for me at least. Even though it's used as a gender-neutral term here. I opposed it at first thinking we could have had it as, gentle-people. But I have to admit, that does sound weird. 

A picture of dead bodies popped up on the screen, "Uganda, 2012. Synthetic cathinones. They put it in the water supply of the guerrilla army base. Rage, cannabilism, multiple fatalities." Merlin started pointing at the screen. He clicked another button on his tablet, this picture was filled with statistics and dead bodies, again. "Chechnya, 2013. Insurgents turned on each other." Merlin started. 

"Indisputably, the work of our mercenaries, but no trace of chemicals of any kind." Merlin started again. "So what happened to Lancelot?" I rolled my eyes at my father's impatience. 

Merlin swiped his tablet and it showed a picture of a cabin in Argentina, "I tracked him to this property in Argentina. While he had them under surveillance, that they'd effected a kidnapping." Merlin informed us. "So he executed a solo mission, which he failed." He clicked something else, "This is his last transmission." I looked over at the words, "KIDNAP VICTIM IS PROFESSOR JAMES ARNOLD." I read. 

Hmm, why a professor? "Who is he?" I questioned. "Some climate-change doomsayer, expounds something called 'Gaia theory' about the world healing itself or such." Merlin rushes through to get on with his information eagerly. "But what's curious is, he's not actually missing." He plays a video of the Professor, "This is Professor Imperial College this morning." Merlin says with furrowed eyebrows. 

"It's all yours." He handed my father the file. He eagerly grabbed it, "And don't forget your membership proposal. Try picking a more suitable candidate this time." Arthur lectured my father. "17 years, and still evolving with the times remains an entirely different concept to you." My father says in shock, although he doesn't show it. "Need I remind you, I wouldn't be here if not for that man? He was as much Kingsman material as any of us. More so." "But he wasn't exactly one of us, was he?" Arthur debated. 

"Let's face it, Galahad, your little experiment failed." I rolled my eyes and got up. "With respect, Arthur, you're a snob," My father says as I walk out of the room. They continue talking until I hear my name being called, "Y/N!" I hear a whisper-yell from behind me, from none other than my father. "Yes, Dad?" I said that just to piss him off. "Don't call me that." "Why? You are my Dad, aren't you?" I said seriously. 

He just sighed, "What was that back in there? Are you trying to rile up Arthur?" "'Rile up, Arthur?' No, I was just asking a bloody question." I said confused. "Sure you are." He said sarcastically. "Why were you late?" I finally asked him a little pissed off. "That's none of your business." He said. "Maybe, but next time at least let someone know you're going to be late!" I whisper-shouted and scowled at him. 

"I don't need a lecture..." "From my own daughter." We both said together from me hearing it a bunch of times. "I know. But I don't need more stress of the thought that something might've happened to you. Especially right now." I said with my voice cracking a bit referring to the fact that Lancelot was dead. "I don't need a lecture about the circumstances right now." He said starting to walk away but I grab his shoulder. "How about, you let me know when you're going to be late, and I'll stop lecturing you?" I crossed my arms, he didn't say anything just stuck out his hand. "Sure, I'll try to make an effort to be on time. Only if you don't lecture me and stop calling me Dad, at least around everyone else." We shook hands as I started to walk off. "Oh, Y/N." He started to walk back as I groaned. 

"What?" He just smirked, "Love you." And he left the shop. I rolled my eyes, smiling slightly, and walked over to one of the tailor rooms. 

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