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I was in my father's hospital room, mainly ranting to him but also enjoying the silence. Right now, I was just sitting with him until he moved, twitched. Wait, he moved. His thumb went over to the call button and I looked at his face. His eyes were wide open, "Oh, my god." I jumped forward and put my arms around his neck as he was still in bed. 

"Okay, okay, easy now." He winced as I moved off him quickly. "Are you okay?" I asked concerned but not that concerned. "Yes, I'm fine right now." "Good," I slapped him across the face while he was still in bed. "Ow! What was that for?" He grabbed the side of his face. "How could you be so goddamn reckless?" I scolded him as he just looked at me. "Oh, come on. I don't need a lecture from my daughter about being reckless." He said sitting up. 

"At least you acknowledge that I'm your daughter." He gave me an annoyed look. "Regardless, maybe in the future consider you actually have someone here that needs you," I say to him as I hand him a glass of water. His expression softens, "Alright, I'm sorry. I'll try to be more careful next time." "You always say that and you never are. And one day, your gonna end up dead." I say a little tear coming down my cheek that I quickly wipe off. 

He looks sad, "Look, I really am sorry. I didn't expect that to happen," He says finally apologising. "And I do kind of deserve that slap," He laughs and so do I. "You so do." I smile and laugh a little bit. He inhales deeply, "How's Eggsy doing?" "Good. Good. He's in the final six candidates." He looks impressed. And then there's an awkward silence, I never really laugh with him around. 

Thank god, Merlin comes in and checks on Harry. "How are you?" Merlin checks in. "I'm fine. I feel fine." Harry confirms. "We don't know what you were hit with, so, unfortunately, I'm going to have to keep you here all day. Right now, Lamerok and I are supposed to go and train recruits for the day. So, the full check-in will have to wait until later." Merlin says looking at me. "Okay, yeah, I'm coming," I say as I start to walk out of the room. "I'll see you later, Harry," I say sarcastically as he just rolls his eyes and gets up to go take a shower I presume. 


Merlin was giving the trainees a paper test to test their knowledge of what they had learned so far, "You have exactly one hour to complete the test. Starting now." Merlin timed the test. I had to go around monitoring all of them without judgment, I went over to Eggsy's to see how he was doing. 

Surprisingly he was doing quite well, I lingered on him for a moment to try and freak him out a bit. Which I succeeded as I walked around the rest of them with a slight smirk on my face.


I was in Harry's room, half-monitoring him, half-talking with him. He talked a lot about Eggsy's training and asked a lot of questions, which made me think he cares more about Eggsy than he does me. At least, that's what I thought. Although, I kind of expected it. 

He was putting on the Kingsman aftershave, which always smelled good no matter how much I got tired of it. The door got busted open, "Ever heard of knocking? It's quite a delicate art of knocking on the door before entering someone's room." I said sarcastically typing in statistics and numbers of Harry's heart rate and other monitors. "Only when I'm casing a place to rob," Eggsy responded as he gave a funny look to both of us. 

I laughed at that reference, "Very funny." "Merlin said you wanted to see me?" Eggsy questions Harry still looking at both of us weirdly. His dog...J.B? started barking at my father, "I hope J.B's training is going as well as yours." My father stated. "Sit." Eggsy said as I looked back and he sat. I gave him an impressed look, "Congratulations on making the final six candidates," Harry compliments. As soon as I'm done entering numbers, there's a knock at the door, "See? An example. Come in." Harry points to the door. 

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