- I've not only grown in height -

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Reader pov.

"Too bad she's already busy with me." Sunghoon said as he took you with him. Before he could drag you any further you pulled from his grip away and massaged the place where he had dragged you because it hurt.

"What is it this time?" you asked tired from the chaos he has caused and just wanted to head to a silent place.

"I will take the room." He said and you didn't expect another outcome.

"Of course you will." You responded and waited for him to continue. "If that is all I'm going to look for Jay. He said he was looking for me." You said and headed to look for Jay.

Luckily you meet him on the way. "Jay, I have been looking for you. You needed some help earlier?"

"Yes, it's about breakfast tomorrow. Who is preparing breakfast?" He asked.

"Well, the people in the kitchen. Is the food not to your liking?" You asked.

"It's not that I don't like it. It's really delicious but I'm in the mood to eat something." He replied and you thought about it.

"What do you want to eat? I can tell the people to make it."

"Ah, don't worry about it. I wanted to do it myself, since it's much more fun. So, can I use the kitchen?" He asked and you nod in response. "Great, care to join?" He invited you but you showed with some hand movements that you don't want to.

"Sounds fun and all but I'm really looking forward to taking a nap right now. I join later if you're still up to it." You said and he gave you a smile.

"Of course. Take care." He said and you left to head to your room.


Nearly arriving at your room you see a faint silhouette waiting in front of it. After approaching the silhouette you tried to figure out, who it was. After being right in front of it you finally knew who was waiting for you. "Sunghoon? What are you doing in front of my room?" You asked worried.

"I wanted to apologise-"

"Don't think about it too much. I just want some time for myself right now so don't think about it too much." You said, before he could even continue you went into your room.

Before falling into your soft bed sheets you changed to your nightwear and headed to bed.


Your eyes opened a bit due to movements and you saw how someone closed the curtains. It was already dark outside so you couldn't see the person's face. The door closed so you thought the person left but instead you felt someone approach your bed.

They first went onto your bed to come closer to you and you thought it stopped you felt someone hovering above you. Feeling a warm breath next to your neck is what made you aware of the situation. You started to panic and tried to push this something off. It was dark so you couldn't see anything that's why you found it difficult to fight it. Still weak from just waking up you got pinned to your bed and as your heart beat like crazy a piercing pain starts to form on your neck. Someone or something bit you. Before you could scream you felt your blood leave...someone definitely drank it.

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