~ as tall as my height ~

213 4 1

Reader pov.

"Y/n? Jungwon told me that you needed me. How can I help you?" You heard a voice call you and you looked up seeing a worried face.

"Why do you look so worried? Calm down , it's nothing serious. Just follow me for a quick moment , Jay."

He followed you and you two were now in a private place.

"Your daily doses? How many times have I told you to take them. You should really pay attention to it. What if you accidentally lose control over your thirst ?" he said and you could hear his worries even through his sharp words.

"I will think about it next time. I already lost it once..but only once. Sunoo is mine now too. " You said happily and he laughed at you with an ironic attitude. " Jay , what if you prepare blood bags for me. I'm able to drink blood whenever and wherever I want. Wouldn't that also be less painful for you?"

"It would be less painful but not as good as fresh blood. If you're ready to accept the taste it wouldn't matter to me. I would prefer to stick to your side to let you drink blood." He answered and you rubbed your head trying to think.

"Let's use both methods. Prepare some bags and still be there if I need anything. If you're not around I will just go ahead and drink from the bags. It doesn't matter to me if you're there or not. I only need the blood."

"Ouch. A little harsh don't you think? I still have feelings.." He said and you laughed a little.

"Sorry sorry. It of course matters if you're there. What would I do without you." You said babying him. "Let me get my dose now." You said and he sat down and loosened up his shirt revealing his neck for you.

You then supported yourself by placing your hands on his shoulders and leaning towards his neck. His smooth skin was really appealing and you looked at the previous wound you caused him. Brushing with the tips of your finger over it you felt him flinch a little.

"Does it hurt that much? I've never seen you flinch before." You said chuckling at his reaction.

"Not true..I'm just surprised by your cold fingers." He said looking to the side.

"Whatever you say." you then went ahead and bit into his neck. It didn't feel weird to you anymore. Your body but also mind has normalised drinking blood and how it's done.

The liquid that seemed as delicious as any drink, was being scanned by your tongue. The smell but also taste was something that mere humans couldn't smell nor taste. It made you believe that it's a thing only existing for vampires.


Leaving his neck you gasped for air. You felt some blood on the corner of your mouth and looked at him.

"Do you know how good your blood actually tastes?" You asked him and he shook his head. "Do you want to know?" You then asked and he wasn't able to show even a little reaction.

"I'm just kidding. What's with the look? I thought you liked jokes?" You said and wiped the blood from your mouth.

"I usually do take jokes." He answered pulling his shirt back.

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