- I'll protect you -

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reader pov.

The first thing you do is taking a deep breath. It was cold so your warm breath made some fog.

"It's a bit cold but still nice." You said and went ahead.

"Wait for me. You can't just leave." A voice called out and put their arm around your shoulder.

"Hm? Niki? What are you doing?" You asked looking at him.

"I heard that Sunghoon was worried so I went ahead to look after you. Not that I think you need a bodyguard but going on a walk like normal people." He explained and you just laughed at the way he worded it.

"Yea yea , I get it. Let's go. I wanted to check up on a convenience store because I need bandages and maybe something to snack on." You said and he agreed with nodding.

Walking side by side , you put your hands in your pockets. It is really cold and you wished you bought your heat pack.

Niki looked at you concerned and you just laughed it off with a smile. "Why are you staring at me? You look like you want to say something." You said jokingly not expecting much.

"Actually yes , the others said to ask you after dinner but I'm getting kinda impatient." You were expecting a reply but not this serious.

Focusing on what he wanted to ask , you continued to walk. "They discussed for a trip to our house for a while and now that you're kinda weak on the feet they wanted to cancel it because you can't stay here alone, you know. "

"I see. You guys are thinking too much again. If I had to stay at home it wouldn't be a big problem either but I feel very stable now after getting more than enough rest." You said, seeing a very bright convenience store sign.

"So, you will come with us?" He asked to make sure to get the right answer.

"Yes, let me take some things. Oh and let's take snacks for the ride." You said and he nodded. The bandages were already in the basket but you couldn't pick between the snacks and drinks.

"Niki , what snac- Niki?" you were talking until you noticed that Niki was gone.

"Niki?" you asked another time and as you called for him he showed up.

"What's up? Having trouble to choose which one to get?" He asked and you nodded.

"Can you read my mind? They all look delicious but I'm not sure which to get."

Since you weren't sure how they taste and especially what they exactly are you hesitated to pick. "This one." Niki said and grabbed a colourful bag of chips.

"The others really like them too. Let's get more for them." Niki suggested.

"Just pick what you think is good. I really don't know much about those things." You said, as he picked some things, he also explains what are in these and what flavour they have.

Paying attention to him, you let him guide you through the whole store.

With a full basket of food you then went to the cashier to pay for it. "Would you like a bag?" You shook your head and before you could get the money from your purse, Niki handed the cashier the money.

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