- why don't you know how I feel -

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Reader pov.

You went outside and saw Sunghoon already waiting. You slowly walked towards him. He seemed to be deep in thoughts. Putting on a smile on you went to him and took his hand. "Come, let's go" You said and he looked at you.

"You're back. Sure let's go"


"What took you two so long? Let's go or we have to drive at night." Jay scoffed and you let out a little chuckle.

"Sorry sorry" You said and as you two sat on your seats again, Jay started driving.

You had a bag of snacks in your hand while you were watching the scenery.

"What are you watching?" You heard and looked up , seeing Niki above you.

"Woah, sit down Niki, we're still in car." You said and he sat down again.

"I was looking at the sky. It seems like it would get dark in a few hours. Time really flies when you sleep." You said. Not getting an answer back you looked at Jungwon that seems to be busy with reading a book and Sunoo was looking at his phone.


"You guys are really boring.." You said sighing and you turned around to look at Niki. "Want to play rock , paper , scissors , Niki?" You asked and he laughed.

"Sure, the loser gets snack from the other person."

"The loser ? Isn't it the other way around?" You asked

"Yes, but I never said that the winner gets nothing. The loser gets snacks while the winner gets a wish granted." He said.

"Okay , let's go. " You said and put up your hand. "Rock, paper, scissors."

That was the countdown and as the word 'scissors' ended you two put up your hands.

One scissors while the other held up..

two fangs


As the scene ended you woke up with your heart beating like crazy.

What ? Again ? Why do these dreams feel so real? Is this a warning or am I going crazy over the fact that someone knows about it?

Holding your head with your hands you tried to calm down. Your heart was still beating really fast and you rested your head on Jungwon's shoulder. He didn't seem to be annoyed by it so you just stayed there.

Shit. I feel sick.

Taking a water bottle you took some sips before falling back on your seat.

"Y/n , are you okay? You look pale." Coco asked concerned.

You slightly shook your head. "No, just a nightmare." You said and Coco looked at you concerned.

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