~ 10 months' love ~

620 12 18

Reader pov.

The house sucked you in and you found yourself flying in the air.

Suddenly your vision grew all blurry and you closed your eyes. The only sensation you felt was the cold air that was surrounding the body that was now left empty.

Light was approaching you and you widened your eyes open.

You saw..


Getting tapped on the shoulder you looked to the side. Seeing a familiar face you starred at them. You weren't able to move so they brought their hand near your face. It was like you were looking into a mirror.

"We are now dead."

Are the only words that escaped their mouth and you nodded as your gaze went down onto the white floor.

"These dimensions really scream parallel universe."

As sun exists there is also the moon. Shadows only exists with light. The balance between the two worlds need to remain neutral.

"I'm just happy that it's over." You said tired and rested your head on their shoulder.

"Not quite over at least for you but me too." They said and you laughed.

"Let's rest together.." You said and they nodded.

"Of course, I'm your alter ego, stupid. We have to rest together." They said and you punched them lightly on their arm. Rubbing the place you punched they looked at the train that was slowly approaching.

"Come on, let's go home." You said and got up. They got up too and as the train stopped you entered it.

Knowing that you will have no chance to see the others ever again.


Memories were running on your mind and as you daydreamed the train came to a stop.

There wasn't an sign that showed which stop this was so you looked confused at your alter ego, who got up. They were about to go towards the door but you held them on their arm.

"Where are you going?" You said and they looked at you with a sad expression.

"This is my stop. You have to travel a little longer. It's not the end yet." They said and nodded. "Let's meet again." They added with a big smile and you nodded.

After your nod you let go of their arm allowing them to move. As they leave the train , you waved at them one last time.

Feeling happiness rather than sadness you watched the train move leaving 'you' at the previous station. Not long after that your station got called and you were now also standing on an all too familiar station.


You got out and suddenly saw something appear before you.

Seeing the letters blink like last time you read the text.

Died in 1 and a 1/2 life. cannot return

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