~I'm not good ~

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reader pov.

"And what about me?" Heeseung asked and you looked up and saw him in the eyes.

"You? Your eyes tell me the word 'innocence' but there is something fierce about it. I really feel comfortable with you being around but there is a distance between us." You said and he looked down.

"My feelings towards the others are similar. Jay is really thoughtful and being near him makes me forget that time passes. Niki is someone I can have fun with. His energy makes me feel more energetic too, it's a good aspect. Jake is someone I can sit in silence with but I rarely have much interaction with him since he doesn't seem to like to talk openly with me."

"and Sunghoon?" He asked and you just sighed.

"Controversy. He sometimes make me laugh with his teasing but I know that he deeply cares about me. I'm just still thinking about the situation a moment ago. It makes me question who he really is and if it's just a role he takes."

"Maybe, it's all just fake." He said and you nodded.

"But how are you ? Want to take a walk instead of just laying?" He suggested and you nodded. Getting up he held your hand to help you stand up.

A walk is better than laying down. I had enough rest in the past few days.

"Good that you like my suggestion. I would feel disappointed if you wouldn't like them."

He said and you held your head.

"Prince Heeseung, it's naughty to read other people's mind." You said and he laughed.

"Sorry." he said and scratched the back of his head.

You two walked through the mansion down to the garden.

"I haven't walked through this garden for a long time. It seems like nothing has changed." You spoke loudly to yourself.

"It has been a week. It's not that long." Heeseung said.

"It felt like it's been three months." You said and bowed down to look at the flowers that were planted.

"I wonder who takes care of these." Heeseung said and you continued looking.

Passing the fountain, the water was crystal clear and you sticked your hands in it. Feeling cold water cover your hands , you turned around to Heeseung to throw some drops at him but since he could hear what you thought, he also expected you to do that and ran away before you could even lift your hands.

Looking at him from afar you just stood there drying your hands while shaking them in the air.

"I feel so disadvantaged.." You said and he laughed.

"Why? Disappointed that you couldn't get water on me?" He said and you smiled as he came towards you.

"That wasn't even my plan." You said and you held your ice cold hands on his face. You felt him shiver lightly but he didn't pull away.

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