- now you can really lean on me -

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Reader pov.

"No..Well, actually yes. Let me stay by your side for a bit." Sunoo said.

You were already laying on your bed so you pat the seat next to you, showing that he could lay down for a few minutes.

"You truly are a sweet one." You said and Sunoo went over to your side.

"I heard that you have been studying for the whole day. Aren't you tired?" You asked and he avoided your eyes. Letting out a small sigh, you gave him pats on the head.

"Have you already packed your things? We are leaving tomorrow morning." Sunoo asked and you froze.

"No..but I will do it before we leave. While you're all using the bathroom , I will pack and after you all are finished I will take my time." You said and Sunoo let out a little laugh.

"That's actually really clever." He said and turned around to face you. His gaze fell from your lips to your eyes.

3rd person pov.

Y/n and Sunoo were laying on the bed together facing each other.

Sunoo was looking into y/n's eyes thinking about what the future might bring.

"Your eyes really tell some stories." Sunoo then said to break the silence.

Y/n, who was thinking about how to reply pressed her lips together.

"You're probably too tired right now." Sunoo said about to get up.

reader pov.

You then held him by his hand before pulling him back.

"Hm? Not ready to be left alone?" He asked and as he finished this sentence a wave of craving enters your body. This weird feeling suddenly wants you to do things you don't want to. From tired and sleepy to , craving for blood..

Thinking about the blood Jay gave you , you slightly blushed. The taste that was better than any meal you had in this dimension..you wanted to taste it again.

Sunoo , who was laying besides you , looked at you. Since of his natural good smell, he had triggered your thirst for blood. Covering your face you wanted to avoid drinking his blood because he might be disgusted by the fact that you're a vampire.

"Hey Y/n?" He asked concerned. "Are you alrigh-" Before he could end his sentence you hovered above him staring right at his revealed neck.

Looking at the smooth skin that was holding his blood in his body , you lifted his chin with your hand. "let me show you something." You said and went closer to his neck. You then went ahead and drank his blood.

Sunoo pov.

Y/n was drinking my blood as I looked at her in shook. I felt tired the longer she drank my blood. She drank my blood but it didn't hurt at all..She was being gentle with it , not having any bad intentions.

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