- starting from tomorrow -

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Reader pov.

"I'm happy to see you care for me." he said.

"Of course , we're friends after all."You said. While pulling the last piece from his hand, you looked at it.

The small pieces didn't leave marks besides one on the back of his hand.

You suddenly felt the urge to get a taste of the flowing blood. Bringing his hands closer to your face. The sweet fragrance was tempting you.

"Is something the matter?" He asked and you came to your senses.

Distancing yourself from his hand you looked away. "Ah sorry. Let me wrap this up and leave." You said putting some bandages and you quickly leave the room.

As you rushed out of Sunoo's room you accidentally bumped into Jay.

"Woah woah. What's up y/n? why are you so fast? Did something happen?" Smelling a sweet fragrance coming from him , you covered your mouth and run into your room.

You realised that this sweet fragrance that was tempting you , was blood. You got into your bed and curled up probably looking like a piece of shrimp. Your heard a knock and the door opened. Turning to your door, you saw Coco.

"Food is ready. Do you want some?" She asked and you shook your head.

"I had something earlier." You said and she nodded closing your room again. Letting your eyelids fall heavy , you choose to sleep and forget everything for now.


Some time passed and you slowly woke up hearing footsteps.

It seems like you were woken up by the noise the door made when opening.

Opening your eyes slowly you felt that someone put a towel on your forehead. "Awake? How are you feeling?"

You got asked. Not answering the question, you try to see the person but your eyes were all blurry from sleeping for so long.

That still didn't stop you from figuring out who it was. It was Jay and you continue to lay on your back without opening your eyes.

"Is something up or why are you so stressed?" He asked and you try to find the words.

"I have been thinking about something.." You said.

"Oh? About what?" He asked and you took a deep breath.

"About how and why you know about it." You said sighing.

"Do you mean to ask why I know that you're a vampire.?" He asked and you nodded. "Maybe because I'm your blood bag." He said and you opened your eyes in shock and looked at him.

He was smiling warmly towards you and you calmed down at his response.

"Are you? I can't remember. Tell me what happened." You replied

"It's a really funny story to me. One day you asked 'do you hate vampires?' all of a sudden before drinking blood from my neck. I can't really remember what happened after that but I remember how you told me that I was your blood source from now on."

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