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Spencer's pov

September 4, 1992

It was my first day of high school and I was 11 going into the senior year, all by my self. My mom drove me to school. Probably for pictures.

"Mom, I think you have enough." I told her as she continues to take pictures of me.

"Hold on just one more." She replied. I rolled my eyes and turned to see a girl, she looked young to be here.

Maybe she's like you? Don't be stupid, your all alone. Know ones like you, but that's ok in it's own way. I thought to myself as my mom stoped and let me go inside.

As I'm walking, I enter my classroom while everyone turns towards me.

"Welcome Mr Reid, take a seat we're you want but it will be your permanent seat for the rest of the year." My teacher said. I nodded and looked around, there was one seat in the back that know one was around. I walked over and sat down, placing my bag onto the dirty floor.

As class was about to begin, someone frantically open the door, just before the bell rang for class to start.

"Mis Y/l/n glad you could join us, pick a seat." He said annoyed. There she was again, the young girl that looked my age.

Is she going to be like me? I asked myself. As she Scan the room, to find a seat, she locked eyes with me. It felt like years but was actually seconds of us staring at each other.

She smiled and walked towards me, sat right next to me and grinned. I smiled back and then looked towards the head of the class.

"Hi." I heard a small voice say next to me, I turned and said, "hello."

"I'm Y/n." She said, smiling sheepishly.

Y/n, what a nice name.

"I'm Spencer, Spencer Reid." I smiled and blushed a little. I've never talked to a girl for this long, let alone talk to me first.

"We'll Spencer Reid how old are you? I'm only 12 and you look about the same age." She asked. I grinned.

"I'm 11, but I'll turn 12 on October 28." I told her, she nodded and smiled.

"I'm gonna be 13 on December 24." She replied with a sigh.

She's born on Christmas Eve? She probably never gets birthday presents...

"That sucks, kinda, it's sort of rare to have a birthday on Christmas Eve." I comforted her, she blushed and chuckled a little.

"Well your birthdays kinda rare too, two days before Halloween? Better than Christmas." She told me, that made me blush and smiled back.

"Mr Reid and Mis Y/l/n would you like to pay attention for your first day?" Our teacher asked, everyone chuckled and then some teen call out and said "Nerds in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G." And everyone started to laugh.

I turned towards Y/n with her head in her books trying to ignore them, I felt bad, like I was the cause.

                          Time skip

Lunch time, probably is going to be the worst period of the school day.

As I'm walking in the cafeteria, everyone has friends already. I'm all alone.

Well maybe Y/n but she'll probably get beat up because of me. I should save her and not-

I was cut off by a tap on my shoulder, I turned to see Y/n her self.

"Hey Spencer." She said and gave a little wave at me, I waved back and she continued.

"I'm heading to the outside area to eat lunch, wanna come?" She asked, I was baffled. Why does she want me to come and eat lunch with her.

"I, um, I-." I was cut off again by a orange being thrown at my head. I yelped and heard lots of laughing behind me. I sigh and followed Y/n outside.

"I'm sorry that happened to you, you don't deserve it." Y/n said quietly to me, it made my heart flutter and i started to blush.

At the bench outside, there was know one around, only some trees and a park not too far from here, you could see it from here.

"I saw this place coming from my house. I sorta want to go to the park after school, wanna come?" She asked, I was lost at words.

Did she really want to hang out with me after school?

I nodded my head without even thinking, she smiled and started to eat her lunch and I started to eat mine.

                           Time skip

After school I saw Y/n walking out of her last class and spotted me. She smiled and waved while I returned them both.

"You still up for the park?" She asked, I nodded and we made our way out and to the park.

We walked for a bit before seeing the park, it was a regular park it had a structure a slide a Rockwall and some trees around it.

"Come on!" Y/n called as she dropped her backpack and ran to the structure. I giggled and followed her actions, just not running properly.

This moment couldn't get any better than this.


June 17, 2010

It was a regular day at the bau, only paperwork and no cases. Then I heard some chitchat behind me but thought nothing of it it was probably Emily and JJ talking.

And then I heard Morgan butt in and started talking to, I ignored it and continued my paperwork. It was only 1:07 and I was almost done with it.

I finally got annoyed enough and asked, " what are you talking about?" They looked at me and smiled.

"Garcia says we're getting a new team member and she's a lady." Morgan said doing a little shimmy when he said 'lady'. Of course he gets excited of a new team member, why wouldn't we? A new member of our family.

I smiled and went back to my work ignoring them talking about our new team member.

After a while, Hotch opened his door and our new agent was walking beside him. 

"everyone conference room now." He asked, well more demanded but whatever. As I got up I spilled my coffee over my desk, thankfully no papers got drenched.

"Morgan can you tell Hotch I'll be in in a minute, I just spilled my coffee." I asked him, he nodded and continue walking to the round table room.

I grab some paper towels and cleaned up my mess. As I finished I walked up to the round table room but I thought it was a little odd, I like a pit in my stomach.

Open the door and our new members backwards towards me, Hotch made eye contact with me and said, "Last but not least, our resonated genius of the team Dr. Reid."

She stiffened at my name which was odd but I assumed she could've heard my name before or something. She slowly turned around and I was met face-to-face with my child hood lover, Y/n.

"and Spencer this is Dr. Y/l/n." Hotch stated. I nodded while we were making eye contact with each other.

She waved.

"Spencer?" She said with zero emotion.

"Y/n?" I question, everyone looked at me like I was crazy. I didn't care really I just thought she wouldn't want to see me again.

"Yeah, hi Spencer." She said again a little more angry. And I expected nothing less because I know she holds grudges.

"Spence, how do you know her?" JJ asked me but I didn't take my eyes off at Y/n.

"I Knew her in high school." I told her, JJ immediately looked pissed, so did the rest of the team.

"I wasn't the ones who bullied him." She quickly stated seeing the rest of the teams emotions.

I got up and headed back to my desk.

Oh no

Kids In high school (Spencer Reid x FemReader) Where stories live. Discover now