Fifteen: The unexpected

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June 11, 2010

It was Saturday afternoon and I got a knock from my door.

I didn't think anyone would be knocking at my door, let alone on a Saturday but I open the door anyways.

Opening it, I saw Thomas. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I quickly remembered that I was in the way of coming inside so I moved.

He smiled and thanked me nicely as Thomas walked by my kitchen.

Dang all my guests like my kitchen...

I walked passed him and moved all the stuff on my counter in drawers or shoved in the back.

I wasn't having any people over so my apartment was a mess. Smiling, I came over to where he was sitting and turn to face him.

"Hey." I said, trying to be nonchalant about it. Thomas smile but stayed silent for a while.

"Hello." He finally said as he nervously looked around. I wonder why.

"So, what brings you here?" I asked as I waited. Thomas looked at me confused but then remembered why he was here.

"Oh, I just wanted to see you." He told me with a lot of excitement. I jumped a little bit, calmed down.

"Cool! We can hangout for a little bit of you want." I replied and he smiled. But it was a very unsettling one.

"Yeah, yeah, do you want to watch a movie?" He asked and got up. I happily nodded and we made our way towards the living room.

I turned on Disney+ and we decided on a Pixar movie. We watched UP and ate popcorn too.

We were sort of cuddling on the couch when I head a knock on my door. I looked over my shoulder and looked to see who it is.

Oh shit

I thought as Spencer stood there with a box of chocolates. Thomas was to occupy in the movie to notice that I was standing there a lot longer.

"Hey, I'll be back in a minute!" I called to him and opened the door. Spencer looked up and smiled as I slipped threw to stand outside.

"H-hi." He stuttered and looked down nervously. I smiled too, how could I not?

"Spencer, what are you doing here?" I asked and narrowed my eyes. I was still on edge about him, I guess my brain still thinks I can't trust him.

"I wanted to, I guess say thanks. I know yesterday probably a little bit uncomfortable." He rambled and showed me the chocolates.

"Thanks Spence, I have Company over right now so I can't talk for long." I told him with a sad smile.

Juts then, I heard foot steps and I panicked. Rushing to get Spencer to leave AND not having Thomas see him was gonna be hard.

"Uh, bye!" I said and walked inside, shutting and locking the door. I heard Spencer's sad sigh and him walking away.

I felt bad, I did. But I don't want Spencer to know that Thomas was here and for Thomas to know what happened yesterday.

Was it cheating? I don't know. I'm not dating Thomas, but I'm seeing him so maybe...

Looking up, Thomas was standing there. He smiled softly but it quickly turned into a confused one when he saw the chocolates.


"Who was at the door?" He asked and crossed his arms. I sighed. There was know point in hiding it.

"Agh, Spencer. He's my coworker and yesterday when you canceled he was here for some reason. We went to the park and I guess he wanted to do it again." I told him.

Yes, it was a lie but- wait a minute

Wasn't he out of town? How's Thomas here right now?

Thomas chuckled to himself and walked back towards the living room to finish the movie.

"Wait, Thomas?" I called out to him. He peaked over the corner and smiled. I was quiet for a minute, trying to make up excuses in my head.

"I thought you were out of town, that's why you cancelled?" I asked. Thomas's face fell and he walked closer to me.

"I thought i told you, I was only gonna be gone for like a day." He reassured me. I didn't believe it.

"No, you said a couple of days." I replied. This time his face turned into anger and fright.

Why's he scared? 

"Just, forget it! It doesn't matter! He yelled at me. I was scared now. Thomas walked closer to the point where he was inches away from my face.

"Thomas, why'd you lie?" I asked quietly. His face softened but there was a hint of disappointment.

"Oh, Y/n. I knew you were smart." He muttered before he smashed a blunt object on my head.

Last thing I heard was my body hitting the floor.

Spencer's pov:

I was walking to my apartment building from Y/n's.

She looked scared and upset. Panicked maybe? I wanted to talk to her. I shouldn't have kissed her yesterday. She looked uncomfortable and nervous, I just made everything worse.

Damn ignorance

I was about a block away from my apartment when I heard a screech of tires. A car was racing down the road. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

Eventually the car passed and I got a look on who's driving it. He had blonde hair and Brown eyes. It was a little late so it was hard to see.

I eventually got home and went up to my apartment floor. Walking in, I placed all my stuff on the counter and headed to bed.

I changed and hopped into bed after doing my night routine. I had a bad feeling though. Like where you know something's missing or wrong but you don't know what.

Closing my eyes, I tried and failed to sleep.

An: sorry it took me a while to update! I'm getting board at writing this but I'll finish it! They'll probably be like 7-8 chapters left and sorry for a short chapter!

Kids In high school (Spencer Reid x FemReader) Where stories live. Discover now