Twenty: is this death?

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Warnings: THIS CHAPTER IS DARK! Talking about suicide and death! You've been warned.

The darkness consumed me

But I could feel everything around me. Sounds, voices. All my senses were working except site.

I tried to move, but something wasn't letting me. An unknown force I guess. I couldn't feel my breathing at all, like I was suffocating but alive.

Not long after, my eyes finally opened. It was bright. Like when you take a school photo and the flash comes on and you're blind for a second.

But eventually my eyes adjusted and I saw a familiar place.

Is this my backyard?

I walked up to the old tree that was there and the old fence that we should have fixed. I smiled at the memories.

Wait, was this a message? Or a memory? Or death?

The last thought gave me shivers at the possibility. I looked some more and recognized an old toy.

"Cow!" I yelled. I jogged over to my childhood stuffed animal, a cow. 

"Wait, didn't mom sell you in a yard sale?" I asked it. Obviously it didn't respond as it was an inanimate object. I looked around to see more things from my past, but it was weird. All the things there I had left or lost.

And I realized this was a memory.

I looked up to the sun and realized it was around mid day so the memory would start soon.

Just then, I saw twelve year old me and eleven year old Spencer run out of the house. Giggling and running to the cardboard box that was a play house for us.

They laughed and smiled as little me walked over to to the spot where Cow was and picked him up. I was in shock when I realized that my life was flashing before my eyes.

Was I dead?

I ran over to the house back door and opened it, only to be met with a hospital room in stead of my old house.

What the

But my thought was cut off when I saw my mother laying in the bed, alone. She was dying. I remember this memory to many times. I would be walking in soon.

I heard a throat clear and I looked over to see me, standing there nervously.


"Hey mum" I greeted her. My mom smiled and I sat next to her on her right side.

"How ya holding up?" I asked quietly. My mom shrugged as she lost the motivation to talk a while ago.

Get out now

"That's good. Gram and nana are doing good. There sorry they can't come." I told mom. Mom nodded and reached out for my hand. I took it sadly and held it gently.

"By the way, I'm getting another job for nights to pay for better treatment! I'll-" but myself was being cut off my my mom.

"Honey." She croaked. My eyes widened and I smiled.

Don't say anything

"Oh mom you can talk!" I cheered. Mom gave me a Solom look before speaking again.

"You can not put your life on hold...f-for me." Mom stuttered. I looked hurt and I got angry.

Stop and enjoy your time

"Mom, we can help you. You're gonna be fine we'll just-" I was cut off again.

"You need to stop." Mom said. I rolled my eyes.

Kids In high school (Spencer Reid x FemReader) Where stories live. Discover now