Ten: Some company

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August 13, 2010

Sitting in my living room, I was reading war and peace as I heard a knock on my door.

I quickly marked my page and walked over. Looking in the peep hole, the tall man at my job with brown hair was waiting.

I sighed at him. Ever since our incident, he's been trying to talk to me a lot more. I told him it was nervousness but he didn't believe me. So after that I avoided him at all costs.

But I don't know how he found my address

"Y/n..." I heard him whine out side. I shook my head and thought about my pros and cons.

Pros: he might leave me alone if I talk. Cons: he'll keep talking.

Fuck it

I slowly opened the door to see him. He had his usual attire on. Sweater vest and nice pants with a crazy tie. He smiled softly at me. My heart melted at it.

I walked out of the way a little bit so he could walk in. He looked around my place, probably confused on the low amount of books.

I only had about 40 books in my apartment completely. I love to read but I'm not a collector. All my favorite books I have though.

Growing up, Spencer never got rid of his books. So his room was head to toe with books. I didn't want to have my apartment like that so I swore to not collect them.

He walked towards my kitchen and sat on a chair next to my island. I headed for the refrigerator and grabbed a tea container of leftover tea.

"Want some?" I asked, gesturing to the cold tea. He shook his head and fiddled with his fingers nervously.

"Ok, so why'd you come over?" I asked again. After a couple seconds, he looked up at me.

"I wanted to talk." He said. I was getting frustrated with his short, non helpful answers.

"About?" I replied a little harshly.

"I wanted to ask about, um our friendship." He stuttered. I laughed at this. He can't be serious.

"Spencer, I don't know why you keep trying but-" he cut me off.

"No. I don't know why you think I'm the same as I was. I was 12. Stupid I no, my decision, and I am sorry. I don't know why you can't just except that!" He snapped. I froze up.

This mother fucker

"So if one of the girls that tied you to a pole, striped you naked asked you to forgive them you would?" I asked but his anger only grew.

"That's different." He replied.

"How? How's that different. I trusted you and-and you freaking broke it!" I yelled at him. My voice cracked a little and tears came to my eyes.

I haven't talked to someone about this in a long time. Spencer took a second to collect his words and sighed while avoiding eye contact.

"I-I was wrong to have done what I did, I really want to forget about it. I will wait though." He told me quietly, almost a whisper.

"What?" I asked. He looked up at me with a sad smile.

"I know it takes time to forgive. I know you're stubborn so I will wait for you. Until you want to be my friend or-or whatever the next step is. I'm going to be here if you like it or not." He said. I was still upset from his words before but I nodded.

Maybe I can forgive him, but I won't forget

I heard him get up and walk a little bit towards me. My eyes were on the ground, starring at the floor until his convers were in my sight.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jerked my head up to see him crying lightly. My heart aced from it as his other hand moved to my other shoulder.

"I'm sorry." He told me firmly and quietly, like he was scared to talk.

A single tear slipped from my eye as Spencer's hand wiped it away. My smile was sad but I meant it. I was sad. I was sad that all my locked away memories were back and I had to face them.

But I was happy that my old friend was back.

Spencer cupped my cheek as I had a little monologue in my head. He brought his other hand to cup both cheeks. A couple more tears fell and he wiped them away again.

He never said a word, nor did I. But it was time for him to leave and I need to shower and sleep.

He lend forwards, gave a small kiss to my cheek before he let go and walked towards the door.

My cheek burned and my neck turned red. I heard the door shut and I quickly walked towards my bedroom, slightly screaming into my pillow.


My legs kicked my bed as I was laying on it face down. My heart was racing and my palms were still sweaty.

I got up and took a quick shower. Got ready for bed and tried my best to fall asleep. But couldn't.

My thoughts consisted of Spencer

All the good memories, the bad ones. New ones and cute ones. But most of them were nice, peaceful.

I drifted off to that as some light noises were happening next door.

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