Fourteen: Date day?

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June 10, 2010

I wear a bright orange flowery dress that shaded into a dark red and black heels. I decided to do my make up a little. Well, more than usual I guess.

I was almost out the door when I got a call. I whined but picked it up, hopefully it was a false alarm.

"Hey." I said into the phone. A long silence was there before I heard his voice.

"Hey, y/n." It was Thomas. I was surprised to hear him, did something happen?

"Oh, hi I'm on my why out now so-" I started but was cut off.

"No, look, I'm sorry. I have to cancel. Something came up and I need to head out of town for a while." Thomas explained, but I stopped him.

"It's ok. I understand. Do you want to reschedule or not it's up to you." I replied quickly as I heard him chuckle on the other end.

"Yeah, totally! We can talk more later though I need to run. See you later Y/n!" He told me before hanging up.

I let out a sigh and took off my shoes. I knew I shouldn't have gotten my up high, but it's fine.

Walking towards the kitchen to have a snack, i heard another sound. It was someone knocking on my door.

I walked over and opened it to see..

"Spencer?" I asked as I looked at him. He stood there in his normal attire, a button up and a sweater vest with pants. I don't know how he wears sweater vests in this heat though.

"H-Hey Y/n. I was wondering if you are free right now?" He asked nervously. I smiled lightly as I nodded.

"Well todays your lucky day, Thomas had to cancel. Emergency." I told him with a sad expression. He gave me a look of sympathy and slight happiness, but it was gone in seconds.

"Oh, that sucks. But do you still want to, hangout? Like go to the park?" He asked excitingly. I thought for a second before deciding why not.

"Sure. But let me put on my shoes." I told him. His smile was big and he nodded happily.

I walked over to my living room and slipped on sandals. Heading back, I couldn't help but blushed a little. He wanted to hangout with me.

I locked my door as Spencer and I walked down the stairs. I didn't like the elevators to much at my complex, they break down too many time.

Spencer and I had walked side by side down the sidewalk. It was busy for a late Saturday night but it is was it is.

We pasted by shops opening and closings. But I turned for one second and Spencer was gone. I looked around but couldn't find him anywhere.

Then I felt a tap on my shoulder

Turning to look at him and I smiled. He was holding yellow lilies with orange roses. He was blushing like crazy and looking away.

Spencer was silent asking for me to take them. I happily wrapped my hand around it and held it. Finally he looked up and smiled softly, I smiled back and we started to walk down the road again.

After a while, we we're about to pass the park. I start to get excited and speed up my walking pattern.

I haven't been at a park in years and I was excited. I wanted to swing on the swings and slide down the slide.

I gave Spencer my flowers and ran over to the swings, helping myself on. I heard him chuckle and set down the flowers.

Before long, Spencer was right next to me, swinging. It brought back to many memories. But not bad ones.

I remember I used to push Spencer on the swings. He loved when we played on the merry go round and the seesaw.

I spotted a seesaw over by a tree not far away. I quickly got off and ran over to, having the most fun I've had in a long time.

Spencer following me, watched me sit down on it and started to spin me around. I giggled at the childness and I started to get dizzy.

"Stop!" I laughed out loud but I did want to stop. Spencer laughed one more time before helping me stop.

I tried my best to get up and walk towards the tree, slumping down on it. Spencer sat next to me and we sat in a comfortable silence.

I took a big intake and looked towards my right where Spencer was. He was already looking at me with a soft smile. I smiled back and blushed a little, but he saw it.

I quickly looked away but his hand cot my jaw. I stiffened a little bit but relax into his hand after a second. Spencer scooted a little closer as he tried to catch my eyes.

Eventually I couldn't resist and I looked up at him. His Face visibly relaxed and he tilted his head.

"I-I wanna ask you something." He mumbled and got even more closer.

"Yeah?" I asked quietly and gave him puppy dog eyes.


But what are we gonna lose this time?

"Was this a date to you?" He rushed out as his confidence faltered. A blush risen over me. I wanted to say no, but it really felt like a date.

I slowly nodded my head yes as I stiffened a little bit more. A small smile came to his face as he brushed his thumb over my cheek.

"I-I want this to be a date." He whispered while stuttering and brought his other hand to my face, now sitting on his lap which pulled me a little closer.

"I would l-like to-to kiss you, too." Spencer said quietly and quickly. I froze. I don't know if I could. But I wanted to. I so very much wanted to.

What's gonna hurt me if I kiss him?


and if he is? I have a strong feeling his friends will turn on him.


So? If he hurts us again we can run.

BUT- ok fine, just once.

I smiled brightly and nodded my head, signaling him to continue. He looked shocked I didn't run or say no or anything but agree.

Spencer caressed my face a little bit more before pulling me closer, brushing our lips together. He moved his left hand up towards the scalp of my head, raking his nails through my hair.

I claimed on his lap a little bit before slumping my arms around his neck. His other hand went to my waste and gripped it.

His lips parted a little so my tongue could explore his mouth. I happily slipped it in and made my hand entangled in his shorter hair.

He moaned slightly and huffed too. This was all new to me, Spencer and I did not do this kind of stuff when we were younger.

I mean, yeah we kissed but didn't make out. It was like cute pecks on the lips for when we left town for a week.

I was brought back to reality when I was suffocating. I was the one to Break apart first, but a feeling of wanting came over me so I quickly pecked his cheek one more time.

Spencer was a mess. His face was all flustered out and his lips were swollen and pink. His hair was fuzzy and fluffier. Spencer's eyes were daisy and full of unrecognizable emotion.

"Hey." I muttered as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Hey." He whispered back as his head rested on mine.

"I-I gotta go now. We both do its getting late." I told him as I helped myself up then Spencer. He obliged and we headed home, eventually parting our separate ways.

Holy shit I thought to myself in the mirror.

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