Twelve: All over again

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April 28, 2010

It's been about a week since I've met Thomas. He's nice and we've met up ones at our mailboxes.

Overall, I'd say we'd became somewhat more that strangers but not close to friends. I know who he is but not personally.

The girls of the Bau could not keep a secret for the life of them. So everyone knew about Thomas within a day.

Even Spencer

Speaking of him, I haven't talked to him about the apartment incident yet. I should do that.

I was sitting at my desk as I was deep in thought. After a second, I needed coffee and got up, walking over and started the machine.

About a minute later, I was almost ready to leave before I felt a hand on my arm. They were pulling me towards the kitchen. Quickly

I panicked a little until I saw there eyes. Sweet brown ones held with emotions that I couldn't read. It was odd.

Spencer pulled me towards the back before locking the door. Now, I'm not a person who can get scared easily, but right now I would hurt Spencer if he did anything to me. But I'm like, 100% sure he could so I'm not going to.

"Spencer!" I yelled as he cornered me. He smiled lightly and held up his hands like he was tell me he wasn't going to hurt me.

"Ok, ok, ok. I just wanted to talk to you. You've been avoiding me. Sorta." He said. I rolled my eyes. I wasn't trying to avoid him but it just... happened.

"I wasn't! It happened I didn't mean too! Plus, you didn't try to talk to me." I replied. This time he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Well-I-ok fine. I didn't cause I get nervous to talk to you so." He told me while blushing and avoided eye contact. I giggled at that. He was so cute I couldn't.

He looked back up with a small smile. I stupidly got lost in his eyes. I know it sounds cliché but it was sort of true. He always had pretty eyes.

"Spencer, sorry I guess I didn't realize I was avoiding you. Plus I was...focused on something else." I replied, but mumbled the last sentence.

I was to focused on Thomas

He was really cute and hot. I didn't know someone could be both. Spencer eyed me suspiciously, like he knew my secrets.

Oh wait

"O-ok. I should go you probably want to call your boyfriend or what ever." He spat with venom. I was taking a back. He was being very mean right now, like something was my fault.

"Boyfriend? I don't have one." I replied harshly. He rolled is eyes. His sudden burst of anger fading.

After that he left the room, leaving me stunned.

Why was he so mean?! Like, we talked about it and he wanted to become friends? Bitch. I thought Angerly as I stomped towards the bullpen.

Spencer's pov

Ah shoot

After I learned Y/n's love interest I was unreasonably upset. I had know right to who she talks to or what she does.

But I want to

I do badly wanted to. She made her way into my heart again. Or she never left. I don't know

I wish I wasn't so stupid when I was younger. We could have lived 'happily ever after together' but nope. People like me always screw it up.

But Thomas didn't have to be here right now.

My heart told me to tell her how I felt when we talked in her apartment but my mind said no, friends first.

I don't know if I will ever tell her now though. Thomas. He's messing things up!

Derek told me on the case when she first met him. Apparently she was telling the girls about it and it got loose, boom everyone knows.

That day I was quieter than normal. Thankfully know one noticed or cared so I was in the clear.

The night we got home I had a couple drink at the bar.

Yes, it was stupid. I know. I came home with know memories accept a bruised knuckle. Guess I got into a fight? Probably not. I probably hit my wall.

After that I did a little research about Thomas. We'll tried my best. He seems off though. I don't like him.

Well I didn't before but more now.

Ugh, why'd I'd have to like her again?

An: I'm sorry my dad took my phone 🤪

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