Seven: The real reason

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June 20, 2010

I was sitting at my desk, per usual, working on paper work. Then the sweetest person in the world stopped by my desk.

"Hey Y/n!" She cheered. I looked up and smiled at her.

"Hey." I replied. Penelope took a seat on my desk side and clutched her coffee in her hands.

"So, the lady's of the Bau are gonna have a girls brunch. You coming?" She asked with a smile.

"So, JJ, Emily and you are gonna be there?" I replied. She nodded.

"Sure, why not. I'd like to get to know you guys." I told her. She squealed.

"Ok, ok, we're all heading to a cute diner downtown. I'll text you the place and we'll head there at lunchtime." She said as she got up and walked to her bat cave.

I smiled to myself as I was making friends at my work place. I thought it would be all old, sexist men here that won't take me seriously on cases. I'm so glad I was wrong.

I felt eyes on me. Turning around, Spencer's gaze was on me. He made eye contact with me and quickly turned away, blushing.

Rolling my eyes, I went back to my paperwork and finishing it up. It was around 11:10 so the girls would be heading out.

I got my bag and keys to my car. Penelope walked out of her office and smiled when she saw me.

"I'm so happy you are coming, there's a lot to talk about." She told me and grabbed my hand.

"I'm happy too." I told her as she and the rest of the girls walked to the parking lot.

Memory flash back (last one)

May, 4, 1992

I was reading a book about fungi and mushrooms when I heard a knock on my door.

My Mother wasn't home and my grandmas where on a date. So I was confused and scared on who was at my door.

Opening it, it was Spencer. He seemed nervous. Like he didn't want to be here. But I smiled anyways.

"Hey Spencer." I said with a happy tone so he would loosen up a bit. It didn't work.

"Y/n, I g-gotta talk to you." He muttered. I nodded and moved out of the way so he could walk in.

He thanked me quietly as we headed for my room. It was mid day on Sunday and I could guess that he was nervous for tomorrow. There was only two weeks left so it wasn't that big of a deal, we'll never see them again.

"I-I wanted to talk about Friday-" he stated but I cut him off.

"Spencer if it's about what happened I didn't see anything." I told him with a chuckle. He blushed but shook his head.

"No, no. It's about before. How I got there." He replied. I nodded.

"And?" I asked.

"And I'm sorry." He sighed. I was confused.

"You know that wasn't your fault, right?" I reminded him. He shook his head.

"No, you don't understand." He told me. I frown.

"Then tell me so I can." I said.

"Y/n, she asked me." He muttered. I looked at him confused.

"Asked you what?" I asked. He looked at me in the eyes for the first time today. His face was held with sadness and scare.

"She asked me if I liked her. And if I would leave you for her." He said. I was hurt but I still didn't understand.

"Oh, so she asked you and what did you do?" I asked. I really didn't want to know the answer.

"I-I am sorry Y/n" he started. I felt tears to my eyes.

But I could tell that wasn't it

"And I did things I regret." He stuttered. I shook my head and took in a deep breath.

"She asked me to t-tell her your secrets. I'm so sorry I thought-" he told me but I cut him off.

"Get out." I replied. He looked hurt.

"I said, get out!" I yelled at him. He nodded his head and walked towards the door. I didn't let the tears fall until the door was closed.

So he told the most popular girl at school secrets about me, then 'leaves" me to hangout with her and it bites him in the ass. Well shit

I thought as I cried in my bed. It sounds childish to cry over shit like that but the next two weeks of school was like the devils ass.

Papers and sticky notes of my secrets posted all over the school. Some weren't that bad, some were personal. That only Spencer knew.

And were was he you ask, he was watching from the sidelines. He wasn't the main target anymore and shoved the light onto me.

But the worst part was that it costed me a scholarship

I wanted to go to Hardvard University, I had a full payed for scholarship and my classes were already picked out. But all the rumors turned into other horrible rumors like that I cheated on test and stuff.

They took it away so quickly

But I was lucky that I got into Princeton University and I had to pay a lot of money that my grandmas gave me.

I will always hate Spencer Reid for that

Memory flash back end

I blinked from my thoughts as I pretended to listen on Emily's story on her cat. I smiled as she made eye contact with me.

The diner was pretty good. I got a turkey and cheese wrap and tea. The lunch only lasted thirty minutes and we had to get back to the office before Hotch got pissed.

I was sitting next to pen when she turned to me and smiled.

"So, Y/n, we all know you're smart, way didn't you join the Bau at a younger age?" She asked as everyone turned towards me. I sighed.

"My mom wasn't doing good, I needed to take care of her and so I couldn't leave the state." I told them. I gave me pitiful looks and nodded.

"Your mom ok?" Emily asked. I gave her a sad smile.

"Ah, she passed away. But it was awhile ago so please don't pity me." I told them.

Yes, my mom died. My grandmas were there so it was fine. I didn't move out till I was ready and that was about six months ago. My mom died a year ago.

"Well, at least your good now." Pen replied after a while. I smiled at her. There was an awkward silence after that.

Not long though, JJ told us we needed to go so we left. In my car was only the radio. Quiet jazz music on.

Kids In high school (Spencer Reid x FemReader) Where stories live. Discover now