Five: Cases

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June 13, 2010

I was at my desk when I heard a very happy squeal. I looked up to see Mrs Penelope Garcia smiling. I smiled back to not be rude as I wrote down stuff for a police report.

"We have a case!" She told me. I grinned, because this would be my first case. I grabbed the stuff that I needed and walked with her to the conference room.

I took a seat as she walked to the view board and projected some images of the case.

Ever since I was young, blood and gore never bothered me. My grandma thought I was weird when she found out I would poke roadkill with sticks on my days off from school.

I totally understand her now

But, it lead me to this job. And Spencer. God, he's much more hotter than the 12 year old version that hadn't hit puberty. of him. I really hope I don't develop feelings again.

It'll probably end badly.

I sat down, patiently waiting for the rest of the team. Emily sat next to me as they all filled in.

"Alrighty crane fighters! Today we're going to New York City!..." Penelope rambling as she talked about the case.

I kept my eyes on the picture and read the information in my head. It said that the unsub was killing homeless black men from the streets. Probably racially motivated.

"Ok, wheels up in 30." Hotch said. I was very confused, but Emily just nodded to the door as the team got up and walked out.

I followed her as she grabbed her go bag and waited for me. I nodded in appreciation as I grabbed my stuff from under my desk.

We got to the jet and wow, it was nice.

"Holy moly." I said shocked as I looked around. I heard Emily chuckled from in front of me.

"Yeah, apparently Rossi bought this for the Bau." She told me. I nodded and sat down next to her.

I pulled out my book I've been reading lately and opened it up to where I left off. As I did that, Derek and Hotch sat across from us.

After a good ten minutes of reading, Morgan coughed. I looked up confused as Emily put her hand on my shoulder.

"Ignore him." She said. Derek scoffed.

"I didn't say anything." He replied and rolled his eyes, coming back to me.

"So, any embarrassing stories bout Reid?" He asked. I huffed.

"That's not my place to tell." I told him.

"Come on! Not one?" He asked pleadingly. I shook my head no.

"Pretty girl you got secrets. I can tell." He said while smiling. I smiled back with a blush on my face and went back to reading.

"Can you read fast like Reid?" Derek asked after a couple minutes.

I scoffed "faster." and went back to my book. I can read about 22,000 words per minute. Spencer and I used to disagreed with me when we were younger.

I heard a huff from behind me, it was Spencer. I rolled my eyes as I was almost finished with my book.

"So you got more PHDs than pretty boy?" Morgan asked. I looked up with a grin.

"Well, I don't know how many PHDs Spencer has. But I have a PHDs in psychology, criminology and I'm working on getting one in linguistics. I also have BAs in sociology and Foreign languages." I told them. Derek smirked and I could feel the smile on Spencers face.

"Damn. So you wanted to be here." He said. I shrugged.

"I took an interest in learning how people work and why they do the things they do. I guess I thought I could put that to use in saving people." I told him.

Emily smiled at me as I went back to my book. About five minutes later, I finished the book. I had extra books just in case but I thought, why not read it again.

So that's what I did.

15 minutes later I was done again, I decided to pulled out a book I haven't read in a while and read that too.

I looked up to see Morgan looking at me. I gave him a confused look as I marked my page.

"What?" I asked. He chuckled but looked down at his music box.

"No wonder you and Reid got along well." He muttered to himself. I rolled my eyes with a scoff but went back to reading.

Time skip

We landed shortly after I finished the book I was reading. We were in New York City and being escorted to the police station.

"Detective Peralta, these are special agents Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, Jennifer Jareau, David Rossi, Doctor Spencer Reid and Doctor Y/n Y/l/n." Hotch said while introducing everyone.

"Greetings Agents, we'll get you guys all ready to go if you'd like to follow me." Peralta told us while walking towards the conference room.

We walked down the hall and took a left and walked in the room. I put my jacket on the end of a chair as the team set up.

"Alright, call if you need anything" Peralta said after a minute and left.

"Ok, I want Prentiss and Y/l/n to head down to the scene to see if you two can find anything. Reid will stay here and work on the geographic profile and JJ will cover the media. Rossi and Morgan will head over to the forensic lad to check out the fingerprints. I'll go talk to the chief." Hotch announced as we all ran around.

As I was walking to the door, I caught Spencer's eyes on me. I glared at him. He had know right to look at me. Not anymore.

I was happy that I didn't have to work with Spencer. I didn't know how I'll take the awkwardness.

Emily and I walked to the car and got in. I hopped into the passenger seat but I do like to drive, it makes me feel alive.

It was pretty silent until Emily broke it.

"Can I ask a little bit more about your past with Spencer?" She asked abruptly. I was caught off guard and sucked in a breath.

"What do you wanna know?" I replied. She seemed like a trustworthy person.

"What was it like, dating him?" She said. I sighed.

"I don't know, I didn't think it was all that serious. You know how childhood crushes go. I guess it was just, childish." I told her.

It was not childish. Not to me at least. But I was 13, I didn't know better and having a boyfriend at the time was everything. He was probably the best thing that had ever happened to me.

Not to him though.

"Oh, to me it looked like it was more to Reid." Emily replied. I chuckled.

"Yeah right" I said sarcastically. She just rolled her eyes.

After a couple minutes, we arrived and I got out quickly. I didn't want to be in the car with her in an awkward place.

An: hey i hope you get the Peralta reference

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