Eighteen: hopelessness

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A loud bang woke me up

I had know idea where I was, but I had only one feeling in me.


It was dark, and my crate was swaying so I could only have guessed I was in a boat.

That hunted me. I didn't know what I was gonna do. Who was going to have me? Will I ever see my friends again? Will I escape? I don't know.

The loud noise happened again as the door opened a crack. A shadow figure stepped in and at looked at me, I think to know I was still here. They only peeked in for a second before leaving me in the dark.

Third persons pov:

The Bau team was in chaos.

They just missed the cargo ship leaving with Y/n, they where only ten minutes away when they left.

The case was out of the teams District so they could only hope that the officers or anyone would help her in Europe.

Everyone lost hope, except for there tech person, Penelope.

She'd illegally been looking at coordinates of where she could be. All she found out was the possible location.

Penelope Garcia sent the coast guard an email about what was happening in the upcoming days and warned them. Along with the Navy. Somehow

She'd hoped it'd be enough, but hoping can only got so far.

Time skip

Back to Y/n's pov:

I don't know how'd long it's been sense I was forced on board. Having only been in darkness, it can have that affect on you.

I was backed into the corner of the crate, crying. It was babyish but I had nothing left, I was going to be kill or worse.

Thomas was on board. He'd come say hello and talk for some reason. I think something's wrong with him in the head, mentally and physically.

He's also told me that one of his big employers would love to have some time with me. After I'd come home with him for god knows how long.

Thomas took a liking to me. Too much. He said he loves me and all at bull shit. I believe he just wants me to get my hopes up, just to kill me later. And it would hurt a lot more mentally.

Sighing, I curled up again, in my corner, alone.

Time skip

I heard loud banging and screaming as I stirred awake.

The crate wasn't moving so I assumed I was on the ground. The shouting didn't stop for a while.

I wonder if they found me?

I thought as I stood on shaky legs, walking towards the door.

Some light was coming out of it from the cracks. It was nice to see something other than nothing but the door was still locked.

I heard people running past and more yelling as I banged on the door, hoping for someone to hear.

"HEY! HELP! I'M RIGHT HERE! PLEASE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Then I realized I was in Europe. I don't know who can speak English and Im not the best at my Latin. But I'll try.

"AIUTO! MI AIUTI PER FAVORE! SONO QUI!" I said yet no response. I banged on the doors louder until someone opened it.

Yes! I thought.

Until I saw their face.

They had a bandit mask type thing covering their face. He was bald, with lots of tattoos and a gun in his hand. I really didn't want to assume, but he looked bad.

"stai zitto! (shut up)" he yelled and pointed the gun right at my chest. I threw my hands up and closed my eyes.

"Ora, non fare rumore. ti taglierò ogni volta che parli, è chiaro? (Now, dont make a sound. i will cut you everytime you speek, is that clear?)" He asked. I nodded.

As he pulled out a knife and shoved it on my back, not touching me but threatening me. We walked down the rows of crates and the Air smelled like salt water.

Since the man that was threatening me was speaking Italian, I could only assume we were in Italy. Maybe the along the Adriatic Sea? I don't know how bad the city could be or if it's bad at all.

"Dove siamo? (Where are we?)" I asked quietly. He cut a little bit of my back and I painfully remembered the only rule he gave me.

"ho detto non un suono! (I said not a sound!)" he whisper yelled at me as we walked fast away from the sound.

We speed walked to an abandon looking house. There were lots of people. They all looked bad. I tried my best to see if there were any signs of where I was besides being in Italy.

My best guess was Rome, but that seemed to obvious. Maybe Sardegnia? I didn't know Italy that much but I aways wanted to go.

I heard an American voiced man that was trying his best to speak Italian. Thomas I thought as the bald, tattoo man pushed me forwards.

Thomas looked over and spotted me. He grinned wildly and made his way over. The man that was taking me somewhere stopped and turned towards him.

"Capo, la ragazza è stata rintracciata dalla polizia americana. cosa dovremmo fare? (Boss, the girl is being traced by the American cops. what should we do?)" the man asked Thomas.

I didn't understand all of the conversation but I could understand polizia.

"Me ne occuperò io, la porterò e la porteremo dove deve essere. (I'll handle it, ill take her and we'll get her to where she needs to be.)" Thomas told him and the man finally left me alone with Thomas.

He smiled and hugged me tightly, I shivered and kept my hands to my side.

"Well, there's know need to hug me THAT tightly." He said sarcastically. Eventually he let go and kissed my forehead. Nasty.

"There's been a change of plans, sweetheart, so we're gonna head out earlier than we thought." Thomas told me and roughly handcuffed my hands behind my back, then pushing me to another group of men.

"Portala a Pesaro e portala su quel treno. (take her to Pesaro and get her on that train.)" Thomas demanded the men as they roughly brought me to a car.

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