Twenty-two: Six months later..

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February 10, 2011

I smiled brightly as I walked hand in hand with my boyfriend, Spencer Reid.

I was wearing his black coat that was a couple sizes to big on me, along with a nice sweater and leggings.

It was our day off and we wanted to spend it together. Walking in the park, we passed an old park structure. I smirked and looked over to Spencer, who had the same idea as me.

I raced over to the structure and climbed to the slide area. I laughed as Spencer rushed over, almost slipping.

He sat next to me and hugged me, kissing my cold cheek. I giggled as this brought back childhood memories.

The snow on my bum was uncomfortable but all I wanted to do was cuddle with my boyfriend.

Over the last few months, Spencer and I gotten closer than ever. Eventually, I asked him out for a coffee date. Which of course he said yes. Then after that Spencer asked me out for dinner and a couple more dates after that we became a couple.

At the time Spencer was basically living at my apartment because of how scared I was of being alone.

I was petrified of Thomas.

About three months ago he got transferred to an American prison and wanted to talk to me. Which I did.

It was bad. He taunted me and shamed me. I was dumb for going, I know that.

But, over time I've sorta overcome that fear. I'm proud of myself for that little accomplishment.

So, Spencer and I have been living together for awhile now and we've been dating each other too for almost five months and I love him.

I've never stopped loving him to be honest I just forgot about the feeling I guess. So as I sit out in the cold, cuddled up with my boyfriend I remember the good old days.

Spencer shifted behind me and we got up, our butts cold and we were ready to head home.

The walk was only two miles and we stopped at a cute book store. Walking in, I witnessed the cutest store I've ever seen.

It had cute fairy lights and plants everywhere. They were fake ones of course, plants wouldn't survive this time of year. But the dark atmosphere was lovely.

Spencer and I walked to the back and saw older books, from our generation. I picked out my favorite series and walked back to the front of the store.

Spencer didn't pick out anything considering he probably has it. He smiled at me, pulling out his wallet to pay for the books.

"No, no, no! I wanna pay for it!" I jokingly yelled at him, setting my books down and grabbing my bag for my money.

"To late." He said with a smirk and payed quickly. I huffed and slowly put my things away to carry my books.

"Yeah know, I wanted to pay for MY things." I said, making it clear that I wanted to pay for it. Spencer rolled his eyes as we walked.

"Yeah I know, but I love you too much to not be a gentleman." He replied sweetly, almost giving me an Eskimo kiss. I giggled at this and we pushed the doors open to my apartment building.

Yup. Life's been great.

The end <3

Kids In high school (Spencer Reid x FemReader) Where stories live. Discover now